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Nursing CNA


Shock The body's reaction to a strong and sudden disturbance, marked by rapid, weak pulse.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation An emergency procedure used to keep blood and oxygen flowing to vital organs during cardiac or respiratory arrest
Cardiac arrest The stoppage of heart function and circulation
Respiratory arrest The stoppage of breathing
Artificial breathing An emergency procedure that forces air into the lungs of someone who has stopped breathing
Chest compressions An emergency procedure that artificially restores circulation when there is no pulse
Automatic external defibrillator (AED) A device that will assess a patient's heartbeat and apply an electrical shock when necessary
Heimlich maneuver An emergency procedure involving the use of the abdomen thrusts on a person who is choking in order to clear the obstructed airway
Finger sweep Procedure used on an unconscious adult to clear an obstructed airway. An attempt is made to remove the object by carefully sweeping a finger around the inside of the person's mouth and back of throat.
Seizure Sudden, violent contractions or trembling of muscles caused by a disturbance of brain activity; also called convulsions
Grand mal seizure A type of seizure characterized by a loss of awareness for a short period of time, often less than a minute
Petit mal seizure A type of seizure characterized by a loss of awareness for a short period of time, often less than a minute
Body system A group of organs that work together to carry out a primary body function
Cell The basic structural unit of all living things
Tissue A group of similar cells that combine to perform a particular function
Organ A group of tissues forming a distinct unit that carried out one or more specific functions
Homeostasis Process a healthy body woks to maintain an internal stability or balance
Growth The physical changes that take place in a person's body over the life span
Development The intellectual, emotional, and social changes that occur in a person over the course of a life span
Disease Abnormal change in an organ or system that produces a set of symptoms
Sign Indication of disease that can be detected by others
Symptom Indication of disease that is felt by the patient or sufferer
Complication Unexpected condition that may arise in a person who is already sick and may intensify the person's disease or illness
AIDS Acquired immune deficiency syndrome, a viral disease that depresses the body's immune system
HIV Human immunodeficiency virus, the virus that causes AIDS. Invades and destroys cells called T cells, which are crucial to the immune system's ability to ward off infections
safe-sex practices The use of condoms, or abstinence, related to sexual practices
Tumor Any new growth in or on the body
Benign A tumor that generally grows slowly and stays localized
malignant Cancerous tumor, which can grown uncontrollably and spread to other parts of the body
Cancer uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body's tissues and organs
Chronic bronchitis Persistent or recurrent inflammation of the air tubes in the lungs
Emphysema Chronic disorder of the lungs in which the alveoli can no longer expand and contract completely, and the normal exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide cannot occur
Asthma Chronic respiratory disorder that causes narrowing of the bronchial passages and difficult breathing
Tuberculosis (TB) Infectious lung disease caused by bacteria which is transmitted through droplets released by sneezing and coughing
Plasma Colorless, fluid part of the blood that carries the blood cells
Edema Swelling of the body tissues due to excessive accumulation of fluid
Emesis Vomit
Flatus Intestinal gas
Jaundice Yellow discoloration of the skin and whited of the eyes, which is a principal sign of many liver and gallbladder disorders
Ostomy Procedure in which an artificial opening is created
Stoma opening of an internal organ on the surface of the body, such as colostomy
Colostomy Where a potion of the large intestine is brought through an incision in the abdominal wall
Ileostomy Portion of the lower part of the small intestine is brought through an incision in the abdominal wall
Urine Waste fluid produced by the kidneys, stored in the bladder, and excreted thought the urethra
Incontinence Inability to control bladder or bowel function
Dialysis Removal of waste products from the blood by a hemodialysis machine as a treatment for kidney failure
Gland Organ that produces a secretion to be used elsewhere in the body
Hormone Chemical substance that stimulated and regulated certain reactions in the body
Exocrine gland gland that secreted into ducts that lead to other body organs or out of the body
Endocrine gland ductless gland that secretes directly into the bloodstream
Diabetes mellitus pancreas doesn't secrete enough insulin, resulting in high amounts of glucose in the blood
Hyperglycemia A condition in which there is to much sugar in the blood
diabetic coma State of unconscious and unresponsive caused by severe hyperglycemia
Hypoglycemic Condition in which there is too little sugar in the blood
Insulin shock Overdose of insulin or insufficient food take
Lesion Localized abnormality of the skin, such as a wound, sore, or a rash, caused by injury or disease
Marrow Soft material filling the hollow interior of the bones, where the blood cells are produced
Joint point where to bones come together
ligament connective tissue that connects bone to bone and supports joints
tendon strong bands of connective tissue that connect skeletal muscles to bone
cartilage Connective tissue that cushions joints and prevents the ends of bones from rubbing together
bursitis Inflammation of the small fluid-filled sac that cushions many joints
arthritis any several disorders that cause inflammation of the joints
Fracture a break or crack in the bone
contracture a permanent tightening up or shortening of a muscle
traction treatment using weights and pulleys to immobilize broken bones while they heal
hip pinning procedure used to repair a hip fracture by fastening the two bone ends with a long metal pin
central nervous system made up of the brain and spinal cord, which together regulate all bodily functions
peripheral nervous system cranial nerves and spinal nerves that extend through the body
autonomic nervous system controls involuntary actions such as breathing, heartbeat, and digestion
cerebrovascular accident (CVA) A stroke interruption of blood flow to the brain
thrombus blood clot that forms in and blocks a blood vessel
embolus clot or other mass that travels through the bloodstream and eventually blocks a blood vessel
glaucoma eye disease too much pressure of fluid in the eye causing damage to the retina and optic nerve
cataract eye disorder which the lens loses its transparency, leading to a gradual blurring and dimming of vision
hemiplegia weakness or paralysis on one side of the body due to a stroke
aphasia loss of the ability to communicate following a stroke or head injury
paraplegic a person who has paralysis of the lower half of the body
quadriplegic a person who has paralysis from the neck down
Created by: cunningham3
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