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Module 6 oxygenation


Prematurity and Surfactant deficiency disease are associated with _________________ Respiratior distress syndrome (RDS)
Physiologic alterations of RDS include, _________,_______ ________&_________ _______ Hypoxia, Respiratory acidosis& Metabolic acidosis,
An X-ray that shows a ground glass appearance with a "white-out" outline of the lungs means the infant has ____________ RDS
Surfacant theraphy is give via _________ endotracheal tube
True or False an increase in urine output from an infant on a ventilator is an indication of improvement True - fluid moves out of lungs to kidney to be excreted
ventilator's may result in a __________________ if set too high pneumothorax
A a pale, jaundice infant with signs of edema and a bluish tint to his tongue and a continuous systolic murmur is showing signs of ____________. RDS
If the point of maximal intensity is not at 4-5th ICS (intercostal space) this may indicate _________, __________,____________ pneumothorax, dextrocardia, diaphrahamic hernia
episode of nonbreathing for more than 20 seconds are called __________ and are ________ Apnea, abnormal
After birth what is the easiest sign of respiratory distress? Increased respiratory rate.
tachyapnea are respirations above ____ 60 breaths per minute
Thermoregulation results in _______ infant decreases his respiratory effort - becomes easier to breath because baby is not too cold or too hot.
A less severe form of RDS is ____________ TTN trahsient tachypnea of the newborn
Infants with MAS may be given a continuous infusion of ______________ Bicarbonate to correct metabolic acidosis. Break the cycle of hypoxia and acidemia.
Infants with cool skin temp should be checked for _______________ hypoglycemia - it is a result of metabolic effects of cold stress
True or False - newborns should be warmed quickly if hypothermia occurs. False - Warm slowly to avoid hypotension and apnea.
True or False - The most common metabolic disorder of IDM's is hyperglycemia. False - it is hypoglycemia
This syndrome affects term, SGA and postterm newborns and those that have experienced a long labor. MAS - meconium aspiration syndrome
Oxygen given to infants is usually ______ and _________ warmed and humidified.
Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn is seen in what infants? Seen in LGA & near term neonates
Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn is associated with ______________... Associated with intrapartal asphyxia due to maternal over sedation, bleeding, prolapsed cord, breech birth, maternal diabetes Results in failure to clear airway of lung fluid, mucus or aspiration of amniotic fluid
What are the signs and symptoms of TTN? Little difficulty at birth Develops signs of respiratory distress within a few hours Expiratory grunting, flaring nares, mild cyanosis Tachypnea with rates often > 100 breaths/min Mild respiratory and metabolic acidosis
True or False - Oral feeds contraindicated b/c of risk of aspiration if the infant has TTN? True
What is the Incidence of TTN ? 11 per 1000 live births
Created by: CCBCMDNursing218
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