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Latin IV pre vocab3
Latin IV pre vocab, Petronius, Pliny, and Martial
Question | Answer |
acerbus-a-um | bitter |
acutus-a-um | sharp |
adeo | so |
alii...alii | some...others |
aliter | otherwise |
anima | breath |
Aquillo, Aquillonis, M. | North wind |
caedere + ____isse | to cut + cecid-isse |
calidus-a-um | hot |
cenare | to dine / eat |
circa | about / approximately |
coepisse | to begin |
comitari | to accompany |
complecti | to hug |
consulere | to consult |
cor, N | heart |
cursus, cursūs | course |
deridere | to mock |
dives, divitis | rich |
donare | to give gifts |
eligere | to choose |
emere + __um | to buy + empt-um |
esto | BE!, so be it |
expellere + __isse | to expel, drive out + expul-isse |
figere + __isse | pierce, attach + fix-isse |
formosus-a-um | shapely, lovely |
gustare | to taste |
harundo, harundinis, F | shaft, arrow |
induere + __um | dress + indut-um |
inferior | lower, inferior |
intueri | to look at |
iucundus-a-um | pleasant |
laedere + __um | to injure, harm + laes-um |
ludere | to play |
malo | I prefer |
maritus | husband |
matrona | married woman |
mavis | you prefer |
mirari | to wonder at, to be amazed |
mora | to delay |
novisse | to know (how) |
nubere + ___ case | to wed + dative |
nuper | recently |
occidere | to kill |
operire | to cover |
(ops), opes, F | wealth |
par | equal |
pecus, pectoris, N | herd, livestock |
pervenire | to arrive |
placere | to please |
precari | to pray |
properare | to hurry |
protinus | immediately |
quare | why? |
quidquid | whatever |
recumbere | to lie back down |
rogare | to ask |
sapere | to be wise, to have taste |
secedere | to move away |
somnus | sleep |
stringere + __isse | to draw (a sword) + strinx-isse |
tamquam | like, as though |
tangere + __isse | to touch + teg-isse |
sustollere + __isse | to lift up + sustul-isse |
traicere + __isse | to cross, pierce + traiec-isse |
ululare | howl |
uter-ra-rum | which (of two) |
vagari | to wander |
wehere + __um | to carry + vect-um |
videri | to seem |