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C.W. Repro


Activity for pt w/PID? bedrest w/ BRP
Position for pt w/PID? semi-fowlers (to facilitate drainage)
Home care for pt w/PID? oral antibiotics, bedrest, medicated vaginal suppositories
3 teaching points w/Flagyl? 1) Avoid alcohol. 2) Abstain from intercourse. 3) contraindicated in the 1st trimester of pregnancy
Pt w/endometriosis c/o? pelvic pain during menses, painful intercourse, low back pain, excessive days of heavy bleeding
Where do sperm mature? epididymis
Endometriosis is AKA? "the career womans disease"
PID infections are? ascending
Sterile epididymis? direct injury or reflux
Reflux may occur: when men lift heavy objects w/a full bladder
Non-sterile epididymis: complication of STD, bacteria, mumps, TB, prostatitis, or urethritis (or prolonged use of indwelling catheter
What should pt's w/epididymis and orchitis avoid? avoid heat to the area
What should never be done to pt w/urethritis? never catheterize
What medication for prostatitis? Bactrim
T or F ---A pt w/chronic prostatitis can have sex. True
What would a nurse suspect if pt has perineal pain & no known cause? prostatitis
What action for pt exposed to mumps? gamma-globulin
Pt teaching for Flagyl? Do NOT need to avoid sun
T or F ---- PID affects the uterus False
Teaching for pt on bactrim? increase water intake
Fibrocystic Breast Disease (FBD) prevention? teach pt to do monthly self-breast exams
Fibroid tumors-early s/s? heavy menstrual flow w/ feeling of pressure in pelvis
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) early s/s? hesitency, decreased force of stream, frequency, nocturia.
How does the bladder compensate w/ BPH? bladder compensates & builds muscle to get past the constriction
-BPH- urine pH is increased-susceptible to infection (UTI), may eventually lead to kidney damage
Best confirmation of BPH? digital rectal exam (DRE)
Why is irrigation continued during post-op period for pt w/ TURP? to reduce clot formation
TURP--- immediately notify Dr. if: hemorrhage, hyperthermia, hypotension, tachycardia
Important TURP assessment during irrigation? assess for water intoxication
Water intoxication s/s? mental status, agitation, confusion, convulsions, slow-bounding pulse, increased systolic BP, decreased diastolic BP
T or F ---- A pt w/ BPH should be concerned about urinary burning and low-grade temp because of incidence between impotence and BPH. False
T or F ---- Urinary outlet obstruction can lead to UTI's and eventually kidney damage. True
T or F ---- Women w/ fibroid tumors can expect to have light and infrequent menses. False
T or F ---- Women w/ uterine fibroids will c/o heavy periods? True
T or F ---- Maintaining bladder irrigation following a TURP is to flush out bacteria? False (irrigation is done to reduce clot formation)
T or F ---- You would expect bright red urine for 24 hours in a post-op TURP pt? False (should be light pink)
T or F ---- Bright red urine persisiting for more than a few hours post-op might indicate a post-op hemorrhage? True
T or F ---- Breast exams remain the #1 prevention for women w/ FBD? True
Created by: slobonmycat
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