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nurs 211

substance abuse

what mood altering subtances are acceptable in society alcohol, caffeine and nicotine
substance related disorders: what are the 2 groups; what are substance use; what is substance induced' substance use disorder and substance induced disorders; abuse and dependence; intoxication, withdrawal, delirium, dementia, amnesia, psychosis,mood disorder, anxiety disorder, sexual dysfunction, sleep disorder
def substance abuse a maladaptive pattern of substance use manifested by recurrent and significant adverse consequences r/t repeated use of the substance
substance abuse is also any use of substances that pose hazards to what health
what is criteria for substance abuse: recurring abuse and failure to fulfill role at work, using ins physically hazardous situations, legal arrests from use, continued use despite having persistent social problems
substance dependence: def; evidenced by a cluster of cognitive, behavioral, and physiological s/s, use despite sign. substance related problems;
substance dependence: continued use is needed to prvent what; dependence is promoted by the tolerance to what withdrawal; substance
def tolerance the need for increased amounts or more frequent doses of substance in order to obtain desired effects originally produced by lower doses
psychological dependence def when there is an overwhelming desire to repeat the use of a particular drug to produce pleasure or avoid discomfort
substance dependence: with this there is evidence of what 2 things; larger ___ is needed over time; there is a diminished effect with continued use of what amount of the substance tolerance, withdrawal s/s; amounts; same
substance dependence: there is an unsuccessful effort to do what; lots of time spent doing what; what is avoided or reduced cut down substance intake; obtaining drug; occupational, recreational or social activites
substance intoxication: def; develops from a reversible what; behavior changes from physical effects where in body a physical and mental state of exhilaration and emotional frenzy or lethargy and stupor; substance- syndrome; the brain
substance intoxication: changes are not due to what a general med condition or other mental disorder
substance withdrawal: def; the development of a substance specific maladaptive behavior change with physiological and cognitive components due to cessation or reduction of heavy and prolonged use
what are the classes of psychoactive substances ETOH, amphetamines, caffeine, cannabis, cocaine, hallucinogens, inhalants, nicotine, opioids, PCP, sedatives, hypnotics anxiolytics
substance abuse: predisposing factors- heredity especially problem with what ETOH;
substance abuse: predisposing factors- persons with what type of superegos turn to what to diminish unconscious anxiety and increase felinngs so powerful and self worth; what is used to control panic; what diminishes anger; what is abuse to relieve depres superegos; ETOH; opioids; amphetamines
substance abuse: predisposing factors- what personalities; this happens through what else when growing up low self esteem, depression, passivity and inability to relax, antisocial; modelling
ETOH abuse: why is it classified as a Food; 1/5 drinkers are what type of drinker; 3rd leading cause of what; heavy drinking contributes to what bx it contains calories; binge; preventable death in the US; heart disease, cancer, stroke
ETOH abuse: how many phases of the alcoholic drinking progress 4
phases of the alcoholic drinking progress: phase 1- use of ETOH to relieve what; a child learns the use of ETOH is acceptable method of what; what develops with drinking; with tolerance the amount required increases or decreases stress and tension; coping; tolerance; increases
phases of the alcoholic drinking progress: phase 2- they early ___ phase; what begins in this phase; is it a source of pleasure anymore; it is now a ___ that is required; tgey are preoccupied with what; used of what alcoholic phase; blackouts; no; drug; drinking; rationalization
phases of the alcoholic drinking progress: phase 3- aka; is there physiological dependence; is the person ill; what is total focus; willing to lose ___ to maintain addiction the crucial phase; yes; yes; drinking; everything
phases of the alcoholic drinking progress: phase 4- aka; are they more sobor or more intoxicated; there is what physically; abstention from ETOH results in what chronic phase; intoxicated; decline in every body system; hallucinations, tremors, conbulsions, severe agitation, panic
ETOH effect on body: why is there peripheral neuropathy; deficient vit B and thiamine;
ETOH effect on body: alcoholic myopathy- caused by what; improves with what; acute s/s; chrnic s/s vit B def; abstinence from ETOH and nutritious diet and vit; muscle pain, swelling and weak, red urine, elevated CPK, AST, LDH; gradual wasting and weakness of skeletal muschesl
ETOH effect on body: Wernicke's encephalopathy- this is the most serious form of what in alcoholics; s/s; death occurs when thiamine def; paralysis of ocular muscles, diplopia, ataxia, somnolence, stupor; with immeidiate thiamine replacement
ETOH effect on body: korsakoffs psychosis- this happens after or before wernickes; s/s; occurs when pt is recovering from what after; confusion, loss of recent memory, confabulation; wernickes
ETOH effect on body: wernickes-korsakoff- in us they occur together or separate; what is tx; together; ive or oral thiamine replacement
ETOH intoxication: what is blood levels; death is at what levels 100-200; 400-700
ETOH withdrawal: occurs within __ hours of cessation; s/s 4-12; N/V, malaise, tachycardia, sweating, elevated BP, anxiety, depressed mood, hallucinations, HA, insomnia;
ETOH withdrawal delirium: occurs on what day following cessation or reduction in prolonged heavy use; is it fatal; 2-3 day; yes;
ETOH withdrawal: tx- what is used; why anticonvulsants; what one is most used; what are mv for; benzos, anticonvulsants, mv; tx seizures; benzos; thiamine replacement
ETOH withdrawal: thiamine replacement is needed to prevent what neuropathy, confusion and encephalopahy
antabuse- used to deter what; avoid what; drinking leads to what; blocks the oxidation of what; s/s with in how many min of ingestion drinking; drinking; discomfort; ETOH; 5-10;
what meddecreases ETOH cravings; ReVia;
ETOH withdrawal: no counseling if client is what drunk
what are the 2 patterns of abuse for sedatives, hypnotics, anxielytics dr prescribes and substance deeking behavior;
sedatives, hypnotics, anxiolytics s/s of withdrawal; hand tremor; sutonomic hyperactivity, insomnia, n/v, hallucinations, illusions, psychomotor agitation
with opioid abuse what happens to pupils contricts;
what are 2 toxic reactions to hallucinogens panic reaction or flashbacks
what is second most commonly abused drug in the us cannibus
cannibus: what is major ingredient; THC;
nursing care: planning begins with what; detox;
codependency: this is dysfunctional behaviors that are event among whom; they are confused about what; they gain a sense of control by fulfilling the needs of whom members of a family of the chemically dependent person; their own identity; others
Created by: jmkettel
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