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Stack #122003

bronchoscopy endoscope
crackles soft, high pitched, popping sounds during inspiration
diffusion gas from high concentration to areas of low
dyspnea labored breathing, SOAB
hemoptysis blood from resp tract
hypoxemia decrease in arterial oxygen tension in blood
hypoxia decrease in oxygen supply to tissues and cells
orthopnea upright position ot breathe
physiologic dead space no gas exchange
pulmonary perfusion blood flow thru pulmonary vasculature
respiration gas exchange - between air and blood and between blood and cells
ventilation movement of air in and out of airways
wheezes continuous musical sounds assoc. w/ airway narrowing or partial obstruction
aphonia can't speak due to disease or larynx injury
epistaxis nosebleed
pharyngitis inflammation of throat
laryngitis inflammation of voice box
xerostomia dry mouth
acute lung injury hypoxemic, respiratory failure, ARDS
acute respiratory distress syndrome interstitial infiltrates, alveolar hemorrhage, atelectasis, decreased compliance, refractory hypoxemia
atelectasis collapse of alveoli from hypoventilation, obstruction to airways, compression
central cyanosis blue skin from hemoglobin carrying low oxygen
consolidation solid lung tissue from collapse of alvoli or pneumonia
cor pulmonale heart of the lungs, enlargment of the right ventricle from hypertrophy or dilation
empyema purulent material in pleural space
hemoptysis cough up blood from lower resp tract
hemothorax collapse of lung from blood in pleural space
induration hard lesion or reaction eg tb test
nosocomial from hospitalization
open lung biopsy during thoracotomy incision
fine needle aspiration under fluroscopy or chest CT guidance to get cells of a mass or tumor
orthopnea SOB when in supine position
pleural effusion fluid in pleural space
pleural friction rub grating or creaking from rubbing of inflamed parietal and visceral pleurae
pleural space area between parietal and visceral pleurae
pneumothorax collapse of lung from positive pressure in pleural space
pulmonary edema increase in amount of fluid in lung
pulmonary embolism obstruction of pulmonary vasculature by embolus from blood clot, air bubble, fat droplets
purulent pus
restrictuve lung disease desease that causes a decrease in lung volumes
tension pneumothorax increaseing positive pressure in pleural space w/ each breath; emergency; must decompress or release positive pressure immeidately
thoracentesis needle in pleural space to remove fluid and decrease pressure on lung tissue; diagnosis to id pleural effusion causes
transbronchial thru the bronchial wall
ventilation-perfusion ratio ration between ventilation and perfusion in the lung; matching of ventilation to perfusion optimizes gas exchange
air trapping incomplete emptying of alveoli during expiration from loss of lung tissue elasticity (emkphysema), bronchospasm (asthma), airway obstruction
asthma reversible airflow obstruction, not a COPD
bronchiectasis chronc dilation of bronchi, potential for infection; not a COPD
bronchitis cough, sputum for at least 3 mths in 2 yrs. Is COPD
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease not fully reversible airflow limitation
emphysema destruction of walls of overdistended alveoli Is COPD
metered dose inhaler aerosolized meds
polycythemia increase in RBC concentration in blood; in COPD, body tries to improve O carrying capacity by producing RBC's
spirometery measures FEV1, FVC, FEF before or after bronchodilator administration
airway pressure release ventilation mechanical vent allows spontaneous breaths
assist control ventilation mechanical vent for spontaneous breathing or absence thereof
chest drainage system chest tube, closed drainage reexpands lungs and removes air, fluid, blood
chest percussion manually cupping over the chest wall to mobilize secretions in lungs
chest physiotherapy CPT removes bronchial secretions, improves ventilation, , increases efficiency of respiratory muscles eg postural drainage, percussion, vibration
continuous positive airway pressure CPAP positive pressure applied throughout respiratory cycle to a spontaneously breathing patient to promote alveolar and airway stability; admin w/ endotracheal or tracheostomy tube or mask
controlled ventilation mech vent completely controls vent for paralyzed or anesthetized pt
endotracheal intubation thru nose or mouth into trachea
fraction of inspired oxygen FiO2 concentration of oxygen delivered 1.0= 100%
hypoxemia decrease in arterial oxygen tension in blood
hypoxia decrease in oxygen to tissues and cells
intermittent mandatory ventilation IMV mech vent both mech assisted and spontaneous breaths
mech vent positive or negative pressure breathing device that supports ventilation and oxygenation
pneumothorax collapse of lung from positive pressure in pleural space
positive end expiratory pressure PEEP positive pressure maintained by vent at end of exhalation (instead of normal zero pressure) to increase functional residual capacity and open collapsed alveoli; improves oxygenation w/ lower FiO2
postural drainage positioning patient to allow drainage from all lobes of lungs and airways
pressure support ventilation PSV mech vent positive pressure is delivered w/ spontaneous breaths to decrease work of breathing
proportional assist ventilation PAV mech vent partial vent support in proportion to patient to decrease work of breathing
respiratory weaning withdrawal from vent, breathing tube, oxygen
synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation SIMV mech vent ventilated breaths are synchronized w/ spntaneous breathing
thoracotomy surgical opening into chest cavity
tracheotomy surgical opening into the trachea
tracheostomy tube indwelling tube inserted directly into the trachea to assist w/ ventilation
vibration massage, quickly tap chest w/ fingertips or mechanical device to mobilize lung secretions
Created by: bryantd9
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