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Rush -Normal Values
Rush Nursing Pathophysiology: Normal Values for Blood Chemistries, ABGs, etc.
Question | Answer |
What is the normal value of serum glucose? | 60-110 mg/dl |
What is the normal arterial blood pH value? | 7.35 to 7.45 |
What is the normal PaC02? | 35-45 mmHg |
Normal Pa02? | 80-100mmHg |
Normal HC03? | 22-28 mEq |
Normal value of K? | 3.5 to 5.5 mEq/l |
Normal serum sodium level? | 135-145 mEq/l |
Normal BUN? | 8-25 mg/dl |
Normal blood osmolarity? | 275-295 mOs/kg |
If a patient's level of Creatine kinase (isoenzyme MB) is high, what does this mean? | Cell necrosis in heart. |
If a patient's level of Creatine kinase (isoenzyme BB) is high, what does this mean? | Cell necrosis in brain |
If a patient's level of Creatine kinase (isoenzyme MM) is high, what does this mean? | Cel necrosis in heart or skeletal muscle |
If LDH-1 is high, what does it mean? (lactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme 1) | Cell necrosis of heart, erythrocytes, or skeletal muscle |
If LDH-5 is high, what does it mean? (lactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme 5) | Cell necrosis of Liver or skeletal muscle |
If AST level is elevated, what does that mean? (Aspartate aminotransferase) | Cell necrosis of heart, liver skeletal muscle |
If ALT level is elevated, what does that mean? (Alanine aminotransferase) | Cell necrosis of Liver, skeletal muscle |
What is significance of elevated amylase? | Pancreas, salivary gland cell necrosis |
Normal value of total bilirubin? | .2 - 1.5 mg/dl |
Normal value of direct bilirubin? | 0 to .3 mg/dl |
Normal calcium levels | Serum (total) is 9.0 to 10.5, ionized is 4.5 to 5.6. 50% of calcium in blood is bound to protein, 40% is free or ionized. |