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Nichole's Vocab

RT Classes

infarction the development and formation of a localized area of tissue necrosis
polycythemia increase in blood cells
anaphylaxis a severe reaction or hypersensitivity to a foreign substance as a result of previous exposure to the antigen(foreign substance)
ischemia deficiency of blood flow to a specific body part due to interference of circulation
prophylactic preventative and protective
flowmeter a device operated by a needle valve that controls and measure gas flow
airway resistance a measure of the impedance to ventilation cause by the movement of gas through the airways. Abbreviated as RAW
cor pulmonale right ventricle hypertrophy caused by lung disease
compliance volume change per unit pressure change
empyema an accumulation of pus in the body cavity as a result of bacterial infection
patent wide open; unobstructed (refers to the lumen of a vessel or tube
alveolar ventilation that portion of the air movement in and out of the lungs that exchanges gas molecules with pulmonary blood
alveolar capillary membrane - tissues separating alveolar gases from pulmonary blood
shock a condition in which perfusion to vital organs is inadequate to meed metabolic needs
myocardial pertaining to the myocardium or heart muscle
artery carries blood away from the heart
vein carries blood back to the heart
constriction narrowing of a vessel, including the lumen
lumen the space or channel within a blood vessel or tube
dialation enlargement of blood vessel including its lumen
vasoconstriction the narrowing of a blood vessel, a decrease in the diameter of a blood vessel
vasodialtion increase int he size and caliber of a blood vessel
spasm a sudden involuntary muscle contraction
pulse heartbeat; a wave of increased pressure that flows along the arteries with each ventricular contraction
cardiac pertaining to the heart
capillary microscopic blood vessel that connects the arterioles with the neulies
cardiomegaly enlarge heart
trachycardia rapid heart rate of more that 100 beats per minute
bradycardia abnormally slow heartbeat, usually defined as less that 50 beats per minute
fibrillation twitching, quivering or randomized contractions of the heart, results in no blood flow, life threatening
cardiac arrest a sudden cessation or stopping of the heart
defibrillator mechanical device for applying electric shock to the heart. used to stop or reverse fibrillation
angina pectoris a syndrome characterized by short attacks of chest pain due to increased blood flow to the heart muscle
arteriosclerosis thickening, hardening, and loss of elasticity of the arterial walls
aneurysm a localized ballooning or out pouching of a vessel wall, usually an artery, due to weakening of the wall by disease, injury or birth defect
somnolence drowsiness; sleepiness
anxiety a state of apprehension or worry over a justifiable cause
lethargy a condition of sluggish indifference or stupor (displaying a lack of response)
geriatrices medical specialty that treats diseases and problems of the aged
oxygenated saturated with oxygen
unoxygenated not oxygenated
inhalation the act of breathing in
exhalation the act of breathing out
insiration the act of breathing in
expiration the act of breathing out
respiration the exchange of gas molecule across the permeable membranes
respiratory pertaining to the respiration or breathing
epiglottis a thin leaf-shaped cartilaginous structure located posterior to the roof of the tongue that closes off the entrance to the larynx during swallowing
glottis space between the vocal cords
trachea windpipe or air passage to the lungs
bronchus (bronchi) one of the two large branches or main divisions of the trachea going to each lung
alveolus (alveoli) microscopic air sac or cell of the lung. place where gas exchange occurs in the lung.
tachypnea rapid, shallow breathing
bradypnea abnormal slowness of breathing
orthopnea difficult breathing except in an upright position (sitting or standing up)
apnea cessation of breathing
hypercapnia too much CO2 in the blood usually caused by hypoventilation or lung disease
hypocapnia a low blood level of carbon dioxide often caused by hyperventalation
hypoxemia insufficient oxygenation of the blood
hypoxia a low oxygen level or lack of oxygen in the tissues
sputum spit; expectorated matter, including saliva from the respiratory tract
tenacious adhering, viscid, holding fast
mucopurulent containing mucous and pus; full of mucous and pus
copious large in quantity; abundant
bronchoscopy internal visualization or examination of the tracheobronchial tree using a bronchoscope
pneumonitis inflammation of a lung or both lungs
hemothorax blood in the pleural cavity
pneumothorax air int he pleural cavity, resulting in collapse of the lung on the affected area
atelectasis collapse or incomplete expansion of an alveoli
aspiration the act of inhaling a foreign substance into the lungs
asphyxia suffocation; apparent cessation of life due to interruption of the breathing process
tracheotomy surgical incision into the trachea
tracheostomy formation of an opening into the trachea to create an airway
gastrointestinanl pertaining to the stomach and intestines
arrhythmia any disturbance in the rhythm of the heartbeat
blood gases primarily the measurement of dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide pressures in the blood. the blood gases are reported as pH, PCO2, PO2, HCO3
bronchoconstriction narrowing of the bronchial lumen; usually refers to smooth muscle constriction; may be due to swelling of the mucosa
bronchodilation widening of the bronchial lumen; refers to relaxation of the smooth muscle
bronchospasm a continuous and severe degree of bronchoconstriction
carbon dioxide produce of normal aerobic metabolism
cardiac output volume of blood ejected by the heart in one minute
dyspnea the subjective complaint of difficult breathing
FIO2 fraction of inspired oxygen; the percentage of oxygen in inspired air
hyperkalemia above normal potassium (normal 3.5-5.0)
hypokalemia below normal potassium (normal 3.5-5.0)
hypothermia body temperature below normal
hyperthermia body temperature above normal
minute volume the air exchange in one minute (tidal volumes times respirator rate)
oxygen content total oxygen in blood
pathophysiology abnormal changes of physiology induced by disease
perfusion blood flow through the body
plasm liquid part of the blood
respiratory failure the inability of the lungs to meet the metabolic demands of the body; inadequate gas exchange
tidal volume the volume of air moved into or out of the lungs in a single breath
venous return the return of the blood to the right ventricle; affected by intrathoracic pressure
ventilation movement of the air into and out of the lungs
vital capacity a maximum expiration following a maximum inspiration
aerosol a suspension of solid or liquid particles in a gas
nosocomial pertaining to or originating in a hospital as a nosocomial infection
asystole absence of a heartbeat
cardiogenic originated in or caused by the heart
CVA abbreviation for cerebrovascular accident(stoke)
dead space inspired gas volume that does not participate in gas exchange
endotriacheal within the trachea
extuabate withdrawing a tube from the orifice or cavity of the body
hyperventialtion ventilation in excess of that necessary to meet metabolic needs
hypoventilation ventilation less than that necessary to meet metabolic needs
hypovolemia an abnormally low blood volume
I/O abbreviation for intake and output, recording a patients fluid intake and output
laryngospasm an involuntary contraction of the laryngeal muscles resulting in complete or partial closure of the glottis
subcutaneous beneath the skin
sinusitis an inflammation of one or more paranasal sinuses
side affect any effect produced by a drug other than its desired effect
rhinitis inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose
angiogram an x-ray film of a blood vessel taken after injection of a contrast medium that outlines the vessels
arteriogram an x-ray film of a an artery after it has been injected with a contrast medium
electrocardiogram a graphic record of the electrical activity of the heart (ECG or EKG)
bronchogram an x-ray film of the lungs and bronchi after introduction of radiopaque oil into the respiratory passages
capnography the process of obtaining a tracing of the proportion of carbon dioxide in expired air
pathogenic disease producing
pathogen a microorganism or agent capable of producing disease
aseptic free of pathogens
disinfectant an agent that destroys pathogens. pertaining to an agent that destroys bacteria
sterilization the complete elimination or destruction of all microbial life; barren, without life
symptom any subjective change from the normal experienced by the patient that is indicative of a disease or disorder
sign any observable evidence or manifestation of a disease or disordered function of the body
peripheral pertaining to or situated at or near the surface or the outside of the body of a stucture
periphery the outer portion or surface; the external surface
antibiotic an agent or drug produced synthetically or by an organism that destroys or inhibits the growth of certain other microorganisms
jaundice a yellowish staining of the skin due to the presence of excess bilirubin in the blood
metabolism the sum of all chemical activities occuring within a cell
metabolic pertaining to metabolism
bactericidal destructive to bacteria
hyperthrophy an enlargement of an organ or tissue resulting from an increase in size of its individual cells
phagocyte a cell having the ability to engulf and digest foreign particles or cells such as bacteria, that are harmful to the body
phagocytosis ability of the cell to engulf large particles of material including bacteria
semipermeable a semipermeable membrane allows some molecules in a solution to pass through but not others. It permits passage of molecules only up to a certain size
biopsy removal of a small piece of tissue for microscopic cellular examination
purulent consisting of pus; full of pus.
diffusion the movement of molecules of gases, solids, or liquids through a semipermablemembrane from an area of high concentration to one of lower concentration
posteranterior From back to front (abbreviated PA)
anteroposterior From front to back (abbreviated AP)
bilateral pertaining to or affecting both sides
cancer a malignant tumor or neoplasm; an abnormal cell growth that is uncontrollable and tends to spread to new sites
unilateral pertaining to or affecting one side only
external situated on the outside
lateral pertaining to or situated at the side; away from the midline
internal within the body or structure: inner interior
cavity space with the body containing various organs
mortality death rate; the frequency or the numbers of deaths in proportion to a population
medial pertaining to or situated toward the midline
inferior situated below or lower down
system a group of organs working together to perform complex body functions
lipid any fat or fat-like substance that is insoluble in water
sepsis infection; the presence of invading pathogenic microorganisms in the blood or tissues
organ a structure made up of several groups of tissues and performing a specific function
anaerobic having the ability to live without air or oxygen
aerobic living only in the presence of air or oxygen
embolus a blood clot or air bubble that is circulating through the blood stream
hemoglobin protein found in red blood cells. Its function is the transport oxygen from the lungs to the tissue
thrombus a fixed or stationary blood clot in a vessel that is attached to the vessel wall
cyanosis an abnormal bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes, noted in the lips and nail beds due to oxygen deficiency
erythocyte red blood cell (RBC)
prognosis prediction of the course and probable outcome of disease
anesthesia the total or partial loss of sensation which can be due to drugs (anastectics) or to a nerve dysfunction
diagnosis the process of identifying the nature or presence of a disease through knowledge and examination
extracellular outside a cell or cells
thorax the chest
hypotension low blood pressure
hematocrit cellular part of the blood
mucous a sticky fluid secreted by glands of the mucous membrane. It is a protective lubricant coating.
postoperative after surgery
benign mild, harmless; not malignant
hemorrhage profuse internal or external bleeding from blood vessels
hypertension high blood pressure
preoperative before surgery
maglignant tending to become progressively worse; to spread
inoperable unsuitable for surgery for one or more medical reasons
superior situated above
tumor a neoplasm; a new abnormal growth of tissue in which cell multiplication is progressive and uncontrolled
chronic long and drawn out; a long duration
necrosis the pathological death of cells or tissues
diaphragm muscle separating the abdomen from the thoracic cavity; the chief muscle of respiration
tonsillectomy excision (removal of) of the tonsils in the throat
intracellular within a cell or cells
cervical pertaining to the neck
acute sharp and severe; having a rapid onset and a short course
distal farthest from the point of attachment
proximal nearest or closest the point of attachment
infection a state in which the body or some part of it is invaded by pathogenic microorganisms
leukocyte white blood cell
inflammation a localized tissue or cellular reaction resulting from injury, irritation or infection
posterior situated behind or toward the back
pulmonary pertaining to the lungs
cell smallest structure unit of life
anterior before or in front of
abdomen the belly or front portion of the torso between the chest and the hips
anemia deficiency of red blood cells
edema a swelling of tissue due to an abnormal accumulation of tissue fluid
febrile pertaining to or characterized by fever
epigastric pertaining to the epigastrium or the area overlying the pit of the stomach
etiology the study of the cause of disease; the cause of disease
vertebra any one of the bones of the spinal column
operable suitable for being operating upon or treated surgically
membrane a thin, soft, pliable layer of tissue that lines cavities and envelops and seperates organs
vital signs signs of life - respiration, pulse, temperature, and blood pressure
tissue a mass of like cells having a similar combined function
laparotomy surgical opening of the abdomen
excision surgical removal of, the act of cutting out
sensitivity test a laboratory method of determining the sensitivity or resistance of the culture organisms to drugs
autopsy examination of a dead body to determine the cause of death
afebrile without fever; free from fever
thoracocethesis surgical puncture of the chest wall to remove fluids and air from the pleural cavity
abdominal cavity the space inferior to the diaphragm; houses the stomach, small intestine, most of the large intestine, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, adrenal glands and ureters
thoracic cavity the internal space above the diaphragm within the walls of the thorax; houses the lungs, heart and large blood vessels
epistaxis nosebleed
Created by: nnilles
Popular Respiratory Therapy sets




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