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Pateint Assesment

Stack #122214

Eupnea Normal breathing
Apnea Not breathing
Platypnea Can breath better when laying down.
Orthopnea Can breath better when sitting up.
Cheyne Stokes 1-Gradual increase of breathing followed by a 2-gradual decrease in breathing followed by apnea.
Kussmal breathing 3-Deep rapid respiration 4-characteristic of diabetic 5-or other types of acidosis.
Biot's breathing Irregular breathing followed by apnea seen in patients with ICP.
Tachypnea Rapid breathing.
Hyperpnea Deeper and more rapid than normal breathing at rest.
Bradypnea Slow respiratory frequency.
Paroxymal Nocturnal Dyspnea Dyspnea during the night.
Exertional Dyspnea Dyspnea that occurs only durring exertion.
Kyphoscoliosis Kyphosis (hunch back) plus Scoliosis (lateral curvature)
Kyphosis Abnormal AP curvature causing a hunch back.
Scoliosis Lateral curvature
Barrel Chest A chest with increased anteroposterior diameter, seen in patients with emphysema.
Pectus Excavatum Funnel chest (concaved)
Pectus Carinatum Pigeon breast (protruding)
Jugular Venous Pressure Reflects the volume of blood and pressure to the right side of the heart. Right heart failure can increase it.
Right heart failure Corepulmonade
Paradoxical Pulse A reverse of normal pulse, durring inspiration pulse is weaker and stronger durring exhalation. Seen in Cardiac Tamponade.
Blood pressure higher than 140/90 Hypertension
Causes of Hypertension Increased ICP, Corpulmonale, hypervolemia, hypoxemia, and sympathomimetics.
Blood pressure lower than 90/60 Hypotension
Causes of Hypotension Hypovolemia, left ventricular failure, peripheral vasodilation/sepsis, beta blockers, positive pressure ventilation, and PEEP/CPAP.
past medical HX Childhood diseases and development, hospitalizations, surgeries, injuries, accidents, major illnesses, alergies, and medications.
Hemoptysis Blood in sputum or blood from the lungs.
Hematemesis Vomiting blood or blood from the gastrointestinal tract.
Hyperthermia Temp increase cuasing increase of O2 consumption and CO2 production. Also causes increase in ventilation and circulation.
Fever Temp increase caused by disease.
Pleuritic chest pain Located laterally or posteriorly worsens if patient takes a deep breath. Sharp stabbing type pain.
Nonpleuritic Located in the center of the anterior of chest and may radiate to the shoulder or back. Not affected by breathing, dull ache.
Vital signs HR 60 to 100, BP 90 to 140/60 to 90, Temp 98.6, RR 12 to 18.
Created by: pima respiratory
Popular Respiratory Therapy sets




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