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CNA abreviations

am morning
ac before meals
pm afternoon or evening
pc after meals
qid four times a day
tid three times a day
bid two times a day
qd every day (Daily)
hs hours of sleep/bedtime
qod every other day
ADL's activities of daily living
ad lib as desired
prn as needed
amb ambulatory
amt amount
bm bowel movement
w/c wheel chair
c/o complaint of
dc discontinue
c with
s without
x times
VS vital signs
TPR temperature, pulse, respirations
BP blood pressure
PSO2 pulse oxygen level
ht height
wt weight
po by mouth
npo (nbm) nothing by mouth
ROM range of motion
AROM active range of motion
PROM passive range of motion
F fahrenheit
C celsius
O2 oxygen
I&O intake and output
IV intravenous
oz ounce
ml millileters
cc cubic centimeters
Na sodium
Ca calcium
Cl chloride
Hg mercury
Au gold
H2O water
PT physical therapy
OT occupational therapy
SLP sleep and language pathologist
RCS reduced concentrated sweets
LCS low concentrated sweets
NCS no concentrated sweets
NAS no added salt
HOB head of bed
DNR do not resuscitate
AND allow natural death
sx symptoms/surgery
dx diagnosis
ax axillary (armpit)
hx history
rx prescription
tx treatment
fx fracture
abx/abt antibiotic/antibiotic therapy
DON director of nursing
ADON assistant director of nursing
don to put on
doff to take off
CA cancer
CHF chronic heart failure
CVA cerebrovascular accident (stroke)
MI myocardial infarction (heart attack)
UTI urinary tract infection
HOH hard of hearing
SOB short of breath
SOA short of air
GI gastrointestinal
GU genitourinary
U unit
incontinent no control of bowel/bladder
continent in control of bowel/bladder
void to urinate
decubitus ulcer bed sore/ pressure sore
aphaSia cant talk/write
dysphaSia speech impairment
dysphaGia cannot swallow
palliative care managing symptoms
hospice 6 months or less to live
hemorrhage bleeding
homeostasis balance
adequate tissue perfusion good skin, not easily bruised or torn
inadequate tissue perfusion easily torn, and bruised; thin and fragile
Created by: laura_k
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