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Pateint Assesment
Stack #122214
Question | Answer |
Eupnea | Normal breathing |
Apnea | Not breathing |
Platypnea | Can breath better when laying down. |
Orthopnea | Can breath better when sitting up. |
Cheyne Stokes | 1-Gradual increase of breathing followed by a 2-gradual decrease in breathing followed by apnea. |
Kussmal breathing | 3-Deep rapid respiration 4-characteristic of diabetic 5-or other types of acidosis. |
Biot's breathing | Irregular breathing followed by apnea seen in patients with ICP. |
Tachypnea | Rapid breathing. |
Hyperpnea | Deeper and more rapid than normal breathing at rest. |
Bradypnea | Slow respiratory frequency. |
Paroxymal Nocturnal Dyspnea | Dyspnea during the night. |
Exertional Dyspnea | Dyspnea that occurs only durring exertion. |
Kyphoscoliosis | Kyphosis (hunch back) plus Scoliosis (lateral curvature) |
Kyphosis | Abnormal AP curvature causing a hunch back. |
Scoliosis | Lateral curvature |
Barrel Chest | A chest with increased anteroposterior diameter, seen in patients with emphysema. |
Pectus Excavatum | Funnel chest (concaved) |
Pectus Carinatum | Pigeon breast (protruding) |
Jugular Venous Pressure | Reflects the volume of blood and pressure to the right side of the heart. Right heart failure can increase it. |
Right heart failure | Corepulmonade |
Paradoxical Pulse | A reverse of normal pulse, durring inspiration pulse is weaker and stronger durring exhalation. Seen in Cardiac Tamponade. |
Blood pressure higher than 140/90 | Hypertension |
Causes of Hypertension | Increased ICP, Corpulmonale, hypervolemia, hypoxemia, and sympathomimetics. |
Blood pressure lower than 90/60 | Hypotension |
Causes of Hypotension | Hypovolemia, left ventricular failure, peripheral vasodilation/sepsis, beta blockers, positive pressure ventilation, and PEEP/CPAP. |
past medical HX | Childhood diseases and development, hospitalizations, surgeries, injuries, accidents, major illnesses, alergies, and medications. |
Hemoptysis | Blood in sputum or blood from the lungs. |
Hematemesis | Vomiting blood or blood from the gastrointestinal tract. |
Hyperthermia | Temp increase cuasing increase of O2 consumption and CO2 production. Also causes increase in ventilation and circulation. |
Fever | Temp increase caused by disease. |
Pleuritic chest pain | Located laterally or posteriorly worsens if patient takes a deep breath. Sharp stabbing type pain. |
Nonpleuritic | Located in the center of the anterior of chest and may radiate to the shoulder or back. Not affected by breathing, dull ache. |
Vital signs | HR 60 to 100, BP 90 to 140/60 to 90, Temp 98.6, RR 12 to 18. |