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Methods 2 Final

Methods 2 Final Lecture

Cervical curvature? 30-45 degrees
Thoracic curvature? 35-55 degrees
Lumbar curvature? 35-45 degrees
Cervical flexion? Cervical LAT flexion? 60 degrees. 45 degrees.
Cervical rotation? 80 degrees
Cervical extension? 75 degrees
Lumbar flexion? 90 degrees
Lumbar rotation with pelvis stabilized? 30 degrees
Lumbar extension? 30 degrees
Lumbar lateral flexion? 35 degrees
C4-C7 1 I 1 (Up one interspace, over 1 finger width)
T1-T4 1 I 2 (Up one interspace, over 2 finger width)
T5-T8 2 I 2 (Up two interspace, over 2 finger width)
T9-T12 1 S 1 (Up one spinous, over 1 finger width)
L1-L3 1 I 1 (Up one interspace, over 1 finger width)
L4-L5 1 I 2 (Up one interspace, over 2 finger width)
Bucket handle? Elevates the rib at costochondral arch. Increase the transverse diameter. Lower T spine.
Pump handle? Increase the A-P diameter of rib cage. Upper T spine.
Curve present in Thoracic? Kyphosis
What muscles are you feeling for in UPPER thoracic (T3)? 1. Trapezius 2. Levator Scapula 3. Supraspinatous 4. Infraspinatous 5. Teres Major/Minor
Asymmetry for upper/lower thoracic, compare SP? Flex/ext. Feel in/bw for increase/decrease in gapping.
Increase in SP gapping of upper/lower thoracic? Flexion
Decrease in SP gapping of upper/lower thoracic? Extension
Asymmetry for upper/lower thoracic, compare TP? Rotation/lat flex. Feel for TP's going anterior or posterior. Feel for TP's closer or further apart from TP above/below.
In STATIC, right TP is anterior, whats the finding? Its left rotated.
In STATIC, left TP is posterior, whats the finding? Its left rotated.
In STATIC, right TP is posterior, whats the finding? Its right rotated.
In STATIC, left TP is anterior, whats the finding? Its right rotated.
In MOTION, left TP is left rotated, whats the restriction? T3 LR (left rotation) RRR (right rotation restriction)
What muscles are you feeling for in LOWER thoracic (T10)? Trapezius, Latissimus
What muscles are you feeling for in RIB 1? Trapezius, Levator scapula, Scalenes, Pectoralis
What are you checking for in asymmetry in RIB 1/6? Static palpation comparing ribs for bucket handle and caliper handle asymmetry.
What muscles are you feeling for in RIB 6? Trapezius
Where are C1 TPs located? Inferior and slightly anterior to mastiods
What muscles do you feel for LOWER AND UPPER cervical (C3/C10) 1. SCM 2. Scalenes 3. Trapezuis 4. Splenius capitis 5. Semispinalis capitis
Where is the mastiod located? Posterior to pinna of the ears.
How to check for ROTATION in UPPER cervical? Compare MANDIBULAR RAMUS and anterior tip of C1 TP using fingertip contact for rotation asymmetry.
How to check for LATERAL FLEX in UPPER cervical? Compare inferior tip of MASTIOD and the C1 TP using fingertip contacts for lateral flexion asymmetry.
How to check for Flex/Ext/Rotation in C1-C2? Compare MANDIBULAR RAMUS and anterior tip of C1 TP using fingertip contact for Flex/Ext/Rotation asymmetry.
How to check for LATERAL FLEX in C1-C2? Compare inferior tip of MASTIOD and the C1 TP using fingertip contacts for lateral flexion asymmetry.
Is cervical manipulation safe? Risk rate of 2 cases per million
What are the 5 D's? 1. Dizziness 2. Dipolia 3. Dysarthria 4. Dysphagia 5. Drop attacks
X Ray: Atlas plane line & C7 inferior body plate is used for what X ray marking? Cervical spine - Lateral cervical marking
Procedure of Cervical spine-lateral cervical marking? Dot anterior tubercle & posterior arch-draw line out. Draw line along inferior body of C7-draw line out.
Normal indications of a cervical spine-lateral cervical marking? 35-45 degree angle
Abnormal findings: Angle Increased, 45+ in cervical spine-lateral cervical markings? HYPERlordosis
Abnormal findings: Angle decreased, 45+ in cervical spine-lateral cervical markings? HYPOlordosis
How to draw Georges line? Draw a line on the posterior aspect of the cervical/thoracic vertebral bodies. Should be smooth, regular lines.
Abnormal findings of Georges line? Flexion/Extension malposition, anterolisthesis, retrolisthesis
How to draw a disc angle line? Draw a line along inferior border of vertebra above and a line on the superior aspect of the one below.
Normal indications of disc angle line? Slight posterior wedging
How to draw occipital plane line? Dot ant and post occipital condyle and draw line.
Normal indications of occipital plane line? Parallel to atlas plane line
Abnormal indications of occipital plane line? Flex/Ext malpositions
Normal indications of a Cervical gravity line? Vertical line should go from apex of odontiod to anterosuperior corner of C7
Most narrow= Closest to film
Most broad= Furthest from film
Disc angle lines in T3-T12 normal findings? Lines intersect on concavity. Disc wedge: ANTerior is LARGER, posterior is small
Rotation in thoracic AP xray, how to check for rotation? Dot the body/TP junction on each side,dot SP base, measure each side
Normal indications of Rotation in Thoracic AP xray? Equal measurements
Abnormal indications of Rotation in Thoracic AP xray? LARGEST measurement is on the side of rotation
How to draw for scoliosis? SUPERIOR curve line of vertebrea with most inclination to concavity of curve. INFERIOR curve line of vertebrae with most inclination to concavity.
Grade 1 scoliosis? 0-20 degrees
Grade 2 scoliosis? 21-30 degrees
Grade 3 scoliosis? 31-50 degrees
Grade 4 scoliosis? 51-75 degrees
Created by: wizdumbslp
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