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Vectors, Zoonoses

Chapter 8 vectors, zoonoses, pests

mosquito genus that spreads malaria Anopheles
mosquito that transmitts yellow fever Aedes
mosquito that transmitts encephalitis (west nile) Culex
resevoir for west nile birds
symptoms of plague fever, disorientation, exhaustion, buboes (lymph glands)
biological transmission cyclic development period within host
nosocomial transmission infectious diseases in clinical care settings
flavivirus west nile which causes encephalitis
fleaborne endemic typhus rickettsia tiphi, rodents
louseborne endemic typhus rickettsia prowazeki, infected people and infected lice
bubonic plague pasteurella pestis, yersinia pestis
Q fever Coxiella burneti, rickettsia burneti, infected animals, goats, carcasas PASTEURIZE milk
rocky mountain fever rickettsia rickettsii, infected ticks and dogs ticks
tularemia franciscella tularensis, wild animals, rabbits, ticks
scabies sarcoptes scabiei, people, dogs HYGIENE
lyme disease borrella burgdorferi, mice, lizards, ticks, white tailed deer
denge/breakbone fever` virus, infected vector
malaria plasmodium vivax, P. malariae, P. falciparum, P. ovale, humans ad infected mosquitos
yellow fever Aedes aegypti virus, infected mosquitoes, persons, monkeys
plasmodium parasite species that causes malaria
malaria symptoms fever, headache, chills, vimiting 10 to 15 days after infected
IRS Indoor Residual Spraying of long acting insecticides
LLIN long lasting insecticidal nets
IVM intergrated vector management
leptospirosis weil's disease, urine of infected rodents, cattle, dogs, swine, water or food 4-19 day incubation
west nile transmission and resevior Culex, birds like crows, ravens, jays
LaCrosse encephalitis Aedes, horses, swine, birds
Equine encephalitis Culex, mammals, birds, horses
west nile incubation 5-15 days
LaCrosse encephalitis (LACV) transmission bite of infected mosquito
Colorado tick fever dermacantor tick, small mammals, squirrels and chipmunks
hantavirus aerosolized rodent feces, urine, saliva
yersinia pestis (plague) xenopsylla cheopis, oriental rat flea
brucella abortus or melitensis contact with animals, cattle, sheep, swine,milk ring test for raw milk
diazinon legal pesticide in the US
gonyaulax catenella PSP
malaria caused by a species of plasmodium, through moscuitoes
pediculosis lice
peak rat breeding seasons in temperate zones spring and fall
rattus norvegicus sewer rat, norway rat, house rat
when do bats hibernate late fall through winter
pollenosis hay fever
how many pollen grains from a mature ragweed? a billion
Created by: sanitarianpankey
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