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Stack #140246

CF-universality judy appreciated sandra's support as she expressed her feelings related to the rape. she had come to believe that no one else felt as she did
CF-installation of hope nancy sees that jane has been a widow for 5 years and adjusted well. she thinks maybe she can too
CF-altruism sandra felt so good when she left group tonight. she provided both physical and emotional support to judy who shared for the first time about being rape
CF-imparting of information henry learned about the effects of alcohol on the body when a nurse from the chemical dependency unit spoke to the group
CF-development of socializing techniques paul knew that people did not want to be his friend b/c of his violent temper. in the group he has learned to control his temper and form satisfactory interpersonal relationships with others
CF-imitative behavior sam admires that jack stands up for what he believes. he decides to practice this himself
CF-interpersonal learning john is able to have a discussion with another person for the first time in his life
CF-group cohesiveness alice has come to feel as though the other group members are like a family to her. she looks forward to the meetings each week
CF-catharsis tony talks in the group about the abuse he experienced as a child. he has never told anyone about this before
CF-existential factors susan has come to realize that she has the power to shape the direction of her life
TC-using silence observe clients non verbals
TC-accepting yes, i understand what you said, nodding
TC-giving recognition i see youve made your bed, combed your hair
TC-offering self ill stay with you; we can eat our lunch together; im interested in you
TC-giviing broad openings what would you like to talk about today; tell me what you are thinkking
TC-offering general leads yes, I see; go on; and after that...
TC-placing the event in time or sequence what seemed to lead up to that..; was this before or after...; when did this happen...
TC-making observations you seem tense; i notice you are pacing a lot; you seem uncomfortable when you..
TC-encouraging description of perception tell me what is happening now; are you hearing the voices again; what do the voices seem to be saying
TC-encouraging comparison was this something like..; how does this compare with the time when...; what was your response the last time this situation occurred
TC-restating cl: i cant study, my mind keeps wandering. NR: you have difficulty concentrating? or Cl: i cant take that new job, i cant do it; NR: your afraid you will fail in this new position?
TC-reflecting CL: what do you think I should do about my wifes drinking problem?; NR: what do you think you should do
TC-focusing this point seems worth looking at more closely; perhaps you and I can discuss it together
TC-exploring please explain that situation in more detail; tell me more about that particular situation
TC-seeking clarification and validation im not sure that I understand. would you please explain; tell me if my understanding agrees with yours; do i understand correctly that you said...
TC-presenting reality i understand that the voices seem real to you, but I do not hear any voices; or there is no one else in the room but you and me
TC-voicing doubt I find that hard to believe or that seems rather doubtful t me
TC-verbalizing the implied CL: its a waste of time to be here. I cant talk to you or anyone. NR: are you feeling that no one understands. CL: mute. NR: it must have been very difficult for you when your husband died in the fire
TC-attempting to translate words into feelings CL: im way out in the ocean. NR: you must be feeling very lonely now
TC-formulating a plan of action what could you do to let your anger out hamlessley or next time this comes up, what might you do to handle it more appropriately
NT-giving reassurance i wouldnt worry about that if i were you or everything will be all right
NT-rejecting lets not discuss... or i dont want to hear about...
NT-giving approval or disapproval thats good, im glad that you or thats bad id rather you wouldnt
NT-agreeing/ disagreeing thats right, I agree or thats wrong I disagree or I dont believe that
NT-giving advice i think you should or why dont you
NT-probing tell me how your mother abused your when you were a that she is dead.... now tell me about....
NT-defending no one here would lie to you or you have a very capable physician or im sure he knows whats best for you
NT-reqesting an explanation why do you think that or why do you feel this way or why did you do that
NT-indicating the existence of an external source of power what makes you say that or what made you do that or what made yo so angry last night or what makes you say those kinds of things
NT-belittling feelings expressed Cl: i have nothing to live for.NR: everybody gets down in the dumps or perhaps you should consider how they feel
NT-making steretyped comments im fin, and how are you or hang in there, its good for your own good, or keep your chin up
NT-using denial CL: im nothing. NR: of course you're something. everybody is somebody
NT-interpreting what you really mean is.. or unconsciously you'er saying....
NT-introducing an unrelated topic CL: i dont have anything to live for. NR: did you have visitors this weekend?
DM-compensation handicap boy cant play football so compensates by becoming a great scholar
DM-denial women drinks alcohol every day and cannot stop, failing to acknowledge that she has a problem
DM-displacement client is angry at physician, does not express it, then yells at the nurse or client yells at counselor after the family meeting did not go well
DM-rationalization john tells the rehab nurse, I drink b/c its the only way I can deal with my bad marriage or bipolar pt states he cant go to work b/c his co workers are mean to him
DM-reaction formation jane hates nursing, she attends to please her parents, then she speaks highly of nursing career to future students
DM-regression adult pt begins to pout or smear feces on the wall
DM-identificaiton teen has lengthy rehab, becomes a physical therapist
DM-intellectualization sue's husband is getting transfered far away, she hides her anxiety by telling her parents the advantages
DM-introjection a child grow up with parents that were over critical and belittleing, as an adult thinks he isn't any good
DM-isolation a young women describes being attacked with out showing any emotion
DM-projection sue has a strong sexual feeling towards her coach and tell her friend "he is comming on to me"
DM-repression an accident victum can remember anything about the accident
DM-sublimation always constructive- a mother' son was killed by drunk drive, she becomes president of Mothers Against Drunk Drivers
DM-undoing john is nervous about his new job and yells at his wife. on his way home he stops and buys her some flowers
AC-non assertive - passive "uh well sure ill be glad to stay and work an extra shift.
AC-assertive behavior i dont want to stay and work an extra shift, i did already, its some one elses turn
AC-aggressive behavior youve got to be kidding
AC-fogging you agree w/out change:
AC-defusing putting off further discussion until pt calms down:I can see that your upset
AC-broken record repeat in a calm voice, dont change your story
AC-content to process shift your getting off the point,
AC-agreeing assertively yes, I didnt do a very good job
AC-inquiring assertively cl: you were so damn pushy, Nr: were you offended that I spoke up for my beliefs
AC-assuming responsiblity for ones own statements I dont want to go out tonight,
AC-standing up for ones basic human rights i have the right to express my opinion
AC-thought stopping stop, rubber band
CB-arbitrary inference automatically comes to a conclusion. sends a gift, doesnt get a thankyou, thinks they gave it to good will
CB-overgeneralization all or nothing. sends in a proposal and it gets turned down. they dont send it anywhere else, b/c they think it will get turned down by all
CB-magnification exaggerating the negative. not invited to study group. thinks the whole group doesnt like them
CB-minimization undervaluing the significance. abuser minimizes the amount of drugs they use
CB-catastrophic thinking the worst will happen. made an error in the check book, thinks they will go bankrupt
CT-thought recording written record of situation occured, distorted thought, and emotional response. thought "its not far" emotion response "anger"
CT-role playing act out the situation. focus on thought, feeling,behavior and then reframe it with a trusted therapist. therapist play pt
CT-imaging relive the situation. id what feelings pt had
CT-reframing changing the distorted thought to something positive. "i just cant stand it" reframe by saying "i can put up with what I dont like"
CT-thought stopping stop a negative thought (wearing a rubberband)
BT-modeling role model. learn by imitating
BT-shaping reinforce behaviors . I noticed you sat still for 5 minutes
BT-token economy reward for expected behavior
BT-time out remove from situation, and talk about what they could do to control themselves
BT-systematic desensitization phobia removed by steps
BT-relaxation exercise attempt to change anxiety
BT-behavior modification plan write out behavior or problem, then what positive behavior is expected, and the consequence. everyone signs it
CR-win lose one is dominant, and other submits to loss (competition)
CR-lose lose settlement is reached (avoidance)
CR-win win focus on goals, meet the needs of everyone (collaboration)
CR-lose win smooths over differences, maintains harmony (accommodation)
CR-no lose no win middle of the road, seldom confronts conflict (compromises)
Created by: debbera
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