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Physio. Preg

MAMC exam 9 physiology of pregnancy (doesn't cover weekly dev. or fetal circ)

gametogenesis development of ova in the woman & sperm in the man
oogenesis formation of female gamete
spermatogenesis formation of male gamete
meiosis process in which cells divide to form gametes
when conception occurs human fertilization occurs when the sperm penetrates an ovum and units with it
when ovulation occus approximately 14 days before a woman's next menstrual cycle would begin
estimated an ovum survives no longer than 24 hours after its release at ovulation
ovum transportation mature ovum released on the surface of the ovary where it's picked up by the fallopian tube and transported through tube while awaiting fertilization
where does fertilization occur distal 3rd of fallopian tube
when does ovum (fertilized or not) enter uterus approximately 3 days after release from ovary
how long most sperm survive in female reproductive tract no longer than 24 hours
how long may some sperm survive in female reprodcutive tract 80 hours
what fluid(s) from the male enters the cervix? only sperm cells
where does the seminal fluid enter? stays in vagina
how many sperm cells reach the fallopian tubes? fewer than 50-150
t/f sperm are not immediately ready to fertilize the ovum true
capacitation process sperm undergo in order to penetrate the protective layers surrounding an ovum
fertilization occurs when one spermatozoon enters the ovum and the 2 nuclei containing the parents' chromosomes merge
pre-embryonic period first 2 weeks after conception around 4th day zygote enters uterus
how long does zygote divide? until it reaches 16 cells
what is a 16 cell zygote called? morula
outer cells of morula do what? secrete fluid forming a blastocyst a sac in the fetus
inner cell mass of the morula develops in the _____ fetus
the outer layer of cells of the morula develops as the placenta & fetal membranes
when blastocyst contains approximately ____ cells, it enters the uterus 100
blastocyst lingers in uterus how many days before implantation 2-4
endometrium called _______ when implantation occurs decidua
when does implantation occur? between 6th-10th days after conception
what does the zygote secrete to signal to the woman's body that pregnancy has begun? hCG
what does hCG cause? the corpus luteum to continue to secrete estrogen & progesterone until the placenta takes over the function
where does normal implantation occur? upper uterus & slightly more often on the posterior wall
the primary chorionic vilii eventually form which side of the placenta? fetal
the decidua basalis forms which side of the placenta? maternal
when is the zygote fully embedded withing the uterus? by 10 days
embryonic period 3rd-8th week
by the end of which week are all major organ systems are in place? 8th
structures of vulnerable to damage from teratogens and why? embryonic period they're developing rapidly
what hormones does the placenta produce? progesterone estrogen hCG HPL
"dirty duncan" maternal side of placenta
"shiny schultz" fetal side of placenta
placenta functions metabolic transfer endocrine
amnion inner membrane
chorion outer membrane
amniotic sac sace made up of the chorion & amnion that contains the fetus & amniotic fluid
where is amniotic fluid derived from? fetal urine fluid transported from maternal blood across the amnion
approximately how much amniotic fluid present at term? 700-800mL
oligohydramnios <400mL at term
hydramnios <2000mL at term
umbilical cord contains how many arteries & how many veins? 2 arteries 1 vein
3 parts of the umbilical cord? 2 arteries 1 vein wharton's jelly
monozygotic twins twins carrying same genetic code & are same sex 1 becomes 2
dizygotic twins 2 different eggs & 2 different sperm
Created by: ealongo
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