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med terms

HEENT head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat
IP inpatient
L liter, left, lumber
MD medical doctor
mEq milliequivalent
mg milligram (1/1,000 gram)
mmol/L millimole per liter
OP out patient
PERRLA pupils equal round, and reactive to light and accommodation
q each,evey
qd every day
qid four times a day
RBC, rbc red blood cell(s) red blood count
R/O rule out
S sacral
T thoracic, temperature, time
tid three times a day
UA urinalysis
WBC, wbc white blood cel(s) white blood count
y/o years old
MS musculoskeletal multiple sclerosis mental status morphine sulfate
TIA transient ischemic attack
GU genitourinary
EOMI extraocular motin intact
DO doctor of osteopathy
tens Abbrevation for transcutaneous eletrical nerve stimulation
BP blood pressure
BUN blood urea nitrogen
CBC complete blood count
cc cubic centimeter
CC chief complaint craniocaudad (view, radiology)
cm centimeter
CO2 carbon dioxide
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CPK creatine phospho kinase
CV cadivascular
ER emergency room, estrogen receptor
GI gastroin tentinal
h hour
H+P history and physical examination
Bx,bx biopsy
BCC basal cellcarcinoma
derm dermatolosy
EAHF eczema, asthma, and hay fever eczema, allergy, hay fever
EKG,ECG electrocardigram
FS frozen section
IM intramuscular infectious mononucleosis
I&D incision and drainage
IV intravesenous
mg milligram (1/1,000 gram)
mm millimeter
oint,ung ointment
postop post operrative
qh evey hour (may also contain any number to indicate the numder of hours of medication or therapy)
decub decubitus (uleer) bed sore
DLE discorid lupus erythematosus
ID intradermal
IMP impression; synonymous with diasnois(dx)
JVD jugular venous distention
po by mouth (peros)
PSS progressive systemie scleroderma
SC sc subcu sub8 subcutaneous
SLE systemic lupus erthematosus
SMLAS supericial musculaponeurotie system (flap) (plastic surgery)
XP, XDP xeroderma pigmentosum
Pathy disease
append appendix
scope instrument to view or examine
tonsill tonsil
itis inflammation
col colon
ectomy removal
mast breast
pre before
nat birth
al pertaning to
post after
arthr joint
gastr stomach
nephr kidney
oste bone
enter intestine
centesis surgical puncture
ia condition
endo in, within
dys bad,painful,difficult
sacr sacrum
ous pertaing to, relating to
lymph lymph
adeno gland
bi two
later side, to one side
hyper excessive, above nomal
thyro thyroid gland
tachy rapid
metr uterus, measure
cardi heart
spleno spleen
ary pertaining to, relating to
ose pertaining to, relating to
erythem red
ped r foot
ped p child
dermato skin
rhino nose
radio radiation,x-ray,radius (lower arm bone on thumbside)
algia pain
or mouth
pharynx pharynx (throat)
immuno imune,immunity
neuro nerve
obstetro midwife
gyneco woman, female
ophthalmo eye
oto ear
laryngo larynx (vioce box)
procto anus, rectum
psych mind
pulmono lung
ser serum
ist specialist
an without ,not
estheso felling
cardio heart
hemato blood
rheumato discharge
crino secrete
iatric pertaining to medicine or to a physician or healer
logy study of
ortho straight
onco tumor
uro urine, urinary tract
geronto meaning old age
extra outside
orpor body
periton peritoneum
glomerulo glomerulus
cyst bladder
trigon trigone
ur urine, urinary tract
ket ketone bodies
an without, not
gen producing
orchio testes
spermat sperm
para near, beside, beyond
noct night
tension tension
phimo muzzle
opsy view
nephr kidney
epididym epididymis
urether urether
albumin albumin
ketono ketone bodies
poly many, much
vesico bladder
balan glans penis
orchid testes
spermo sperm
cision cutting
olig scanty
in in not
spadias a rent
ism condition
sono sound
catherer something inserted
per through
ren kidney
vagin vagina
cele hernia, swelling
azot nitrogenous
emia blood
supra excessive, above
gonado gonads, sex glands
test testes
vas vas deferens, vessel, duct
eal pertaining to
dips thirst
continence to hold back
im not
varico dilated vein
ization process
pyelo renal pelvis
meato opening, meatus
urethr urethta
kali potassium
urin urine, urinary tract
andr male
orch testes
prostat prostate gland
circum around
aden gland
py pus
crypt hidden
bi life
potence power
ultra excess, beyond
AGN acute glomerular nephritis
ARF acute renal failure
BNO bladder neck obstruction
BPH benign prostatic hyperplasia
BUN blood urea nitrogen
CAPD continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
cath catheter, catheterization
CRF chronic renal failure
cysto cystoscopy
DRE digital rectal examination
ED erectile dysfunction, emergency department
ESRD end stage renal disease
ESWL extracorporeal shock-wave lithotsipsy
EU excretory urogram; same as IVP
GU genitourinary
GFR glomerular filtration rate
HD hemodialysis
IVP intravenous pyelogram; same as EU
IVU intravenous urography
K potassium
KUB kindeys, ureters, bladder
Na sodium
PKU phenylketonuria
pH symbol for degree of acidity or alkalinity
prn as needed, as required
PSA prostate-specific antigen
RP retrograde pyelgram
sp. gr. specific gravity
STD sexually transmitted disease
TURP transurethral resection of prostate
UA urinalysis
US ultrasound
UTI uinary tract infection
VCUG voiding cystourethrogram;voiding cystourography
VDRL venereal disease research laboratories
oro mouth
bucco cheek
odont teeth
pharyng pharynx
duoden duodenum
rrhaphy suture
col colon
dynia pain
iasis abnormal condition
dys painful, difficult, bad
emesis vomiting
polyp small growth
steat fat
nas nose
stomat mouth
cheil lip
gingiv gum(s)
orth straight
enter intestine (usually small)
append appendix
sigmoid sigmoid colon
hepat liver
cholecyst gallbladder
peri around
ist specialist
cirrh yellow
fluor lumionous fluorescence
glosso tongue
labi lip
sialo saliva, salivary gland
gastr stomach
jejun jejunum
appendic appenix
recto rectoum
cholani bile vessel
choledoch bile duct
orexia appetite
prandial meal
chlor green
opsy view of
lingu tongue
dent teeth
esophag esophagus
pyloro pylorus, pyloric sphincter
ile ileum
colon colon
proct anus, rectum
chole bile, gall
pancreat pancreas
pepsia digestion
plakia plaque
hydr water
para to bear
BM bowel movement
Dx diagnosis
GB gallbladder
GER gastroesophagel reflux
GERD gastroesophagel reflux disease
GI gastrointestinal
HAV hepatitis A virus
HBV hepatitis B virus
HCV hepatitis C virus
HDV hepatitis D virus
HEV hepatitis E virus
IBS irritable bowel syndrome
NG nasogastric
PE physical examination, pulmonar embolism
PMH past medical history
ABC aspiration biopsy cytology
ALT Alanine Aminotransferase (new name for SGPT) liver function test
AST angiotensin sensitivity test (new name for SGOT) aspartate aminotransferase
alk phos alkaline phosphatase
Ba barium
BaE, BE Barium enema
BAO basal acid output
BUN blood urea nitrogen
cm centimeter
CT computed tomography
CT scan computed tomography scan
CAT scan x-ray images in a cross-sectional view
EGD esophagogastroduodenoscopy
ERCP endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
ESWL extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy
FBS fasting blood sugar
GBS gallbladder series
GGT gamma glutamyltransferase
IVC intravenous cholangiography
LFT liver function test (s)
MAO maximal acid output
OCG oral cholecystography
PO postoperative, period on onset
PUD peptic ulcer disease
UGI upper gastrointestinal tract
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
US ultrasound
ac before meals (ante cibum)
bid twice a day
hs at bedtime
npo nothing by mouth
pc, pp after meals (postprandial)
po by mouth
qam, qm every morning
qd every day
qh every hour
q2h every two hours
qid four times a day
qod every other day
qpm, qn every night
stat immediately
tid three times a day
ERS endoscopic retrograde sphincterectomy
GTT glucose tolerance test
sphyx pulse
bronchi bronchus
nas nose
bronch bronchus
steth chest
atel incomplete, imperfect
orth straight
metry act of measuring
rhin nose
spasm involuntary contracton or twitching
thorac chest
pneumon lung
thorax chest
pnea breathing
eu normal, good
ectasis incomplete, expansion
cyte cell
pharyng pharynx (throat)
ole small
pleur pleura
ia condition
coni dust
ox oxygen
ary pertaining to
cyan blue
erythr red
homeo same
lob lobe
pneum air, lung
pulmon lung
hem blood
phren diaphragm
stasis standing still
alveol alveolus
pector chest
itic pertaining to
anthrac black, coal
spiro breathe
pyysis spitting
emphys to inflate
ema state, condition
chalic linestone
tubercul a little swelling
silic flint
asbest asbestos
capnia carbon dioxide CO2
angi vessel
isy state of condition
tracheao trachea
ABGs arterial blood gases
CO2 carbon dioxide
FRC functional residual capacity
NMTs nebulized mist treatments
PND paroxysmal nocturnal dyspena
SaO2 arterial oxygen saturation
AFB acid fast bacillus (TB organism)
ARDS adult respiratory distress syndrome
BUN blood urea nitrogen
CBC complete blood count
CF cystic fibrosis
C&S culture and sensitivity
COLD chronic obstructive lung disease
HCO3 bicarbonate
PCP pneumocystis carinil pneumonia
PPD purified protein derivative
SIDS sudden infant death syndrome
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CPR cardipulmonary resuscitation
CXR chest x-ray
FEF forced expiratory flow
FEV forced expiratory volume
HMD hyaline membrane disease
IPPB intermittent positive-pressure breathing
IRDS infant respiratory distress syndrome
L left, liter. lumbar
mg milligram (1/1000 grams)
PE physical examination, pulmonary embolism
PEFR peak expiratory flow rate
PFT pulmonary function test
pH symbol for degree of acidity or alkalinity
pO2 partial pressure oxygen
RAD reactive airway disease
RD respiratory disease
RDS respiratory distress syndrome
RSV respiratory syncytial virus
RV residual volume, right ventricle
SOB shortness of breath
TB tuberculosis
TPR temperture, pulse, respiration
TV tidal volume
VC vital capacity
Created by: donuts
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