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Hesi Vocab

Nimble agile, quick and light in movement, active, lively, moving with ease, quick to understand/think
Queries questions or inquiries, seeking or requesting for truth, information, or knowledge
Petulant childishly irritable, impatient
Volatile explosive, unstable, tending or threatening to break out into open violence, changing, flighty
Pedestrian ordinary, dull; everyday; unexceptional
Shrewd showing clever resourcefulness in practical matters, artful, tricky or cunning, streetwise, knowledgeable
Salient important, worthy of note or relevant
Stint to be sparing, thrifty, limit, restrict
Benevolent well meaning and kindly, desiring to help others, intended for benefits rather than profit
Trenchant vigorous or incisive in expression or style
Edify to instruct or improve morally or intellectually; to build up or strengthen in relation to morals or religion
Importune to harass with persistent requests, to ask all the time
Foment to encourage or incite troublesome acts
Habitual behaving in a regular manner, as a habit, customary
Tincture an alcoholic drink with plant extracts used for medicine
Monsoons the rainy season accompanying the wet monsoon; a change of wind direction with season
Nexus connection or series of connections linking two or more things
Plaintive sorrowful, mournful or melancholic, sad
Conjoin to join together; to unite; to combine
Geniality warmth and kindness of disposition, friendly, pleasant
Osculate to kiss or related to kissing
Goad to encourage, stimulate or incite and provoke, a stick with a pointed or electrically charged end for driving cattle
Virago given to undue belligerence or ill manner at the slightest provocation; a shrew
Termagant a loud domineering woman, violent
Succor aid, assistance or relief given to one in distress, ministration
Convection heat transfer in a gas or liquid by the circulation of currents
Prominent important, famous, conspicious
Conspicious easily seen, attracting attention
Astute accurately assess situations or people to one's own advantage, clever
Candid straightforward, open and sincere
Proscribe banish, to prohibit, outlaw
Specious seemingly well-reasoned or factual, but actually fallacious or insincere; strongly held but false, logical
Alacrity eagerness; liveliness; enthusiasm, cheerful readiness
Shroud a length of cloth or an enveloping garment in which a dead person is wrapped for burial
Petty of little importance; trivial
Created by: kjlov
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