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MDA Ch. 6
Modern Dental Assisting, Bird, 10th Edition
Term | Definition |
Abdominal cavity | Contains the stomach, liver, gallbladder, spleen, and most of the intestines. |
Abdominopelvic cavity | Part of the ventral cavity that contains the abdominal and pelvic cavities. |
Anatomical (anatomic) position (an-uh-TOM-i-kul, an-uh-Tom-ik) | The body standing erect with face forward, feet together, arms hanging at the sides, and palms forward. |
Anatomy (uh-NAT-uh-mee) | Study of the shape and structure of the human body. |
Anterior | Toward the front |
Appendicular (ap-en-DIK-yoo-ler) | Pertaining to the body region that consists of the arms and legs. |
Axial (AK-see-ul) | Referring to the body region that comprises the head,neck, and trunk. |
Connective tissue | The major support material of the body. |
Cranial (KRAY-nee-ul) cavity | Space that houses the brain. |
Cytoplasm (SI-toe-plaz-em) | Gel-like fluid inside the cell. |
Differentiation | Term for the specialization function of cells. |
Distal | Farther away from the trunk of the body; opposite of proximal. |
Dorsal cavity | Cavity located in the back of the body. |
Epithelial (ep-i-THEE-lee-ul) tissue | Type of tissue that forms the covering of all body surfaces. |
Frontal plane | Vertical plane that divides the body into anterior (front) and posterior (back) portions. |
Horizontal plane | Plane that divides the body into superior (upper) and inferior (lower) portions. |
Medial | Toward or nearer to the midline of the body. |
Midsagittal plane | Imaginary line that divides the patient's face into equal right and left sides. |
Muscle tissue | Tissue with the ability to lengthen or shorten to provide movement to body parts. |
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) | The federal government's lead agency for scientific research on oral, dental, and craniofacial disease. |
Nerve tissue | Responsible for coordinating and controlling body activities. |
Nucleus (NOO-lee-us) | "Control center" of the cell. |
Organelle (or-guh-NEL) | Specialized part of a cell that performs a specific function. |
Parietal (puh-RYE-e-tul) | Pertaining to the walls of a body cavity. |
Pelvic cavity | Contains portions of the large and small intestines, the rectum, the urinary bladder, and reproductive organs. |
Physiology (fiz-ee-OL-uh-jee) | Study of the functions of the human body. |
Planes | Three imaginary lines used to divide the body into sections. |
Posterior | Towards the back. |
Proximal | Closer to the trunk of the body; opposite of distal. |
Regenerative medicine | Process of creating living, functional tissues to repair or replace tissue or organ function through the use of stem cells. |
Sagittal (SADJ-ih-tal) plane | Any vertical plane parallel to the midline that divides the body into unequal left and right portions. |
Spinal cavity | Space in the body that contains the spinal cord. |
Stem cell | Immature, unspecialized cells capable of replication and differentiation into other types of cells or tissues. |
Superior | Above another portion, or closer to the head. |
Thoracic cavity | Contains the heart, lungs, esophagus, and trachea. |
Ventral cavity | Cavity located at the front of the body. |
Visceral (VIS-er-ul) | Pertaining to internal organs or the covering of those organs. |