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infections in preg

RNC-OB infections in pregnancy

Toxoplasmosis parasite found in cat feces & raw meat can cause: PTL, low birth weight, fever, jaundice, mental retardation, abnormal head size, convulsions transmission to fetus increased in 3rd tri; damage decreased bc development has occurred
CMV member of herpes virus that crosses placenta & infects baby's blood primary infection more serious than recurrent infections can lead to oligo, IUGR, enlarged brain, liver or spleen, red spots on skin, problems with eyes, seizures, and mental problems
HPV infection of skin and mucous membranes of anogenital tract transmitted primarily through sexual contact, but can be transferred to infant who develops infection in oropharynx s/s: irritation, pruritis, bleeding, pink, raised lesions on affected areas
Genital warts tend to grow more rapidly during pregnancy
Bacterial Vaginosis Most common vaginal bacterial infection associated with PTL, PROM, chorio, pp endometritis all women that are symptomatic require treatment.
Candidiasis Most common fungal infection s/s: priritis, vaginal discharge, vaginal soreness, vulvar burning, and painful intercourse and urination
Trichomonas Vaginal infection caused by protozoan and spread through sexual activity associated with PROM, PTL, low birth weight, & coinfection with BV s/s: foul smelling, frothy discharge, pruritis, occasional redness, abdominal pain, dysuria, painful intercourse
HIV C/S recommended prior to ROM or onset of labor to reduce risk of vertical trans Avoid invasive procedures prior to bath. Test infant with DNA PCR test prior to 48 hours of age Treat with ZDV antivirals following same guidelines as nonpregnant women.
Herpes Second most prevalent STI Type I-above waist Type II-below waist Transmitted by direct contact. should avoid vaginal birth with outbreak infant s/s: localized, systemic, or disseminiated multiple painful wet blisters or crusted vesicles.
Gonorrhea Does not cross placenta - almost exclusively transmitted via sexual contact s/s: painful urination, cervical discharge, bleeding, and tenderness associated with PTL, PROM, chorio, PP infection
Chlamydia Most common bacterial STI trans transplacentally or thru (breastmilk) clinically similar to Gonorrhea infant s/s: conjunctivitis treatment for pt & partner recommended to decrease transmission to infant. Untreated can progress to PID and infertility
Syphilis friable cervix easily infected not evident until 18wk gest. s/s: fetal hydrops, encephalitis, bone deform, hepatometaly, jaundice, chorioretinitis, endocarditis only trans by direct contact with chancres Primary, secondary, &latent phases (all infectio
Mercury and Lead exposure can be transferred to baby via cord blood and breastfeeding sources: tap water, seafood, & fish toxic mercury levels can damage CNS development
Iron Toxicity overdose leads to caustic injury to GI tract & Metabolic acidosis. Injury leads to iron deposits into systemic circulation and to other organs leading to damage
Created by: kanani8806
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