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Ch3 Dream Weaver!

Ch3 vocab

Absoulte hyperlink see external hyperlink
Borders the lines around a table and cells
cell the intersection of a row and colum in a table
cell padding the pixels of blank space between the content in the cell and the cell's boundary
cell spacing the pixels of blank space between cells
closing a web page view removing a web page's document window from the dreamweaver workspace, which also removes the file from the computer's memory
code and design view a combination of code and design view, also called split view
code view displays the code generated for the web page
content the information presented to the user in a web page
design view desplays the web page document simliar to how it will appear in a browser window
document-relative hyperlink text that can be clicked to display a different web page document in the browser window from the same website.
document toolbar area at the top of the document window that contains buttons and menus for chaging views and performing common actions
document window area of the Dreamweaver workspace that contains the web page document
dream weaver an application used to develop websites
external hyperlink a hyperlink that displays a web page document from another web sites
file name the name of the file that stores the web page document
files panel area of the dreamweaver workspace that displays files and folders associated with the active websites
fixed width a table width that is specified in pixels. A fixed width table will not change when a user resizes the browser window
home page the main page or starting point of the website
insert panel the processs of transferring a copy of the file contents to the computer's memory, which displays the file in an appropriate window
menu bar area at the top of the dreamweaver workspace that displays the names of menus
opening file the process of transferring a copy of the file contents to the computer's memory, which displays the file in an appropriate window
page title the text displayes in the title bar of the browser window when a user views the web page
panel groups tools used in developing a website
pixel a unit of measurements related to screen resolution
propery inspector area of the dreamweaver workspace that is used to change propeties of the selected text or object
quitting dreamweaver the process of removing the dreamweaver window from the desktop, which removes the program from the computer's memory
site defintion the process of defining a site which includes specifying a folder name, a server technology, files locations, and remote server options
site map a map of the structure of the working website
standard mode a mode used to create tables
table a structure of rows and colums that can be used to organize and control the arrangement of content in a web page
tag selector area at the bottom of the document window that is used to select a tag and its contents
workspace the dreamweaver application interface, which contains windows, toolbars, and panel groups.
Created by: coryleboeuf
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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

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