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Kish - psychosocial
Question | Answer |
Asking a patient "how would you describe yourself to others" asesses... | personal identity |
asking a patient "what are your personal characteristics and traits" asesses... | personal identity |
asking a patient "how would you describe your body" asesses... | body image |
asking a patient "how do you feel about physical changes you have noticed recently" asesses... | body image |
asking a patient "how do you feel about your ability to do the things in life that are important to you" asesses... | self-esteem |
asking a patient "tell me about your sense of satisfaction with your self" asesses... | self-esteem |
asking a patient "how do you feel about your ability to do all the things your role demand of you" asesses... | role performance |
asking a patient "are your roles satisfying to you" asesses... | role performance |
any illness or injury resulting in bodily disfigurement could have a nursing diagnosis of... | disturbed body image |
true or false: it is helpful to identify your weaknesses when you are feeling powerless | false |
true or false: it is helpful to identify strengths when you are feeling powerless | true |
various physiological mechanisms within the body respond to internal changes to maintain constancy in the internal environment | homeostasis |
the human system responds to changes in its normal balanced state | stress |
a localized response of the body to stress involving a fever asscoiated with a wound | inflamatory response |
a generalized response of the body involving the adrenal gland | fight or flight |
a generalized response involving labored breathing and decreased gastric functioning | exhaustion |
a loss recognized by others as well as by the person sustaining the loss (mastectomy) | actual loss |
a loss felt by the person but is intangible by others (loss of youth) | perceived loss |
a loss experienced as a result of an unpredictable event (death) | situaltional loss |
a loss experienced as a result of natural developmental processes (empty nest) | maturational loss |
true or false: all people grieve the same way | false |
true or false: grief is an abnormal reaction to loss | false |
true or false: grief is normal and requires little intervention | false |
true or false: stages of grief may oerlap | true |
stages of grief:"the doctors must have made a mistake" | denial |
stages of grief: "how could God do this to me" | anger |
stages of grief "just let me live to see my daughter get married" | bargaining |
stages of grief: "all I do is cry" | depression |
stages of grief: "I have lived a good life, it's ok" | acceptance |
a DNR order means... | make no attempts to resusitate |
a comfort measures only order means... | provide measures to ensure comfort such as pain management, but do not resussitate |
taking care of the whole person - body, mind, spirit, heart and soul giving the best quality of life | palliative care |
signs of impending death | low blood pressure, decreased urine output, loss of reflexes, cheyne-stokes resp |
nursing diagnosis related to spiritual anger | spirtiual distress |
patient's most likely to sufer sensory deprivation | long term care patients |
cognitive signs of sensory deprivation | inability to focus, difficulty problem solving |
true or false: gender identity and bilogical identity could be the same or different | true |
biological identity | xx or xy |
gender identity | what a person senses their sex identity is |