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cna abbreviations

cna abbreviations, combining forms, suffix and prefix list

epi above
o/tomy surgical incision into
col/o large intestine
ist one who specializes in
a or an absence or lack of
o/stomy artificial opening in to
path/o disease
psych/o mind
cyst/o urinary bladder
therapy treatment
cyan/o blue
chem./o chemical/ drug
enter/o intestine (usually small intestines)
peri around
algia pain
thromb/o clot
erythr/o red
mortem death
phasia speak
renal or nephr/o kidney
emia blood
derm skin
ven/o vein
carcin/o cancer
pneum/o lung
pulman/o lung
hepat/o liver
dys bad, difficult, painful
oste/o bone
arthr/o joint
bi/o life
poly many or much
ur/o urine or urine condition
leuk/o white
hemo blood
hemat blood
phagia swallow/eat
anti against
plegia paralysis
neur/o nerve
lip/o fat
gly and glyc/o sugar
intra into or with in
pre before
cyt/e cell
brady slow
o/logy study of
post after
cardi/o heart
tachy rapid
itis inflammation of
hyper high/ elevated/excessive
hemi half
pnea breathing
gastr/o stomach
hypo low/below/ deficient
ectomy surgical removal of
inter between
natal birth
my/o muscle
tox/o poison
CBC Complete blood count
RD registered dietitian
ENT ear nose and throat
EENT eye ear nose and throat
DRG diagnostic related groupings
GI gastrointestinal
OS left eye
OD right eye
OU both eyes
LUQ left upper quadrant
RUQ right upper quadrant
RLQ right lower quadrant
LLQ left lower quadrant
H&P history and physical
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
FBS fasting blood sugar
AKA above the knee amputation
BKA below the knee amputation
cath catheter
STAT immediately
dx diagnosis
R/O rule out
R/T related to
U/E upper extremities
L/E lower extremities
NC Nasal cannula
LPM liter per minute
hx history
tx treatment
Sx symptoms
@ at
BM bowel movements
DNR do not resuscitate
gt/gtt drop/drops
HOH hard of hearing
IDDM insulin dependent diabetes mettitus
NIDDM non-insulin dependent diabetes mettitus
Wt weight
HT height
ML millilters
q every
p after
q2h every two hours (can be any number)
W/C wheelchair
FWW front wheeled walker
D/C discontinue or discharge
SOB short of breath
HOB head of bed
FOB foot of bed
CA cancer Edit
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
ORIF Open reduction/internal fixation
MI myocardial infarction
CHF congestive heart failure
CVA cerebral vascular accident
HTN hypertension
Na+ sodium
K+ potassium
BUN blood urea nitrogen
W/ with
w/o without
c/o complains of
HS hours of sleep
ROM range of motion
AAROM active assist ROM
SBA stand by assist
CGA contact-guard assist
TPR temp, pulse, respirations
AM morning
PM afternoon
PT physical therapy
OT occupational therapy
SLP speech language, Pathology
RD registered dietitian
I&O intake and output
(R) right
(L) left
30 ml one once
BID twice per day
TID three times per day
QID four times per day
po by mouth
NPO nothing by mouth
ac before meals
pc after meals
PRN as needed
AD Lib as desired
H2O water
O2 oxygen
ADL Actitives of daily living
VS vital signs
T temperature
P pulse
B/P blood pressure
R respirations
CNA certified nursing assistant
RN registered nurse
LPN licensed practical nurse
PROM Passive ROM
Created by: lailani
Popular Nursing sets




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