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environmenta science
Chapter 1 - vocab
Term | Definition |
applied science | study and activity that uses information provided by pure science to solve problems; examples are engineering and medicine |
biosphere | the layer around the Earth in which life occurs naturally, extending from about 8 km above the Earth to the deepest part of the ocean, which is about 8 km deep |
consumption crisis | situation in which natural resources are being used up, wasted, or polluted faster than they can be renewed, replaced, or cleaned up |
developed countries | highly industrialized countries with high incomes and high standards of living |
developing countries | less industrialized countries in which the average income and standard of living are low |
ecology | the study of how living things interact with each other and with their nonliving environments |
environment | the surrounding of an organism that affect its life and development |
environmental science | study of how humans interact with the environment |
experiment | activity designed to test a hypothesis under controlled conditions |
hypothesis | a testable explanation for a specific problem or question, based on what has already been learned |
natural resource | any natural substance that humans use, such as sunlight, soil, water, plants, and animals |
nonrenewable resource | resources that can be used up faster that they can be replenished naturally, such as coal, oil, and natural gas |
population crisis | situation in which the number of people grows so quickly that a region cannot support them |
pure science | study and activity that seek answers to questions about how the world works; examples are biology and physics |
renewable resource | abundant natural resources that are continually produced, such as trees and sunlight |
sustainable world | world in which human populations can continue to exist indefinitely with a high standard of living and health |