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Lower Respiratory Tract function
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Lobes r/t Left lung
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Stack #122223

a MCPHS- Provider I- Ch 21 Assessment of Respiratory Function

Lower Respiratory Tract function Gas exchange
Lobes r/t Left lung Left lung has Less lobes(2)
Respiration Gas exchange b/w air and blood, Gas exchange b/w blood and cells
Diffusion oxygen-carbon dioxide exchange
Causes r/t Increased airway resistance Bronchial contraction(asthma), Thickened mucosa(chronic bronchitis), Obstruction, Decreased lung elasticity(emphysema)
Pulmonary perfusion Blood flow thru pulmonary circulation
Tidal volume Volume of air inhaled/exhaled w/each breath
Expiratory reserve volume Max volume exhaled forcibly after normal exhalation
V/Q imbalances d/t Inadequate ventilation, Inadequate perfusion, Both
2 ways O is carried in blood Dissolved in plasma, Hemoglobin
PaO normal values 80-100 mm Hg
Respiratory function r/t Aging Reduced surface area, elasticity & vital capacity, Increased dead space
Major S/Sx r/t Respiratory disease Dyspnea, Sputum production, Chest pain, Clubbing, Hemoptysis, Cyanosis
Acute vs. Chronic lung diseases r/t Dyspnea severity Acute are more severe
Sudden dyspnea r/t Immobilized Pt's Pulmonary embolism
Orthopnea found in Pt's w/ Heart disease, COPD
Dyspnea w/expiratory wheeze COPD
Wheezing r/t Asthma Present during inspiration and expiration
Other disorders that may cause dyspnea Cardiac disease, Anaphylactic reactions, Severe anemia
Relief of dyspnea r/t Resting Pt's High Fowler's(head elevation), Oxygen administration
Cough d/t Irritation of mucous membranes in respiratory tracts
Cough in morning w/sputum Bronchitis
Purulent sputum d/t Bacterial infection
Frothy, pink sputum d/t Pulmonary edema
Hemoptysis Expectoration of blood
Late indicator of hypoxia Cyanosis
Barrel chest d/t Emphysema
PaCO r/t Hyperventilation Decreased levels
Hyperventilation r/t Severe acidosis Kussmaul's respiration
Alternating episodes of apnea w/periods of deep and shallow breathing Cheyne-Stokes respiration
Wheezes d/t Bronchial wall oscillation, Changes in airway diameter
Wheezes usually heard during Expiration
More conclusive- ABG vs. Pulse oximetry ABG
Pt cannot be discharged from recovery area until Cough reflex & Respiratory status return
Created by: rpclothier
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