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What percent of stroke survivors regain functional independence? 50-70%
Who are at the biggest risk for a stroke? African Americans
What is the cause for most elderly disabilities? Stroke
Which gender is stroke more prevalent? female
What causes a hemorrhagic stroke? aneurysms, AVMs and HTN bleeds
What are S/S of stroke? sudden vision loss, weakness in arm, face, leg, difficulty speaking, understanding, confusion, trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance, severe HA
What are the effects of a left-sided stroke? right side of body and left side of face affected with speech/memory problems, slow cautious behavior
What are the affects of a right-sided stroke? right facial involvement, left body, memory loss, quick impulsive behavior, and vision problems
What is dysarthia? difficulty forming clear speech
What are the different types of aphasia? expressive, cannot express what they want to say and recepetive, cannot understand what is being said to them, anomia, difficulty naming objects
What is another name for expressive aphasia? Brocas
What is another name for receptive aphasia? Wernickies
What is global aphasia? extreme impaired communication, difficulty understanding and speaking language, may only get 1-2 words out
What is the popular acronym for strokes? FAST, Facial droop, arm drift, speech and time
What is the main thing for an ischemic stroke? TPA
What is the time frame for TPA? within 3 hours
How does TPA work? Convert plasminogen to plasmin which breaks down fibrinogen and fibrin
What is the dose for TPA? 0.9mg/kg, not to exceed 90mg, 10% as IV bolus and rest over 1 hr
What are other tx for ischemic stroke? anticoagulants, carotid endarterectomy, angioplasty; stents
What can be done for cerebral aneurysms? endovascular coiling
What is the leading cause of death in an acute stroke? Aspiration, 50% of pts with dysphasia will stoke
What are aspiration precautions? NPO until swallow eval, HOB 30 degrees, Speech therapy, observe for drooling, decreased LOC, coughing with eating or drinking, spike in temp and WBCs
Why are stroke pts at risk for DVT? flaccid limbs=venous stasis
What are one of the main complications of stroke patients post-stroke? depression
How long do stroke pts stay in rehab? 3 weeks
How are strokes prevented? not smoking, control HTN and cholesterol, a-fib, DM and ETOH use
What is the ideal cholesterol level? LDL <100
What is the goal BMI? 18.5-24.5
Who is ineligible for TPA? Those who have had recent surgery, are on long term anticoagulants for A-fib, are outside of 3h window, or who have failed previous TPA therapy
Where does a DVT travel when patient has a PFO vrs not? PFO-clot travels to brain and not-DVT become PE
When should door to needle take place? <60 mins
Created by: brebre273
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