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Nursing: Acid Base

Nursing: Acid Base, Electrolyte Imbalance

Hypokalemia < 3.5, Vomiting, diarrhea, diuretics, alkalosis, Irreg fast heart rate then slow, dysrhythmia, po K
Hyperkalemia > 5.0 Renal failure, Shift out of cells Slow weak pulse, bradycardia->heart block, cramps, twitching, tremors, paralysis Diuretics Insulin, hypertonic dextrose w/ Na bicarb
Hypercalcemia: ↓ CO <4.3 , affects neuromuscular membranes, ↓ heart contractility -> Lack sunlight, loop diuretics, neck surgery Torsades de pointes, (potential fatal arrhythmia) spasms, hyperreflexia, twitching, laryngo-spasm due to tetany (would see stri
Hyponatremia : <135, water drawn into cells d/t serum hypoosmolality -> cellular swelling, Water drawn into cells; Sweating, diarrhea, excess IV fluids, diabetes, altered thirst, altered renal failure, excessive hypotonic fluids Anorexia, N/V, abd cramping, seizures, c
Hypernatremia: >145, Water drawn out of cells due to serum hyperosmolality -> cellular dehydration, water deprivation, burns, Thirst, ↑ temp, seizures, restlessness, altered LOC, seizures fluid & electrolyte mgmt
pO2 75-100 mmHg Partial pressure of O2 in blood
pCO2 35-45 mmHg Partial pressure CO2 in blood
O2 sat 95-100% % hgb saturated w/ O2
pH 7.35-7.45 Acidity
Bicarb 22-26 HCO3 amt bicarb in blood
Base excess/deficit Deviation from regular bicarb levels
Respiratory Acidosis causes/Nsg intervention pulm edema, asthma, trauma, Remove excess CO2, give O2 with caution Impaired gas exchange Ineffective airway clearance
Respiratory Alkalosis causes/Nsg intervention hyperventilating, Breathe into paper bag
Metabolic Acidosis causes/Nsg intervention diarrhea, Monitor ECG for dysrhythmia Risk for excess fluid volume
Metabolic Alkalosis causes/Nsg intervention antacid overuse, O2, Energy mgmt Vitals/skin Fluid volume deficit
Magnesium 1.3-2.1 mEq/L
Phosphorus 1.7-2.6 mEq/L
Potassium (ICF) 3.5-5.0 mEq/L
Calcium 8.5-10 mEq/L
Sodium (ECF) 135-145 mEq/L
Phos/Ca relationship inverse, bind to eachother, too much of one causes too little of the other
Created by: sdcarlson
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