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Preclinic Exam 5

Pre-clinic Dental Charting and EIOE

what is verrucous? wart like
what is papillomatous? cauliflower-like
what is fissured? cracked
what is corrugated? wrinkled
what is crusted? dry or scab-like
what is a depressed lesion? below the normal plane of mucosa usually an ulcer where there is a loss of continuity of epithelium
what is superficial distance from base of depression to plane of margin is less than 3 mm
what is deep? distance from base of depression to plane of margin is greater than 3 mm
what is a raised margin? margin of lesion is abve the plane of normal mucosa
what is a macula? abnormal color
what is coalescing? close to each other with margins that merge
what is a vesicle? blister form of 5 mm or less in diameter containing serum or mucin
what is a bulla? blister form greater than 5 mm in diameter contains serum or mucin, may contain extravasated blood
what is a blister form? containing fluid with transparent appearance and a soft consistency vesicle, bulla, pustule
what is a pustule blister form contains pus that is yellowish color and is any size
what is a nonblisterform? solid lesion containing no fluid and of a firm consistency papule, nodule, tumor, plaque
what is a papule? non blister form 5 mm or less in diameter, consisting of tissue
what is a nodule? non blister form greater than 5 mm in diamter less than 2 cm consisting of tissue
what is a tumor? 2 cm or greater in diameter consisting of tissue
what is plaque? slightly raised with a broad, flat top and a pasted on appearance
what is pedunculated? stem or stalk
what is sessile base or attachment is the greatest diameter of the lesion
what is adenopathy? any disease of the glands, especially the lymphatic system
what is a benign migratory glossitis or geographic tongue? multiple areas of sequamation (absence) of the filiform papillae in an irregular pattern that resembles a map. areas of desquamation migrate or change
what is black hairy tongue? hypertrophy of the filiform papillae of the tongue. the color of the papillae may vary from yellowish white to brown or even black. may be fungal infection
what is candidiasis? multiple white, curdlike patches on the oral mucosa, can be scraped off but leaves a bleeding surface, may appear as red, raw mucosa. yeast like infection
what are ephelis/ ephelides? a freckle or freckles
what is eryhtoplakia? bright red velvety precancerous lesion on the oral mucosa, irregular in outline but well defined.
what is exostoses? benign bony growth projecting from the surface of bone bony growth from the facial alveolar bone
what is a fissured tongue numerous furrows or grooves on the dorsal surface of the tongue often radiating out from the midline
what is fordyce granules ectopic (elevated) sebaceous glands, yellow in color
what is leukoplakia? a white precancerous lesion, slightly raised and sharply circumscribed.
what is lichen planus? white or grey white lacy lesion or patch non mmalignant, chronic cannot be whiped off
what is lingual varicosities? dilated tortuous veins under the tongue
what is leukoedema? a variation of normal mucpsa ranging from a filmy opalescene to a white, coarsely wrinkled surface of the buccal mucosa
what is the clinical features of attrition discolored incisal/occlusal surfaces exposed dentin through the enamel wear facets
what is attrition tooth to tooth wear
what is abrasion tooth wear due to foreign substances
what is the clinical features of abrasion notches at cervical 1/3 flattened occlusal cusps
what is erosion loss of tooth structures due to chemical agents
what is the clinical feature of erosion transluecent appearance little to no enamel present
what is an open contact? space between 2 adjacent teeth that is less than 2 mm
what is a diastema 2 mm or greater space between teeth
what is an incipient lesion hasn't progressed through the enamel
what is arrested caries stopped the caries causing agent and the body remineralizes the area
what is primary caries decay in a tooth that does not already have a restoration in the same area
what is a secondary caries decay has occurred around a filling
what is a class I cavity pits and fissures anywhere in mouth
what is a class II cavity proximal surfaces of posterior teeth molars and premolars
what is a class III cavity proximal surfaces of anterior teeth
what is a class IV cavity? proximal including incisal edges of anterior teeth
what is a class V cavity? cervical 1/3 of facial or lingual surfaces of anterior or posterior teeth
what is a class VI cavity? cusp tips of molars, premolars and canines wear facet
what is an inlay? inside the cusps
what is an onlay? lays ontop of the cusps
what is digital palpation? use of index finger to move or press against tissue
what is bidigital palpation? using index finger and thumb of same hand to move or compress tissue using a rolling motion
what is manual palpation? using all fingers of one hand to simultaneously move or compress tissue
what is bimanual palpation using index finger of one hand and fingers and thumb of other hand simultaneously to move or compress tissue holding fingers close together
what is bilateral palpation? using a finger or fingers of both hands simultaneously to move or press tissues on opposite sides of head and body
what is circular compression moving fingertips in a deliberate rotating fashion over tissues to be examined
what is class I occlusion? mesiobuccal cusp of the first maxillary molar falls into buccal groove of the mandibulr first molar mesial half of the maxillary canine occludes with distal hald of the mandibular canine
what is class II occlusion? retrognathic profile mandible is back from where it needs to be: distal buccal cusp occluding
what is class II division one? mandible retruded maxillary incisors protruded
what is class II division two? mandible retruded maxillary incisors retruded
what is class III occlusion? prognathic profile mandible is forward from where it should be mesiobuccal cusp max is on distal of man premolar
what is overbite turning the probe up until it hits the back of the maxillary incisor
what is overjet turn the probe horizontal measuring where the maxillary incisor falls when the probe is up against the mandibular incisor
what is anterior crossbite maxillary incisors are inside the mandibular incisors
Created by: Chobchi
Popular Dentistry sets




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