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Ch. 21 questions


What is a portal of entry? the site at which pathogenic microbes gain access to tissue that can be infected
Name some portals of entry in humans mouth, nose, GU tract, cuts in the skin, mosquito bites that penetrate into the blood and the placenta
Distinguish the survival abilities of intracellular and extracellular pathogens intracellular--cause infection--microbes have developed ability to escape phagocytic killing mechanisms--extracellular--cause infection by ability to remain outside of phagocytic cells
Define and distinguish primary and opportunistic pathogens primary--can invade and infect healthy hosts--opportunistic--normally nonpathogens can't be warded off by individuals whose immune systems are compromised
what individuals are generaly predisposed to infection with opportunistic pathgens? tissue transplant patients and people with immunodeficiencies--often predisposed to infection with opportunistic pathogens
Differentiate a virulent organism from a virulence factor virulent organism--one that causes a disease--virulence factors--enzymes and toxins allow an organism to evade the host immune system
How do the concepts of infectious dose and virulence differ from each other? infectious dose--nu ber of bacterial cells required to establish infection--virulence--bacterium's ability to infect host in spite of host's defences
Give 2 factors that allow different microbes to attach or adhere to target cells fimbriae and lipoteichoic acid of gram-positive cells are factors--allow different microbes to attach/adhere to target cells
How do endotoxins and exotoxins differ? endotoxins--released only when microbe is damaged/lysed--exotoxins--purposefully secreted from the microbe
What does botulinum toxin do? after eaten in food, botulinum toxin penetrates the intestinal wall and blocks transmission of nerve-muscle signals
What kind of toxin is LPS(lipopolysaccharide)? In what kind of bacteria do you find LPS? Lipopolysaccharide is an endotoxin found in the gram-negative bacterial lipid A
What virulent effect does LPS have on its host? host recognizes lipid A--tries to destroy infection by cooking it with higher and higher body temp (fever)--if host overreacts-brain damage, cardiovascular shock, and hemorrhaging can occur
Describe an exoenzyme that functions in virulence exoenzyme hyaluronidase functions to destroy host connective tissue--facilitates bacterial spreading
What do hemolysins do? toxins that cause the red blood cells to lyse so that red blood cell contents become available as microbial nutrient sources
Systemic infection infetion spread via the blood or lymphatic systems
Focal infection infection spread from a specific locale
Acute infection severe infection that begins abruptly
Chronic infection infection that appears gradually and lasts for an extended period
Subacute infection infection with intermediate duration and symptoms
Primary infection infection caused by the organism that initiated infection
Secondary infection infection caused by a different organism than the one that established the original primary infection
Subclinical, asymptomatic,or apparent infection infection that does not manifest symptoms even though infection is present and growing
Abcess discrete infection that blocks the entry of immune system cells
Bacteremia bacteria in the blood
Septicemia actively growing bacteria in the blood
Viremia virus in the blood
Leukocytosis increased number of white blood cells
Leukopenia decreased number of white blood cells
What is latency? when microbes persist in dormant state, although symptoms of infection subside
Name some common microbes that become latent tubercle bacilli, herpes simplex, HIV, hepatitis B, and Epstein-Barr viruses
What potential danger does a chronic carrier present to other people? chronic carrier may be asymptomatic--may not know the disease is in his system and can therefore unknowingly spread the disease to others
What are sequelae? specific conditions that follow an illness episode, such as heart valve damage after a bout of strep sore throat
When do sequelae occur? after the initial infection has run its course
What is the CDC? Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta Georgia
What does the CDC publish? information about new outbreaks of illnesses--new pathogens--how to control and brevent disease in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
Why is an infection control nurse so important? he or she acts to identify and control the spread of outbreaks as quickly as possible
Communicable infection passed from one host to another
Contagious highly communicable infection
Transmission spread of disease from one individual to another (horizontal) or from parent to progeny (vertical)
Fomite inanimate object from which a microbe may be contracted
Aerosols microbe-containing droplets released into the air by coughing or sneezing
Fecal-oral route microbes left on hand after restroom use--transmitted to food or other objects having oral contact--fecal contamination of food/water
Created by: heatherlvn
Popular Biology sets




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