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Midterm Exam

Skel Rad 2

Ossification center of Dens doesn't fuse with body of the Dens Ossiculum Terminale Persistens
So mites fail to segment resulting in fusion of vertebrae Block Vertebrae
Lack of union between Odontoid and body of C2 Os Odontoideum
Partial to complete lack of Odontoid Process Hypoplastic and Agenetic Odontoid Process
Short, webbed neck, low hairline, reduced ROM Kippel-Feil Syndrome
Failure of Scapula to descend Sprengel's Deformity
Cartilage or fiber band running from C5/6 SP to Superior Angle of Scapula Omovertebral Bone
Two nerve roots exit from one large Foramen Absent Pedicle
Results from a cleft in the posterior arch Cervical Spondylolisthesis
Developmental narrowing of spinal space due to elongated, flat vertebral bodies Platyspondyly
Costal process articulating with C7 Cervical Rib
Often leads to Dysphagia, feeling of fullness in throat, face pain Stylohyoid Ligament Ossification
Associated with a rudimentary form of congenital non-segmentation Elongated Anterior Tubercle with Accessory Joint
Saggital cleft in a vertebral body Butterfly Vertebra
Portion of vertebra does not ossify, triangular shaped segmentation Hemivertebra
Endplates of adjacent vertebra alter and conform to Hemivertebra Incarcerated Hemivertebra
Hemivertiebra is fused to the adjacent segment without an intervertebral disc Non-segmented Hemivertebra
Adjacent endplates are straight and will more likely cause Scoliosis Non-incarcerated Hemivertebra
Fibrous, cartilagenous, or bony bar divides the spinal cord or Cauda Equina and fixes it to the midline Diastematomyelia
Herniation of disc material into vertebral body Schmorl's Nodes
Persistent Notochord, Cupid's bow (look like Schmorl's Nodes) Nuclear Impression
Neural Arch does not ossify and pedicle is absent or semi-absent Agenesis of Lumbar Pedicle
Multiple levels of Schmorl's Nodes with anterior vertebral body wedging Scheuermann's Disease
Non-union between the two halves of the Post Arch Spina Bifida Occulta
Wide, bony defect in Post Arch with protrusion of spinal cord contents Spina Bifida Vera
Disc material herniation through Growth Center of the Ring Apophysis Limbus Bone
Vertebra with lumbar and sacral characteristics Lumbosacral Transitional Vertebra
Appearance of Lumbar vertebra on one side and Sacral base on the other Unilateral Transitional Segment
Assymetrical facets Facet Tropism
Lack of an Articular Process Agenesis of Articular Process
Secondary growth centers of the Articular process do not unite Oppenheimer's Ossicle
Combination of Spina Bifida Occulta of the S1 and elongated SP of L1 Clasp Knife Syndrome
Hahn's Cleft
Flattening of the Base of Skull Platybasia
Upper Cervicals in a superior position when related to the Skull Basilar Impression
Ow lying Cerebellar Tonsils, triangular shaped Cerebellar Tonsils, kinked 4th Ventricle Arnold-Chiari Malformation
Congenital Atlanto-occipital fusion Occipitalization of the Atlas
Inferior somite of the Occiput fails to unite and remains as an extra ossicle Occipital Vertebra
Bridge from Anterior Foramen Magnum to apex of the Odontoid Process/Ant Arch Third Condyle
Congenital, bony bar bridge C1 TP to the Occiput Epitransverse Process
Congenital, bony bar bridge originates medial and anterior to the Paramastoid Process And connects to atlas TP Paracondylar Process
Congenital, bony bar bridge originates from the Jugular Process of the Occiput to atlas TP Paramastoid Process
Bony ossicles in the Atlanto-occipital space Atlanto-Occipital Ossicles
Posterior arch cleft, unilateral agenesis, or complete agenesis of Post Arch Agenesis of Posterior Arch of Atlas
No midline ossification of Neural Arch of C1 Posterior Spina Bifida Occulta of Atlas
Vertical lucency over Odontoid Process on APOM View Anterior Spina Bifida Occulta of Atlas
Oblique ossification of Atlanto-occipital membrane Pont Ponticle of Atlas
Created by: 1632232938
Popular Chiropractic sets




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