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Bowie's Drug list

DrugsGp (M),For,SE,(Mx)
Dilantin Phenytoin Gp: Anticonvulsants / Antiepileptics SE: Anemia, confusion, 牙齦增生 (gingival enlargement), black stool
Lasix Frusemide Gp: Loop diuretics 去水丸 (inhibit Na/K/Cl co-transport) for: edema SE: Fluid & electrolyte imbalance. Hypokalemia, hyponatremia 低鉀低鈉症
Norvasc Amlodipine Gp: Ca channel blocker For: antihypertensive (block Ca , reduce impluse to heart, contraction reduce) SE: headache, Dizziness, hypotension
Diltiazem Herbesser Gp: Ca channel blocker, Class III For: antihypertensive, block Ca, reduce impluse to heart , reduce contration SE: headache , dizziness, hypotension
Adalat Retard [ADA __] Nifedipine SR [拉花大平] [ADA 拉花] Gp: Ca channel blocker For: HP & angina SE: liver disease, CHF, not with alcohol
Isoptin 我梳平 Verpamil [V哇怕毛] Gp: Ca channel blocker For: HP & angina SE: liver disease, CHF, not with alcohol
Capoten Captopril Gp: ACEI For: HT, diabetic nephropathy (reduce Na and H20 retention) SE: Hypotension, Hyperkalemia, dry cough, rash
Zestril Lisinopril 你先囉吊 Gp: ACEI For: HT, diabetic nephropathy (reduce Na and H20 retention) SE: Hypotension, Hyperkalemia, dry cough, rash
Acertil Perindopril Gp: ACEI For: HT, diabetic nephropathy (reduce Na and H20 retention) SE: Hypotension, Hyperkalemia, dry cough, rash
Hydralazine Trade name: Apresoline Gp: Direct Vasodilator (act on SM ) SE: Orthostatic hypotension, Fluid retension, Tachycardia
Minipress Prazosin Gp: Alpha blocker For: HT SE: Postural hypotension, Dizziness, drowsiness, headache
Hytrin Terazosin Gp: Alpha blocker For: HT SE: Postural hypotension, Dizziness, drowsiness, headache
Tenormin Atenolol Gp: Beta blocker For: HT SE: Braycardia, Hypotention, Bronchospasm
Betaloc Metoprolol Gp: Beta blocker For: HT SE: Braycardia, Hypotention, Bronchospasm
Inderal [內在的internal] Propranolol [內在的internal pro pan] Gp: Beta blocker For: HT SE: Braycardia, Hypotention, Bronchospasm
Timolol Timolol Gp: Beta blocker For: HT SE: Braycardia, Hypotention, Bronchospasm
Aldomet Methyldopa Gp: Adrenergic Centrally Acting Agent For: reduce impulse to sympathetic nerve to heart SE:Drowsiness, Hepatotoxicity Remarks: X with MAOI, no postural hypertension problem
Digoxin Trade : Lanxin Gp: Positive inotropic drugs For: CHF, cardiac arrest Remarks*: monitor apical P>60
Dopamine Gp: Positive inotropic drugs For: CHF, cardiac arrest Remarks*: monitor apical P>60
Dobutamine Trade: Doutrex (IV) Gp: Positive inotropic drugs For: CHF, cardiac arrest Remarks*: monitor apical P>60
Amiodarone Trade: Cardarone Gp: Potassium blocker ( reduce AV conduction) For: arrhythmia / fibrillation SE: visual impairment, photosensitivity
Heparin GP: anticoagulants (IV/SC) 薄血藥 For: blood clot disorders, 加入blood specimen for 防止凝血 SE: prolong bleeding Remakes: 1. monitor clotting profile 2. observe GI bleeding (stool for occult blood ) 3. prevent injury 4. withhold prior surgery
Warfarin Trade: Marevan (PO) Gp: anticoagulant (Vit K Blocker) For: Venous thromosis, pulmonary embolism SE: hemorrahage, Jaundice, Hepatic dsyfunction Remakes: 1. monitor INR * >2要俾warfarin 2. observe GI bleeding 3. withhold prior surgery * with LOW vit K
Cartia Trade: Aspirin SR Gp: Antiplatelet drug For: fever, pain , inflammation, MI and stroke (TIA) SE: prolong bleeding, haemorrage Remakes: 1. monitor clotting profile 2. observe GI bleeding 4. withhold prior surgery
Plavix Clopidogrel Gp: Antiplatelet drug For: fever, pain , inflammation, MI and stroke (TIA) SE: prolong bleeding, haemorrage Remakes: 1. monitor clotting profile 2. observe GI bleeding (stool for occult blood ) 3. prevent injury 4. withhold prior surg
Ventolin Salbutamol (PO/INH/IV) (short acting) Gp: Beta 2 seletive agonist For: relief bronchospasm, reduce airway resistance SE: Tachycardia, palpitation 心悸,
Atrovent Ipratropium bromide ( 我怕嘈死人 煲埋) (short acting) (INH) gp: anticholinergics For: asthma, COPD SE: Tachycardia, palpitation 心悸,
Piriton Chlopheniramide (PO) Gp: antihistamine For: allergic reaction SE: Drowsiness, Dry mouth,
Fluimucil Acetylcysteine Gp: Mucolytic 化痰 For: liquefy secretion , break bond in mucus SE: Bronchospasm 支氣管痙攣, rhinorrhea 流涕
Bisolvon Bromhexine Gp: Mucolytic For: liquefy secretion , break bond in mucus SE: Bronchospasm 支氣管痙攣, rhinorrhea 流涕
MES Mist Expectorant Stimulant 俗稱馬尿 (ammonia and Ipecacuanha Mixture) Gp: Productive cough stimulant(食左之後咳得仲多, 幫你咳走D 痰) For: 有痰, 想咳出黎 cough and cold SE:nausea and vomiting
BE Benadryl Expectorant (Diphenhydramine compound) Gp: Antitussives 止咳藥 Fpr: cough and cold SE:nausea and vomiting
CaCo3 +Mag Mylanta Gp: Antacid + neutralize acid SE: consti[ation for Magnesium
Mag Tri Magnesium Trisilicate Gp: Antacid + neutralize gastric acid for : stomachache SE: constipation for Magnesium
NaHCO3 gaviscon 嘉胃斯康 Gp: Antacid + neutralize gastric acid for : stomachache SE: Belching, constipation, hypercalcaemia
Pepcidine Famotidine (PO/IV) Gp: H2 receptor blocker in parietal cells of stomach For: peptic ulcer SE: dizziness, headache, confusion
Zantac 善胃得 (Ranitidine) Gp: H2 receptor blocker in parietal cells of stomach For: peptic ulcer SE: dizziness, headache, confusion
Nexium Esomeprazole Gp: Proton pump inhibitor (PPI) For: peptic ulcer SE: dizziness, headache, confusion
Losec Omeprazole Gp: Proton pump inhibitor (PPI) For: peptic ulcer SE: dizziness, headache, confusion
Dulcolax Bisacodyl (PO/PR) Gp: Stimulant laxatives For: constipation SE: Prolonged electrolyte imbalabce *Remarks: do not give oral dose within 1 hr of milk/antacid (dissolution of drugs)
Senna Senokot / Sennosides Gp: Stimulant laxatives For: constipation SE: Prolonged electrolyte imbalabce
Fleet Trade: Enema (PR) Gp: Osmotic Laxatives For: chronic constipation SE: dizziness headache confusion, Prolonged electrolyte imbalabace: hypo*calcemia,hypo*kalemia, Hyper* Na *Remarks: diet with restriction of Na
Lactulose Gp: Osmotic Laxatives For: constipation SE: dizziness headache confusion, Prolonged electrolyte imbalabace: hypo*calcemia,hypo*kalemia, Hyper* Na *Remarks: diet with restriction of Na
Metformin Glucophage Gp; Biguanides For: Type I DM SE: lactic acidosis (小心acute renal failure) reduce Vit B12 not with alcohol
Hydrocortisone Gp: Steroids For: anti-inflammatory drug SE: osteoporosis Remarks: step down before withdrawal avoid to use in systemic fungi infection
Prednisolone Gp: Steroids For: anti-inflammatory drug SE: osteoporosis Remarks: step down before withdrawal avoid to use in systemic fungi infection
Xanax Alprazolam (DDA drug!) Gp: antidepressant drug For: anxiety SE: Dependance, withdrawal , tolerate, hallucination
Sinemet Levodopa + Carbidopa (inhibit peripheral DDC, prevent levodopa convert to dopamine before crossing BBB) Gp: Dopamine Precusor+PDDC inhibitor For: Parkinsonism SE:red urine, on-off effect, choeriform syndrome
Panadol Paracetamol / Acetaminophen Gp: Non-opioid analgestics For: reduce pain and fever SE: hepatotoxicity Remarks: Max dose: 500mg x 8 in a day Anti-dose: Fluimucil (Acetylcysteine)
Celebrex Celecoxib Gp: NSAID For: reduce pain,fever, inflammation SE: GI bleeding, salt and fluid retention, renal impairment
DF118 Dihydrocodeine tartrate Gp: Opioid analgestics For: CNS acting relief pain SE: Addiciton, Tolerance
Morphine Gp: Opioid analgestics For: CNS acting relief pain SE: respiratory depression, sedation, confusion,. Addiciton, Tolerance
Tramadol Trade name: Tramal For: CNS acting relief pain SE: dizziness, headache, confusion,. Addiciton, Tolerance
Thiamine Vit B1 Gp: Electrolytes supplement For: alcholism, liver disorder
Slow K Potassium Chloride (KCL) Gp: electrolyte supplement For: Hypo* Kalemia SE: renal impairment
Resonium C (with Ca) 去鉀藥 For: Hyper* Kalemia SE: renal impairment remarks: PO:好易塞R/T, 因為好杰, 要逐D 咁俾 PR: 將1.5g 粉入100ml 啡樽水, 抽syringe用adaptor 加KY,入rectum
Actrapid Insulin Gp: Short acting DM drug For: Type I DM
Protaphane Insulin Gp: Intermediate acting DM drug For: Type I DM
Mixtard 30/70 30% actrapid + 70% protaphane Gp: DM drug For: Type I DM
Amoxil Amoxycilin Gp: ABX - Penicillins Action: inhibit bacterial cell wall synthesis SE: rash, diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea/vomiting, drug fever, allergy
Augmentin Amoxycillin + Clavulanic acid Gp: ABX - Penicillins Action: inhibit bacterial cell wall synthesis SE: rash, diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea/vomiting, drug fever, allergy
Tazocin Piperacillin + Tazobactam Gp: ABX - Penicillins Action: inhibit bacterial cell wall synthesis SE: rash, diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea/vomiting, drug fever, allergy
Timentin Ticarcillin + Clavulanic aicd Gp: ABX - Penicillins Action: inhibit bacterial cell wall synthesis SE: rash, diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea/vomiting, drug fever, allergy
Zincacef Cefuroxime Gp: ABX - Cephalosporins SE:rash, diarrhea, nausea/vomiting (rare), allergy, serum sickness, vaginal candidiasis
Tienam Imipenem + Cilastatin Gp: ABX- Carbapenem SE:diarrhea, nausea/vomiting, headache, rash, liver toxicity, eosinophilia (elevated white blood cells)
Meropenem Trade: Meronem Gp: ABX- Carbapenem SE:diarrhea, nausea/vomiting, headache, rash, liver toxicity, eosinophilia (elevated white blood cells)
Teracycline Trade: Achromycin Gp: ABX-Tetracyclines SE: nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, abdominal pain, tooth discoloration in children < 8 years, liver toxicity
Amikacin Amikin Gp: ABX - Aminoglycosides SE: renal (kidney) toxicity, ototoxicity (hearing loss), dizziness, nausea/vomiting, nystagmus 眼球震颤
Gentamicin Garamycin Gp: ABX - Aminoglycosides SE: renal (kidney) toxicity, ototoxicity (hearing loss), dizziness, nausea/vomiting, nystagmus 眼球震颤
Streptomycin For TB bacteria Gp: ABX - Aminoglycosides SE: renal (kidney) toxicity, ototoxicity (hearing loss), dizziness, nausea/vomiting, nystagmus 眼球震颤
Azithromycin Zithromax Gp: ABX - Macrolides SE: abdominal pain, diarrhea, anorexia, nausea/vomiting
Clarithromycin (Clara 嗌 thro 買先) Klacid 基酸 GP: ABX - Macrolides SE: abdominal pain, diarrhea, anorexia, nausea/vomiting, taste alterations (clarithromycin)
Erythromycin Erythrocin GP: ABX - Macrolides SE: abdominal pain, diarrhea, anorexia, nausea/vomiting
Levofloxacin 尼奧放曬先 Cravit GP: Fluoroquinolones SE: nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, headache, lethargy, insomnia, photosensitivity (can be severe) [唔好曬太陽]
Ciprofloxacin Ciproxin GP: Fluoroquinolones SE: nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, headache, lethargy, insomnia, photosensitivity (can be severe) [唔好曬太陽]
Vancomycin Vancocin Gp: Glycopeptides SE: red man syndrome (flushing, hypotension, itching); phlebitis; telavancin: taste alteration, nausea/vomiting, headache, dizziness [IV infusion over 60 mins can slove]
Clindamycin Dalacin C Gp: Others SE: pseudomembranous colitis (may be severe) [ >8 weeks 肚瀉], diarrhea, nausea/vomiting, rash, hypersensitivity, jaundice (clindamycin)
Metronidazole (咪嘈leader 數(錢)) Flagyl Gp: Other SE:nausea/vomiting, dizziness, headache, vaginal candidiasis, metallic taste,may discolor urine red-brown
Hydrochorothiazide Gp: Thiazide Diuretics For: edema M: inhibit Na/Cl in distal tubule SE: Hypo*Kalemia, Hypo*natremia, metabolic alkalosis
Ethambutol EMB-fatol Gp: Drug for TB ( attack bacterial cell wall ) For: TB SE: convulsion, Vit B6 deficiency, Hepatotoxcity, Remarks: take with food , monitor liver function
Holopon 好啦啵 Hyosine methobromide Gp: antispasmodics + alter gut motility For: 抗腸抽筋 SE: allergy, urine retention
Losartan 老沙田 Cozaar 高沙 GP: Angiotensin II receptor blocker M: inhibit AII -> lower fluid retention , vasoconstriction For: Hypertension SE: Renal failure !
Zocor Simvastatin Gp: Lipid-lowing drug For: 降血脂藥, if high LDL found SE: hepatotoxicity
Epilim (app pi 連) Sodium valproate Gp: anticoncvulsants (for neuromuscular ) For: 抗抽筋藥 SE: unsusal movements, hair loss
Phensedyl Promethazine Gp: Cough center suppressants in medulla oblongata SE: Nausea, constipation For: non-productive cough
Aminophyline Gp: Bronchodilator -- Methylxanthines M: 1. inhibit PED, in^ cAMP => relaxing bronchial smooth muscle 2. inhibit adenosine =>reduce constriction For: Asthma / bronchospassm SE: Tradycardia, nervousness, restlessness / Insomia
Theophyline [theo飛線漏奶] Neuline 漏奶 Gp: Bronchodilator -- Methylxanthines M: 1. inhibit PED, in^ cAMP => relaxing bronchial smooth muscle 2. inhibit adenosine =>reduce constriction For: Asthma / bronchospassm SE: Tradycardia, nervousness, restlessness / Insomia
Becloforte 250mcg/dose(必可復) Becotide 50mcg/dose Beclomethasone 必可米花鬆 Gp: steroid for asthma M: reduce inflammatory response SE: insomnia, peptic ulcer, fat, muscle wasting, poor wound healing Remarks: 最後先噴, 噴完要洗口!!
Seretide = Salmeterol (b2 agoinst) + Fluticasone (steroid) Gp: steroid for asthma M: reduce inflammatory response SE: insomnia, peptic ulcer, fat, muscle wasting, poor wound healing Remarks: 最後先噴, 噴完要洗口!!
Fluoxetine 富豪填田 Prozac M:block reuptakes of 5HT SE: Fewer anticholinergic effects, little sedation and weight gain Nausea, diarrhoea, sedation, insomnia, anxiety, agitation, fits Wider margin of safety in overdose REMARKS:Equally effective with TCAs
Synalar cream Fluocinolone (-nolone / nonide) Gp: Topical steriods x anti-inflammation M: 大白咬前列腺 SE: atrophy, acneiform eruptions Insomnia, peptic ulcer, fat gain, muscle wasting, osteoporosis,poor wound healing
Dorzolamide 多數黎買 (報紙) [-zolamide = CAI] Group: Miotic - Carbonic Anhydease inhibitor (CAI) For: constrict pupil, treat glaucoma M: recuce humor produced by CA-II. Increase the aqueous outflow , decrease (intraocular pressure)
Brimonidine 病毛你定 Gp: alpha-2 receptor agoinst M: activate alpha-2 receptor in ciliary body => reduce aqueous humor production
Pilocarpine 飄囉車片 Gp: Miotic -Muscarinic agoinst SE: no spasm caused Remarks: half active as physotigmine
physotigmine 快數的明 An alkaloid from the seeds of the physostigma venemosa plant For: Miotic M:Decrease intra-ocular pressure (i.o.p.) in glaucoma SE:Spasm may last for 2-3 hours Remarks:Partially reverse the dilatation by atropine
Latanoprost -prost (poster : prostaglandin analog / prostamide] Group : Miotics M: reduce aqueous inflow - vasoconstriction in ciliary body in^ queous outflow - dilation of aqueous veins
Dipivefrine 地匹褔林 Gp: Mydriatics - alpha.beta agoinst M: Converted to adrenaline Reduces aqueous inflow – vasoconstriction in ciliary body Increases outflow – dilation of aqueous and episcleral veins
Midazolam Dormicum For: short term sedation SE: bronchospam, hypotension Gp: Benzodiazepam SE: bronchospam (spo2 mon) ,hypotension,
Diazepam Valium For: long term sedation SE: resipatory depression, lactic acidosis, acur tubular necrosis
Zyrtec Cetirizine hydrochloride 10mg daily Gp: antihistamine (H1 receptor blocker) For: allergic reaction e.g. urticaria SE: Drowsiness, Dry mouth, headache
Created by: kopoyeehk
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