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Dental Anatomy 10

Dental Anatomy Exam 10

Deciduous mandibular central incisor erupts at what age 6 months first tooth
deciduous maxillary central incisor erupts at what age 7 months
deciduous mandibular lateral incisor erupts at what age 7 months
deciduous maxillary lateral incisor erupts at what age 9 months
deciduous mandibular canine erupts at what age 16 months
deciduous maxillary canine erupts at what age 19 months
deciduous mandibular first molar erupts at what age? 12 months
deciduous maxillary first molar erupts at what age? 14 months
deciduous mandibular second molar erupts at what age? 20 months
deciduous maxillary second molar erupts at what age? 24 months
permanent mandibular central incisor erupts at what age? 6-7 years
permanent maxillary central incisor erupts at what age? 7-8 years
permanent mandibular lateral incisors erupts at what age? 7-8 years
permanent maxillary lateral incisors erupts at what age? 8-9 years
permanent mandibular canine erupts at what age? 9-10 years
permanent maxillary canine erupts at what age? 11-12 years
permanent mandibular second premolar erupts at what age? 11-12 years
permanent maxillary second premolar erupts at what age? 11-12 years
permanent mandibular first molar erupts at what age? 6-7 years
permanent maxillary first molar erupts at what age? 6-7 years
permanent mandibular second molar erupts at what age? 11-13 years
permanent maxillary second molar erupts at what age? 12-13 years
permanent mandibular third molar erupts at what age? 17-21 years
permanent maxillary third molar erupts at what age? 17-21 years
what is dental lamina? epithelial thickening in area where teeth will form
what is the bud stage? dental lamina differentiates and twenty tooth buds begin to appear on the dental lamina in the approximate location of the twenty primary teeth
what is the cap stage? bud is altered with basal invaginated and gives the appearance of a cap
what is the bell stage? basal area concavity deepens and the form of the tooth can be recognized dentinoenamel junction is definable and most of the crown's dentin and enamel is laid down
when does bell stage end? when CEJ is formed and root development begins
what is Hertwig's sheath? enamel organ where the root is formed
how long does the development of the dental organ last? 5 1/2 years
what are the stages of the development of the dental organ? Bud stage Cap stage Bell stage
when do primary teeth begin to develop? the first few months in utero
when do succedaneous teeth begin to develop? five months in utero to 10 months after birth
when do permanent non succedaneous teeth begin to develop? four months in utero to five years after birth
what is eruption? prior to complete calcification of its root the tooth pushes through the mucous membrane cover of the alveolar process and into the oral cavity
what is eruption considered finished for a tooth? when the tooth contacts opposing tooth
what is active eruption? tooth's entry into the oral cavity to its contact with an antagonist in the opposing arch
what is passive eruption? continuing process of adaptation of the tooth to changing incisal and occlusal relationships after active eruption has ended. due to attritional wear and changing locations of adjacent and opposing teeth CONTINUES THROUGHOUT LIFETIME OF THE TOOTH
what is Nasmyth's membrane? when the tooth erupts a keratinous membrane like enamel cuticle envelopes the anatomical crown which is then abraded away
what is the sequence for primary teeth eruption? mandibular centrals first at 6 months mandibular lateral incisors and then maxillary central incisors
at approximately 2 years of age... children have their maxillary second molars and thus has function of all the deciduous teeth
when is root formation complete? additional dentin deposition reduces the funnel shaped opening to a constricted foramen
at age 3 root formation... has ended for all deciduous teeth
what is the time lag between eruption and root completion for the deciduous teeth? 1 year
what is the time late between eruption and root completion for the permanent teeth? about 2 years
where are the permanent incisor and canine buds found when developing? just lingual to the roots of their deciduous predecessors
where are the premolar buds located during eruption? in the root furcation of the deciduous molars
where are the permanent molars that are not succedaneous teeth buds develop? dental lamina in the alveolar process distal to the deciduous dentition
what ends the deciduous dentition stage and initiates the mixed dentition stage? eruption of the mandibular first molar
why are the mandibular first molars considered the cornerstones in the development of occlusion? guide eruption of other permanent teeth if they are lost early it could cause tipping or crowding because of the loss of space
what is the sequence for permanent eruption? mandibular first molars at age 6 maxillary first molars
when does mixed dentition start and end starts: age 6 with the eruption of 1st molars ends: at age 12 with the exfoliation of the 2nd molars
what is resorption? root of deciduous tooth is melted away starts at the apex and moves towards the cervical line
what are the thoughts on the reason for initiation of reposition? pressure from the permanent tooth crown against the deciduous root osteoclastic activity
what is exfoliation? when the root structure of the deciduous tooth is almost entirely resorbed the remaining crown becomes some loosened that it is lost
how does exfoliation occur? symmetrically with the same teeth of the right and left sides being lost at about the same time mandibular teeth generally precede the same maxillary teeth
what the exception to exfoliation? second molars where all four are lost at the same time
what is ankylosis? root structure of the deciduous tooth becomes fused to the surrounding alveolar bone, any further eruption ceases and the tooth becomes fixed in position and resumption cannot progress naturally
what teeth most often are ankylosed? deciduous molars
what is the etiology of a dental anomaly? hereditary, congenital (at birth), developmental disturbances, metabolic disturbances
what set of teeth are most likely to have anomalies? permanent dentition
what is anodontia? literally means complete lack of teeth but the meaning has come to include any missing teeth even if it is only one teeth that are impacted are not considered missing
what causes anodontia? some type of disturbance during the initiation process of tooth development, most often a hereditary process
what is hypodontia? agenesis of one or more teeth
what is total anodontia? complete absence of teeth or large number of missing teeth sex linked genetic trait
what is partial anodontia? one or a few missing teeth results from hereditary factors found in 5% of individuals
what are the most commonly missing permanent teeth? maxillary and mandibular third molars maxillary lateral incisor mandibular second premolar rare in primary but involves mandibular centrals if it is found
what are the most sound and stable teeth? canines
what are supernumerary teeth? excessive number of teeth that do not resemble any normal tooth in size or shape result when extra tooth buds differentiate from the dental lamina and considered to be genetic can affect both primary and permanent dentition 1-2% of the population
what are mesiodens? supernumerary teeth between maxillary central incisors
what are distodens? supernumerary teeth between the third molar regions
where are supernumerary teeth often found? similar areas where anodontia occurs premolar, third molar, maxillary anterior areas
abnormal size of teeth is a result of... disturbance during the morphodifferentiation in the bell stage with a genetic etiology
what is true macrodontia? pituitary gigantism all the teeth are abnormally large
what is false macrodontia individual teeth are excessive in size most frequent are incisors, canines and mandibular third molars
what is true microdontia? pituitary dwarfs all the teeth are abnormally small
what is false microdontia? individual teeth most frequently maxillary laterals incisors, maxillary third molars
what is taurodontism? large pulp chamber, furcation in apical half of the root diagnosed by x-rays, most often because of hereditary
what is dilaceration distortion of the crown and the root occurs because of trauma or pressure
what is flexion? distortion of the root portion only occurs later on in development
what is gemination? incomplete splitting of a tooth germ has a single root and a common pulp cavity additional tooth in the dentition
gemination is normally found on... incisor
twinning is what identify a situation where gemination has been complete, resulting in two identical teeth and thus an additional tooth in the dentition
what is fusion? union of two tooth buds caused by hereditary or pressure normally has separate pulp chambers count one less tooth in dentition
fusion is normally found on... anterior teeth, most often deciduous teeth
what is concrescence? union of root structure of two or more teeth through the cementum only normally occurs following eruption and never involves enamel and dentin makes teeth hazardous to extract
what is a segmented root? disturbance dring root development and results in two separated root segments break in Hertwig's sheath
what are dwarfed roots? normal sized crowns have abnormally short roots caused by heredity risk of early loss due to short root
what is hypercementosis? excessive cementum formation at apex usually found on permanent molars
what is the etiology of hypercementosis chronic inflammation of pulp trauma local or systemic metabolic disturbance
accessory cusps most likely found on 3rd molars and maxillary incisors (talon cusps)
accessory roots caused by trauma, pressure or metabolic reasons
missing cusps usually seen on lingual on mandibular 1 premolar distolingual of maxillary molars distal of mandibular molars
what are enamelomas? enamel pearls, small spherical nodules of enamel attached to root surfaces normal found on fucation areas of molars
what causes enamelomas? disturbance in hertwig's sheath
what are hutchinson's teeth? due to prenatal syphilis and caused by disturbance in calcification screwdriver shape to incisors, mulberry appearance on 1st molars
where are dens in dente normally found? maxillary lateral defect in lingual surface
what are odontomas? benign tumor developmental disturbance of dental lamina, trauma or infection
what is a complex odontoma? one mass of calcified dental tissue
what is compound odontoma? arranged in the shape of a recognizable tooth form
what is enamel dysplasia? characterized by bands, ridges or potted areas of discolored enamel happens during enamel matrix formation
what causes enamel dysplasia? local, systemic and hereditary factors
when does enamel hypo calcification happen? during matrix maturation
what is amelogenesis imperfecta? complete absence of enamel to enamel that was deposited but failed to fully mature heredity, rampant carries risk or excessive attrition risk
what is focal hypo maturation? chalky, white opaque area that is circular and defined susceptible to caries and often found on anterior teeth
what is dentinal dysplasia? disturbance of dentin matrix formation and calcification dentin involved, not enamel
primary sequence of eruption? mandibular centrals mandibular laterals maxillary centrals and laterals mand/max 1st molars mand/max canines mand/ max 2nd molars
Created by: Chobchi
Popular Dentistry sets




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