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Fragile X Syndrome


Cause of Fragile X abnormal x chromosome w/ pinched-off portion at bottom of 'q' arm (gene FMR1, or the fragile X)
The FMR1 gene of fragile X contains repetitive gene sequence of tri-nucleotide, CGG. Repeated 6-50 times in most non-affected people--> normal dev. Repeated 50-200 times in fragile X carriers-->premutations with no symptoms. Repeated 200+-->full mutation, symptoms expressed
Transmission of fragile X carrier females can pass FMR1 mutation to offspring of either sex-->can expand to full mutation (in males all show symptoms, but only 1/2 females show symptoms with full mutation); carrier males can only pass FMR1 mutation to daughters, does not expand
Physical features of fragile X long, narrow face; prominent ears; machro-orchidism; loose connective tissue (hyperextended fingers, flat feet, soft skin); chronic ear infec. as a C; 20% C seizures
Prevalence of fragile X 1 in 4000 males, 1 in 8000 females, 1 in 259 females may be carriers, occurs in all racial and ethnic groups
Cognitive function of fragile X Dependent on gender and genetic status. Psychiatric vulnerabilities include: emotional lability; perseverative and tangential speech; and strained, unusual, or odd thinking
Strengths of fragile X verbal skills, repertoire of acquired knowledge, expressive and receptive vocab, verbal long-term memory, adaptive living skills/self-help
Weaknesses of fragile X short-term memory incl. auditory-verbal and visual-perceptual; sustaining attention, effort; sequential processing; visual-spatial and organizational tasks; shifting problem solving strategies; integrating information
Linguistic function of fragile X: Speech uneven, unpredictable rates of speech, whole and part word repetition, sound substitutions and omissions, cluttering
Linguistic function of fragile X: Content delays in receptive and expressive vocabularies
Linguistic function of fragile X: Form delays in syntactic development
Linguistic function of fragile X: Pragmatics tangential, overuse highly routinized phrases and jargon, tend to perseverate word, phrase, or topic
Linguistic function of fragile X: Additional Some females exhibit selective mutism, some males mumble and self-talk
Maladaptive behavioral symptoms of fragile X (name a few) Gaze avoidance, attention deficits, hyperactivity, shyness, oscial isolation, social anxiety, perseveration, hyper-arousal, stereotyped behaviors, tactile defensiveness, self injury, oddities in thinking, tangential thinking, unrealistic self-view
Intervention strategies Emphasize simultaneous processing and verbal long-term memory tasks; draw on acquired vocab; hands-on tasks; reduce auditory and visual distractions; predictable routine; relaxation techniques
Relationship to autism autism is a behavioral condition that can be a symptom of FXS. 15-33% of people with FXS have autism as well. FXS is one cause of autism.
Created by: 100000299709410
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