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Parlimentary Procedu
Parlimentary Procedure
Question | Answer |
democratic principles | basis for parliamentary procedure |
the house (assembly) | the members or group |
adjourn | conclude the business of the day |
recess | to stop the meeting for a period of time |
pro and con | to be for or against a motion |
meeting | a gathering of members |
second the motion | is done to state that another member approves the motion |
table the question (motion) | to delay a motion temporarily |
agenda | order of business for the meeting |
unfinished business | business brought before the assembly again |
new business | business not previously discussed in a meeting |
amend | change a motion |
standing committees | committees used every year |
motion | request for action by the assembly |
rules of order | book by R.H. Robert |
house | the members present |
quorum | minimum number of members needed for meeting |
special committees | set up for special occasions |
chair | person presiding over the meeting |
The vote is being taken by voice vote on a motion. The “ayes” and “no’s” sound similar in volume. What could a member do? | call for division of the house |
The two types of committees are | standing and special |
What would a member do if he/she wanted to let the chairperson know that the temperature was too hot in the back of the room during a meeting? | raise a question of privilege |
When a member decides to temporarily lay a motion aside in order to permit the club to attend to more important items he/she moves to | table the motion |
A meeting may be _____by the president if the business of the day is complete and no further new business is brought up. | adjourned |
In order for a motion to be considered by the assembly it has to have how many people interested in it? | two |
When a member desires to kill a motion without bringing it to a vote he/she moves to | postpone the motion indefinitely |
Usually the first item in a meeting is | reading of the minutes. |
What happens to a main motion if no one seconds it? | It dies |
Correct terminology used to present a motion (main motion) is | I move... |
The treasurer and committee chairpersons should have their reports ready at the beginning of the meeting. | of the meeting. |
Improper voting could arise in a meeting | that is not run properly. |
Parliamentary procedure is based on | democratic principles. |
If someone seconds a main motion the chairperson (president) then asks for | discussion. |
Protection of the rights of the individual is one of the principles upon which | parliamentary procedure is based. |