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AP MOD.I-Immunity

Lymphatic System and Immunity

lymphedema swelling of tissues caused by blockage of lymph vessels
lymphangitis inflammation of lymphatic vessels
elephantiasis severe lymphedema of limbs fromparasitis infestation
lymphoma malignant tumor of lymph nodes
Hodgkin disease type of lymphoma characterized by swelling of lymph nodes in neck
non-Hodgkin lymphoma type of lymphoma characterized by sweling of lymph nodes
thymus produces T lymphocytes (T cells)
pharyngeal tonsils adenoids
palatine tonsils "the tonsils"
spleen largest lymphoid organ responsible for phagocytosis of bacteria and old RBCs
splenomegaly enlargement of the spleen
nonspecific immunity does not require prior exposure to antigen
specific immunity recognizes prior exposure to bacteria and antigens
acquired immunity immunity obtained after birth from injection or exposure to agent
natural immunity exposure to causitive agent is not deliberate
active natural immunity active disease produces immunity
passive natural immunity immunity passed from mother to fetus
artificial immunity exposure to causitive agent is deliberate
active artificial immunity vaccination
passive artificial immunity immunity passed from one individual to another
antibody protein substance that destroys or inactivates antigens in the body
phagocytes injest and destroy foreign substances
lymphocytes most numerous immune cells
B cells develope into plasma cells, secrete antibodies into blood
T cells produce cell-mediated immunity
hypersensitivity excessive immune response
allergy hypersensitivity to harmless environmental allergens
autoimmunity inappropriate, excessive response to self-antigens
isoimmunity excessive reaction to antigens from another human
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)-chronic inflammatory disease caused by antibody attack on tissue
Created by: ddoyon
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