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Med. Term Chapter 8
Health Tech.
Term | Definition |
anemia | group of blood disorders inbolving either a reduction i number of circulating erythrocyes or amount of hemoglobin in red blood cells; results in decreased oxygen delivery to tissues |
anticoagulant | any substance that prevents clot formation |
aplastic anemia | severe form of anemia caused by loss of functioning red bone marrow; results in decrease in number of all blood cells; may require bone marrow transplant |
blood culture and sensitivity | blood specimen incubated to check for bacterial growth; if bacteria are present they are identified and best antibiotic treatment is determined |
autotransfusion | collecting and storing one's own blood to use to replace blood lost during surgery. |
blood transfusion | transfer of blood fro one person to another |
bone marrow aspiration | removal of small sample of bone marrow by needle and examined for diseases such as leukemia or aplastic anemia |
bone marrow transplant | patient receives red bone marrow donation after own bone marrow is deystroyed by radiation or chemotherapy |
complete blood count | comprehensive blood test that includes red blood cell count (RBC), WBC, Hemoglovin (Hgb) hematocrit(Hct), white blood cell differential and platelet count |
Embolus | commonly called floating clot; usually piece of thrombus breaks away and floats through bloodstream until it lodges in a smaller blood vessel and blocks blood flow. |
erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR, sed rate) | blood test that measures rate at which red blood cells settle out of blood to form sediment in bottom of test tube; indicates presence of inflammatory disease |
hematocrit | blood test that measures vlolume of red blood cells within total volume of blood |
hematoma | blood collection under skin by escaping into tissue from damaged blood vessel; commonly caused bruise |
hemoglobin | blood test that measures amount of hemoglobin present in a given volume of blood |
hemophilia | inherited lack of vital clotting factor; results in almost complete inability to stop bleeding |
iron-deficiency anemia | anemia resulting when there is not enough iron to build hemoglobin for redblood cells |
leukemia | cancer of leukocyte-forming red bone marrow; patient has large numberof abnormal and immature leukocytes circulating in blood |
pernicious anemia | anemia resulting when digestive system absorbs insufficent amt of vitiman b12 which is necessary for erythrocyte production |
phlebtomy | removal of blood specimen from vein for laboratory tets; also called venipuncture |
platelet count | blood test that determines numbe rof platelets in a given volume of blood |
polychthermia vera | condition characterized by too many erythrocytes, blood becomes to thick to flow easily through blood vessels |
prothrombin time | blood test that measures how long it takes for clot to form after prothrombin a blood clotting protein, is activated |
red blood cell count | blood test that determines number of erythrocyes in volume of blood; decrease may indicate anemia; increase may indicate polycythemia vera |
septicemia | presence of bacteria or their toxins in bloodstream; commonly called blood poisoning |
sequential multiple analyzer computer | machine that performs multiple blood chemistry tests automatically |
serum | blood that had had formed elements and clotting factores removed |
sickle cell anemia | inherited blood cell disorder in which erythrocytes take on abnormal curve or "sickle" shape; cells are fragile and easily damaged resulting almost exclusively in persons of African descent |
thalassemia | inherited blood disorder in which blody is unable to correct make hemoglobin resulting in anemia |
thrombolytic therapy | administering medication to disolve blood clot and restore nomal circulation |
white blood cell count | blood test that determine snumber of leukocytes in volume of blood; increase may indicate infection or leukemia; decrease may be caused by some diseases, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy |
white blood cell differential | blood test that determines number of each type of luekocyte |
embolo | plug |
phleb | vein |
septic | infection |
cytosis | abnormal cell condition- too many |
emia | blood condition |
globin | protein |
lysis/lytic | destruction |
phil | attracted to |
plasm/poiesis | formation |
stasis | stopping |
coagul | clotting |