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Ch 6
Term | Definition |
complete proteins | proteins that contain all the essential amino acids |
bioavailable | ability of a nutrient to be readily absorbed and used by the body |
incomplete proteins | proteins that do not contain all of the essential amino acids |
complementary proteins | incomplete proteins that when combined provide all 10 essential amino acids |
nitrogen | chemical element found in protein; essential to life |
amino acids | nitrogen-containing chemical compounds of which protein is composed |
polypeptides | ten or more amino acids bonded together |
trypsin | pancreatic enzyme; helps digest proteins |
chymotrypsin | pancreatic enzyme necessary for the digestion of proteins |
carboxypeptidase | pancreatic enzyme necessary for protein digestion |
nitrogen balance | when nitrogen intake equals nitrogen excreted |
positive nitrogen balance | nitrogen intake exceeds output |
physical trauma | extreme physical stress |
negative nitrogen balance | more nitrogen lost than taken in |
albumin | protein that occurs in blood plasma |
protein energy malnutrition (PEM) | malnutrition resulting from inadequate intake of protein and energy-rich foods; marasmus and kwashiorkor |
marasmus | severe wasting caused by lack of protein and all nutrients or faulty absorption; PEM |
kwashiorkor | deficiency disease caused by extreme lack of protein |
mental retardation | below normal intellectual capacity |