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Medical Terminology
Abbreviation | Answer |
ac | before meals |
ASIS | anterior superior iliac spine |
AC joint | acromioclavicular joint |
ADL | activities of daily living |
AIIS | anterior inferior iliac spine |
AMA | against medical advice |
- a | before |
ant. | anterior |
AROM | active range of motion |
ASA | aspirin |
bid | bis in die, twice a day |
bilat | bilateral |
BP | blood pressure |
BPM | beats per minute |
c/o | complains of |
cm | centimeter |
CPR | cardiopulmonary resuscitation |
CSF | cerebrospinal fluid |
CWI | crutch walking instructions |
DIP | distal interphalangeal joint |
DJD | degenerative joint disease |
DO | Doctor of Osteopathy |
DOB | date of birth |
DTR | deep tendon reflex |
Dx | diagnosis |
dc DC d/c | discontinue |
ECG or EKG | echocardiogram |
ER | emergency room |
eval | evaluate/tion |
ext. | extension |
flex. | flexion |
F/U | follow up |
FUO | fever of unknown origin |
FWB | full weight bearing |
fx or FX | fracture |
GI | Gastrointestinal |
GYN | gynecological |
HNP | herniated nucleus propulsis |
HR | heart rate |
Hx | history |
IM | intramuscular |
inf | inferior |
int | interior |
IV | intravenous |
kg | kilograms |
L (circled) | left |
L5 | lumbar, cervical, thoracic levels |
lat | lateral |
LBP | lower back pain |
LOC | loss of consciousness |
LE | lower extremity |
UE | upper extremity |
max | maximum |
mmHg | millimeters mercury |
MMT | manual muscle test |
MD | Medical Doctor |
mg | milligrams |
MI | myocardial infection |
ml mL | milliliter (same as cc) |
mm | millimeter |
MCP | metacarpal phalangeal joint |
n. | nerve |
N/A | not applicable |
neg | negative |
NPO | nothing by mouth |
OD | (oculus dexter) right eye |
OS | (oculus sinister) left eye |
OR | operating room |
ORIF | open reduction internal fixation |
pc | after meals |
PNF | proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation |
- p | after |
PRE | progressive resistance exercise |
PIP | proximal interphalangeal joint |
PSIS | posterior superior inferior superior |
Pt or pt | patient |
PT | physical therapy |
PROM | passive range of motion |
prn PRN | as needed |
qd | everyday |
qh q2h | every hour, every 2 hours |
qid | four times daily |
rehab | rehabilitation |
reps | repetitions |
R/O | rule out |
ROM | range of motion |
Rx | prescriptions |
R (circled) | right |
S/S | signs and symptoms |
Sx | symptoms |
SI | sacroiliac joint |
SLR | straight leg raise |
S/P | status post |
strep | streptococcus (strep throat) |
tid | 3x's a day |
TKE | terminal knee extension |
TMJ | temporomandibular joint |
Tx | treatment |
US | ultrasound |
UTI | urinary tract infection |
v.o. | verbal order |
vs: | vital signs |
w | (athletic training) with |
w/o | (athletic training) without |
WNL | within normal limits |
W/cm^2 | watts per cm squared |
MRSA | methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus |
yo | years old |
# | indicates number |
2^0 (degree) | secondary to |
MOI | mechanism of injury |
NSAIDS | Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs |
LMP | last menstrual period |