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MedTerm Ch. one
Question | Answer |
-algia | pain, painful condition (example: Arthr-algia means painful joints. Algia = painful. Arthr = joints) |
Dys- | bad, difficult, painful (Example: dys-uria means difficulty peeing. Dys=difficulty. Uria = peeing) |
-ectomy | surgical removal, cutting out (Example: append-ectomy means surgical removal of the appendix.) |
Hyper- | high,excessive, increased (Example: Hypertension means excessive blood pressure. Hyper = excessive. Tension = pressure) |
Hypo- | low,deficient, decreased (Example: Hypotension means deficient blood pressure. Hypo = low. Tension = pressure.) |
-it is | inflammation (Example: Gastritis means inflammation of the stomach. Gastr/o = means stomach. It is means inflammation.) |
-osis | abnormal condition |
-ostomy | the surgical creation of an artificial opening to the body surface |
-plasty | surgical repair |
-rrhage | bleeding, abnormal excessive fluid discharge |
-rrhapy | surgical suturing |
-rrhea | flow or discharge |
-rrhexis | rupture |
-sclerosis | abnormal hardening (example: arterio– sclerosis means hardening of the arteries) |
-algia | pain, painful condition (example: Arthr-algia means painful joints. Algia = painful. Arthr = joints) |
Dys- | bad, difficult, painful (Example: dys-uria means difficulty peeing. Dys=difficulty. Uria = peeing) |
-ectomy | surgical removal, cutting out (Example: append-ectomy means surgical removal of the appendix.) |
Hyper- | high,excessive, increased (Example: Hypertension means excessive blood pressure. Hyper = excessive. Tension = pressure) |
Hypo- | low,deficient, decreased (Example: Hypotension means deficient blood pressure. Hypo = low. Tension = pressure.) |
-it is | inflammation (Example: Gastritis means inflammation of the stomach. Gastr/o = means stomach. It is means inflammation.) |
-osis | abnormal condition |
-ostomy | the surgical creation of an artificial opening to the body surface |
-plasty | surgical repair |
-rrhage | bleeding, abnormal excessive fluid discharge |
-rrhapy | surgical suturing |
-rrhea | flow or discharge |
-rrhexis | rupture |
-sclerosis | abnormal hardening (example: arterio– sclerosis means hardening of the arteries) |
Cyan/o | blue (Example: cyanosis means condition of being blue. Cyano = blue. Osis = condition of) |
Erythr/o | Red (erythrocyte means red blood cell. Erythr/o = red. Cyte = cell.) |
Melan/o | black (melanosis means condition of being black. Melan/o = black. Osis = condtion of or disease) |
Leuk/o | white |
Poli/o | gray |
Gastr/o | stomach |
Enter/o | small intestine |
Neur/o | nerve |
Tonsill | tonsils |
Name five suffixes that are noun endings. | -a, -um, -y, -e, -us |
-ac | pertaining to |
-al | pertaining to |
-an | pertaining to |
-ar | pertaining to |
-ary | pertaining to |
-eal | pertaining to |
-ical | pertaining to |
-ial | pertaining to |
-ic | pertaining to |
-ine | pertaining to |
-ior | pertaining to |
-ory | pertaining to |
-ous | pertaining to |
-tic | pertaining to |
-ago | abnormal condition |
-esis | abnormal condition |
-ia | abnormal condition |
-iasis | abnormal condition |
-ion | abnormal condition |
-ism | abnormal condition |
-osis | abnormal condition |
Path | disease |
-ology | the study of |
Pathology | the study of disease |
-algia | pain |
Gastr/o | stomach |
Gastralgia | stomach pain |
-dynia | pain |
Gastr/o | stomach |
Gastrodynia | stomach pain |
-itis | inflammation |
Gastritis | inflammation of the stomach |
-megaly | enlargement |
Hepato | liver |
Hepatomegaly | enlarged liver |
-malacia | abnormal softening |
Arteri/o | Artery |
Arteriomalacia | abnormal softening of the arteries |
-necrosis | tissue death |
Arteri/o | Artery |
Arterionecrosis | tissue death of an artery or arteries |
-sclerosis | abnormal hardening |
Arteri/o | Artery |
Arteriosclerosis | abnormal hardening of the arteries |
-stenosis | abnormal narrowing |
Arteriostenosis | abnormal narrowing of the arteries |
-centesis | surgical puncture to remove fluid for diagnostic purposes or to remove excess fluid ( sticking a needle in to pull fluid out) |
Abdomin/o | abdomen |
Abdominocentesis | procedure of surgically puncturing the abdomen to remove fluid |
-graphy | to produce a picture or record of |
Angio | blood vessel |
Angiography | to produce a picture of blood vessels |
-gram | picture or record |
Angio | blood vessels |
Angiogram | a picture of blood vessels |
-plasty | surgical repair |
Myo | muscle |
Myoplast | repair of a muscle |
-scopy | visual examination ( to look inside) |
Arthr/o | joint |
Arthroscopy | to look inside a joint |
-rrhage and rrhagia | bleeding, abnormal excessive fluid discharge |
Hem/o | blood |
Hemorrhage | excessive discharge of blood |
-rrhapy | surgical suturing to close a wound ( using sutures, staples, or surgical glue) |
Myo | muscle |
Myorrhapy | surgical suturing of a muscle wound |
-rrhea | flow or discharge of most body fluids |
Dia | through |
Diarrhea | body fluids flowing through ( to put it nicely) |
-rrhexis | rupture |
Myo | muscle |
Myorrhexis | ruptured muscle |
Nat | birth |
-al | pertaining to |
Pre- | before |
Prenatal | the time and events before birth |
Peri | around |
Nat | birth |
-al | pertaining to |
Perinatal | time and events surrounding birth |
Post | after |
Nat | birth |
Al | pertaining to |
Postnatal | the time and events after birth |
Ab- | away from |
Ad- | toward, to, in the direction of |
Dextr/o | right side |
Sinister/o | left side |
Ex – | out of, outside, away from |
In- | in, into, not , without |
Macr/o- | large, abnormal size, or long |
Micr/o | small |
Mega-, megal/o | large, great |
Olig/o | scanty, few |
Pre- | before |
Post- | after |
Ab - | away from |
Ad- | toward |
Dys - | bad, difficult, painful |
Eu- | good, normal, well, easy |
Pnea | breathing |
Eupnea | normal breathing |
Inter- | between, among |
-stitial | tissue |
Interstitial | between the parts of the tissue |
Intra - | within, or inside |
Muscul/o | muscle |
Intramuscular | within the muscle |
Sub- | under |
Super-, supra | above, excessive |
Costal | ribs |
Subcostal | under the ribs |
Supra costal | above the ribs |
Oto | ear |
Rhino | nose |
Laryng | larynx or throat |
-ology | the study of |
Otorhinolaryngology | the study of the ear, nose, and throat |
Abbreviation for Ear Nose and Throat doctor also known as an otorhinolaryngologist | ENT |
Lith | stone |
-Otomy | surgical incision |
Lithotomy | surgical incision to remove a stone |
Lithotomy position | position in which a patient is laying on her back with her feet and legs raised in the air |
Appendic | appendix |
-it is | inflammation |
Appendicitis | inflammation of the appendix |
Edema | abnormal swelling caused by a collection of fluid in the cells, tissues or cavities of the body |
Phalanges | finger bones |
Phalanx | a single finger bone |
End- | within |
Arteri/o | artery |
-al | pertaining to |
Endoarterial | pertaining to the interior or lining of an artery |
Ather/o | plaque or fatty substance |
-oma | tumor |
Athroma | fatty tumor within the wall of an artery |
Arthr/o | joint |
-algia | pain |
Arthralgia | painful joints |
-ectomy | surgical removal |
Append | appendix |
Appendectomy | surgical removal of the appendix |
-ostomy | surgical creation of an artificial opening to the body surface |
Col | colon |
Colostomy | the surgical creation of an artificial excretory opening from the colon to the outside of the body (surgically create a new butthole) |
What the difference between a sign, a symptom, and a syndrome? | The patient has to tell you about a symptom. You can measure or see a sign. A syndrome is a set of signs and symptoms that go with a certain disease. |
Define diagnosis. | identification of a disease |
What’s the abbreviation for diagnosis? | DX |
Define differential diagnosis. | an attempt to determine which of several diseases could be causing the signs and symptoms present |
What’s the abbreviation for differential diagnosis? | D/DX |
Define acute. | rapid onset, relatively short duration |
Define chronic. | condition of long duration such as chronic back pain |
Define remission. | The temporary, partial, or complete disappearance of the symptoms of a disease without having achieved a cure. |
Define disease. | condition in which one or more body parts are not functioning normally |
Define eponym. | a disease, structure, operation, or procedure named for the person who discovered it such as Alzheimer’s disease (discovered by German neurologist Alois Alzheimer) |
Define Acronym. | a word formed from the beginning letters of long name (such as LASER – Light Amplification Stimulated Emission of Radiation) |
Fissure | groove or crack-like sore of the skin, or normal folds in the contours of the brain |
Fistula | An abnormal passage usually between two organs or from an organ to the outside of the body due to surgery, injury, or the draining of an abscess |
Ileum | the last portion of the small intestine |
Ilium | part of the hip bone |
Infection | invasion of the body by a pathogenic organism |
Pathogenic | disease producing |
Malaise | feeling of general discomfort or uneasiness that is often the first indication of an infection or other disease |
Exudate | fluid or pus, that leaks out of an infected wound |
What are the four key indicators of inflammation? | erythema (redness), hyperthermia (warmth/heat), edema (swelling), and pain |
Laceration | torn, jagged or accidental cut wound |
Lesion | pathologic change to the skin due to disease or injury |
Mucous | describes membranes that line body cavities such as the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity |
Mucus | fluid produced by mucous membranes |
Myc/o | fungus |
-osis | abnormal condition or disease |
Mycosis | abnormal condition or disease caused by fungus |
Myel/o | bone marrow or spinal cord |
-pathy | disease |
Myelopathy | disease of the spinal cord or bone marrow |
My/o | muscle |
-pathy | disease |
Myopathy | disease of the muscle tissue |
Dermat | skin |
-ologist | specialist |
Dermatologist | physician that specializes in disorders of the skin |
Neo- | new |
Nat | birth |
-ology | study of |
Neonatology | the study of disorders of the newborn |
Palpation | using the hands to assess a patient |
Palpitation | pounding or racing heart |
Pyel/o | renal (kidney) pelvis |
-it is | inflammation |
Pyelitis | inflammation of the renal pelvis |
Py/o | pus |
Derma | skin |
Pyoderma | a pus forming skin condition |
Pyr/o | fever or fire |
-osis | abnormal condition or disease |
Pyrosis | heartburn – abnormal condition of fire caused by stomach acid regurgitated to the esophagus |
Supination | turning of the palm upward |
Suppuration | formation or discharge of pus |
Triage | screening of patients to see who needs to be seen first on bases of the urgency/ seriousness and treatability of their condition |
Trauma | injury resulting from accident, shooting, natural disaster, or fire |
Viral | pertaining to a virus |
Virile | having the nature properties, or qualities of an adult male |