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Exocrine Gland produces digestive enzymes
Endocrine Gland produces hormones in Islets of Langerhans
Alpha cells produce glucagon
Beta cells produce insulin
Delta cells produce somatostatin
Diabetes a chronic systemic metabolic disorder that involves improper metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins
Endogenous produced internally or caused by internal factors
Exogenous originating outside the body
Insulin hormone for glucose metabolism
Glycemia glucose in the blood
Eugylcemia blood glucose within normal ranges
Hypoglycemia blood gluclose level below normal ranges
Hyperglycemia blood glucose level above normal ranges
Glycosuria glucose in the urine
Ketone bodies metabolic by products of fat metabolism
Ketonuria ketones in the urine
Ketoacidosis metabolic acidosis related to accumulated ketone bodies in the blood
Microvasular related to small blood vessels
Macrovasular related tolarge blood vessels
Nephropahty pathological changes in the kidney
Neuropathy pathological changes in the peripheral nervous system
Retinopathy pathological changes in the retina of the eye
Hypoglycemia complications shaking, tachycardia, sweating, dizziness, anxious, hunger, impaired vision, weakness/fatigue, headache, irritable
Hyperglycemia complications extreme thirst, frequent urination, dry skin, hunger, blurred vision, drowsiness, decreased healing
Lipodystophy abnormal metabolism or deposition of fats
Lipoatrophy breakdown of subQ fat at injection site
Lipohypertrophy build up of fibrous fat at injection site
Glycogenesis conversion of glucose to glycogen for storage in the liver
Glycogenolysis breakdown of glycogen to glucose
Normal blood glucose levels before eating 70 - 110
Normal blood glucose levels after eating 80 - 140
Blood glucose level of < 50 mg/dl hypoglycemia
Blood glucose level of 50 - 70 mg/dl moderate hypoglycemia
Blood glucose level of > 200 mg/dl hyperglycemia
Blood glucose level of > 300 mg/dl diabetic ketoacidosis
Blood glucose level of > 600 mg/dl hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic coma
Types of rapid-acting insulin Insulin lispro (Humalog), Insulin aspart (NovoLog)
Types of short-acting insulin Regular insulin (Humulin R, Novolin R)
Types of intermediate-acting insulin NPH insulin
Types of long-acting insulin Ultralente insulin, Insulin Glargine (Lantus)
Types of inhaled rapid-acting, short-acting insulin Insulin human rDNA origin (Exubera)
Types of clear insulin Insulin lispro (Humalog), Insulin aspart (NovoLog), Regular insulin (Humulin R, Novolin R), Insulin Glargine (Lantus)
Types of cloudy insulin NPH insulin, Ultralente insulin
Type of insulin stored as powder in blister packs Insulin human rDNA origin (Exubera)
Mixing insulin clear to cloudy
10% of people that develop Diabetes Mellitus develop this type Type I
90% of people that develop Dibetes Mellitus develop this type Type II
Excessive urination to excrete excess glucose polyuria
Excessive thirst D/T increased blood osmolality - physiologic dehydration polydipsia
Excessive hunger due to cellular lack of glucose polyphagia
What cells can use glucose without insulin brain, kidney, heart muscle fibers, nerve, and exercising skeletal muscle cells
Fatty acids are the same as ketones
Stimulate beta cells, increase use of insulin by target tissues, slow insulin breakdown by liver sulfonylureas
Sulfonylureas lower blood sugar by causing the pancreas to make more insulin
These drugs cause increased action of insulin on peripheral receptor sites, may increase # of receptors, does not effect beta cells, will not cause Wt. gain, will not cause hypoglycemia biguanides
These drugs delay CHO/glucose absorption, do not cause hypoglycemia alpha-glucosidase inhibitors
These drugs cause increased insulin sensitivity of cells, increase uptake in fat & muscle, decrease production by liver, do not cause hypoglycemia thiazolidinediones
These drugs stimulate insulin secreation from pancreas, can cause hypoglycemia and wt. gain meglitinides & D-phenylalanines
Opened insulin can be stored at room temp. for up to one month
Onset time required for the medication to have an initial effect
Peak maximum effect
Duration length of time agent remains active in the body
The average rate of insulin secreation in an adult is 30 - 50 units per day
The pancreas secreates insulin at a steady rate of 0.5 - 1 unit/hr.
In gestational diabetes, the amount of energy from the three macronutrients should be divided as 40% fat, 20% protein, 40% carbohydrates
Increasing the fiber content of the diabetic diet tends to decrease the blood glucose level
NIDDM non-insulin dependent diabees mellitus
IDDM insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
Somogyi phenomenon characterized by rebound hyperglycemia occuring in response to hypoglycemia
Dawn phenomenon people with diabetes who are insulin dependent experience an increase in fasting blood glucose levels between 5 and 9 AM that is not R/T a period of hypoglycemia
Diabetic ketoacidosis is kown to cause Kussmaul's respirations (rapid and deep)
Autonomic Neuropathy will cause an atonic bladder, in which the bladder capacity increases and eventually causes retention with overflow.
Diabetes is related to the metabolism of the two main fuels carbohydrate and fat
Ketones are caused by excessive fat breakdown
Created by: Kevint
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