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History Final MBK

isolationist a person who favors or works for isolationism
amendment an alteration of or addition to a motion, bill, constitution
executive order world war two measure that assured fair hiring practices in any job funded by the government
diplomatic tactful in dealing with sensitive matters
deportation the lawful expulsion of an undesired alien or other person from a state
communist a person who is a follower or supporter of communism
terrorism violent act to put a person in a state of fear or to intimidate
segregation forced separation, oftentimes by race
anarchy a state of society without government or law
prohibition the forbidding by law of the manufacture, transport, and sale of alcohol
civil disobedience nonviolent refusal to follow laws that one considers to be immoral
domino theory idea that if a nation falls to communism, its closest neighbors will also fall under communist control
apartheid political system of strict segregation by race in South Africa
totalitarianism a theory of government in which a single party or leader controls the economic, social, and cultural lives of its people
disarmament the reduction in size, equipment or weapons of a country
tactic plan to promote a desired result
alien one who is not a naturalized citizen of the country where they are living.
executive privilege principle that the President has the right to keep certain communications between himself and other members of the executive branch private
judicial review power of the Supreme Court to decide whether the acts of a president or laws passed by congress are constitutional
states rights rights belonging to each state with reference to strict interpretation of the constitution
immunity exempt from the laws of the land
impeachment accusation against a public official of wrong doing in office
opportunity cost picking one course of action instead of the other course of action
diminishing returns any factor in production such as labor is increased while other factors like equipment that stays the same then the output per unit will diminish
laissex-faire lenient, as in the absence of government control over private business
progressive tax the more you make , the more taxes you pay
recession general slow down in economic activity
suburbs residential areas surrounding a city
commerce an interchange of goods or commodities, especially on a large scale between different countries
tariffs an official list or table showing the duties or customs imposed by a government on imports or exports
deficit practice of a nation paying out more money than it is receiving in revenues
veterans a person who has served in a military force, especially one who has fought in a war
affirmative action policy that gives special consideration to women and minorities to make up for past discrimination
conservative person who tends to support limited government involvement
bailouts an instance of coming to the rescue, especially financially
1) what foreign policy was followed by the US between WW1 and WW2? Isolationism was the foreign policy. US tried to stay out of other countries affairs.
2) Why is the President limited to two terms of office? Roosevelt ran for an unprecedented third term. There was a growing call to limit the terms to two so in 1951 the 22nd amendment was ratified which limited the presidency to two consecutive terms
3) what was the relationship between FDR and Congress? FDR and Supreme Court? see notes
4) Explain the goals of FDRs New Deal plan 1)recovery: from great depression. increase wages and prices to help long term growth. 2) relief: for unemployed and retired folks as social security and unemployment ins funded.
5) what was the Good Neighbor Policy? a diplomatic policy of the U.S., first presented in 1933 by President Roosevelt, for the encouragement of friendly relations and mutual defense among the nations of the Western Hemisphere.
6) why did the US enter WW2? because of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the following war declarations by Italy and Germany
7) Who is Fred Korematsu and what did he do? Fred Korematsu was a Japanese-American who went to court to seek his and other Japanese-Americans rights and civil liberties given under the constitution of the United States
8) Describe the Nuremburg Trials Held for the purpose of bringing Nazi war criminals to justice, the Nuremberg trials were a series of 13 trials carried out in Nuremberg, Germany, between 1945 and 1949
9) What is NATO? an organization compromising the 12 nations of the Atlantic Pact together with Greece, Turkey, and the Federal Republic of Germany, for the purpose of collective defense against aggression.
10) why was the atomic bomb used against Japan? Who made that decision? Truman made the decision in order to save the lives of over 1 million American troops that would have lost their lives had the US decided to invade Japan.
11) Describe the GI Bill Eased the return of WW2 veterans by providing education and employment aid
12) What was McCarthyism? What was the effect of McCarthyism on the nation? see notes
13) Describe the growth and effect of the suburbs see notes
14) for what reasons does segregation occur? occurred so that the whites could keep the blacks in a subordinate status or have control over them. Kept the blacks from going to the high class schools and jobs
15) Describe Brown vs. Board and its impact On May 17, 1954, the Court unanimously ruled that "separate but equal" public schools for blacks and whites were unconstitutional. The Brown case served as a catalyst for the modern civil rights movement. Inspired education reform everywhere.
16) What methods of protest were used by African Americans to earn their civil rights? Bus Boycotts, Sit-Ins, March on Washington DC
17) what happened in the Soviet Union on May 1st, 1960? United States U-2 spy plane was shot down over the airspace of the Soviet Union. Caused a further deterioration of US and Soviet relations.
18) describe the "Domino theory" the belief that if Vietnam fell to communism so too would the other nations of Southeast Asia
19) what was sputnik? any of a series of Soviet earth-orbiting satellites. It marked the beginning of the Space Age and the space race between the US and Soviet Union.
20) describe the Cuban Missile Crisis. Describe how Kennedy handled the crisis. 1962 conflict between the US and the Soviet Union resulting from the Soviet installation of nuclear missiles in Cuba. Kennedy set a naval blockade around Cuba and prevented USSR from getting items into Cuba to build silos and missiles.
21) Why did the US become involved in Vietnam? what was the result of this involvement? To stop communism from spreading. many American life's were lost and communism was not stopped from spreading
22) why was the draft controversial during Vietnam? draft board seemed to be choosing more of the poor, working class and African American men to fight in Viet Nam
23) what was the Great Society? President Johnson's goals in improving areas of healthcare, education, the environment and to end discrimination and poverty
24) describe the role of affirmative action policy that gives special consideration to women and minorities to make up for past discrimination
25) describe the federal government policy toward Native Americans the policy now is to give them much more in the way of civil rights and government is now giving them back land, mineral, and water rights and gave them better access to education and healthcare
26) describe the Watergate affair and it's affect on the American people see notes
27) how did the United States policy toward China change during the 20th century? see notes
28) why were students protesting in the late 60s/early 70s? What methods did they use? mostly protesting the Vietnam War and US involvement. Sit-ins, marches, concerts (Woodstock)
29) describe the US policy toward the middle east during the 20th century In the Middle East, the U.S. has made itself a key player by using its diplomatic, economic, and military power in support of its national interests which are basically oil and location.
30) why was the War Powers act passed? to try to cancel out the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
31) describe how the government allocates funds see notes
32) why did the cold war end? communism was on its way out, people in East Berlin and Soviet Union were starting to rebel. US had heavy military buildup.
33) what advances in medicine were made during the 60s,70s, and 80s? Vaccines for polio, diptheria, tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, flu, Hep. A & B). Advances in antibiotics, heart surgery. Advances in cancer treatment and prevention.
34) how have women's roles in society changed during the 20th century? beginning of century homemakers but over the century evolved to getting right to vote...becoming more politically active and joining the workforce and playing important role in society both economically and politically.
35) describe immigration patterns of the 20th century See notes
36) how has the use of personal computers benefitted or harmed society? Benefits: more jobs in programming, IT, white collar jobs
37) describe "supply-side" economics economic theory that held that the government should increase the supply of labor and goods to achieve long-term growth, rather than increasing demand through
38) how has the role of the first lady changed over the 20th century? beginning of century were basically "hostess of white house but by middle of the century evolved to political activism to present day where they are given duties and support individual causes like Ms. Obama fight against childhood obesity.
39) how is the economy related to a president's approval? economy is good...good approval ratings economy is bad...not very good ratings
40) Describe NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) agreement signed in 1993 calling for trade restrictions among Canada, Mexico, and the US
41) Define impeachment. What has been the result of the three presidential impeachment trials? accusation against a public official of wrong doing in office. The result was not one of the impeachment trials resulted in removal from office.
42) describe the conflict that occurred during the presidential election of 2000 and the way in which it was solved election came down to Florida and its 25 electoral votes. Whomever won the majority of votes in Florida would get the necessary electoral votes needed to win the presidency. Supreme court was called in to finally decide that no more recounts needed.
43) How did the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, alter American society politically, diplomatically and economically? see notes
44) how has business' attitude toward labor change since 2000? computers transform workplace from blue collar industry to a white collar service industry which led to a rapid decline in organized labor unions
45) what challenges has the Obama administration faced? when he took office the economy was in dire straits. Banking crisis which mirrored the Great Depression. Also high unemployment
Created by: mbkapp
Popular U.S. History sets




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