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Anatomy & Physiology I (PPC) Chapter 1

anatomy study of body structure
dissection to cut
physiology study of function of living organisms
pathology study of disease
disease illness; abnormal stte in which part of all of the body does not function properly
cell basic unit of life
tissue group oif similar cells that perform a specialized function
organ body part containing two or more tissues functioning together for specific purposes
system group of organs functioning together for the same general purposes
metabolism all the physical and chemical processes by which an organism is maintained
catabolism metabolic breakdown of substance into simpler substances; includes the digestion of food and the oxidation of nutrient molecules for energy
anabolism metabolic building of simple compound into more complex substances
adenosine triphosphate ATP energy obtained from breakdown of nutrients
homeostasis state of balance within the body; maintenance of body conditions within set limits
extraceullular fluid fluid outside the cell
intracellular fluid fluid between cells
negative feedback self regulating system in which the result of an action reverses that action; a method for keeping body condition within a nroam range and maintaining homeostasis
anatomic position all descriptions assume the body is in this potion the subject is standing upright with face front, arms at sides, palms forward, and feet parralel
superior above
inferior below
anterior same as ventral in humans front
ventral same as anterior in humans front
posterior same as dorsal in humans back
dorsal same as posterior in humans back
medial nearer to an imaginary plane that passes through the midline of the body, dividing it into left and right
lateral opposite of medial further from the midline, toward the side
proximal nearer to the origini of a structure
distal farther from a point
frontal plane from ears forward
sagittal plane right and left portions
midsagittal plane cut exactly down the middle of the body serpating it into equal right and left halves
transverse plane divides body into superior and inferior
mediastinum space between the lungs
prefix a word part that comes before the root and modifies the meaning
root a basic part; an attached or embedded part
suffix a word part that follows a root and modifies its meaning
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