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Videbeck Ch20

Mental health Ch20

Stereotypic movement disorder (often accompanies mental retardation) repetitive motor behavior that is nonfunctional and either interferes with normal activities or results in self-injury requiring medical treatment
stereotypic movements waving, rocking, twirling objects, biting fingernails, banging the head, biting or hitting oneself, picking at skin or body orifices
Meds for stereotypic movement Haldol, Thorazine
Reactive detachment disorder - caused by parental neglect, abuse, or failure to meet child's basic physical or emotional needs inhibited type-failure to initiate or respond to social interaction. disinhibited type- indiscriminate sociability or lack of selectivity in choice of attachment figures
Selective mutism - are excessively shy, socially withdrawn or isolated and clinging, may have temper tamtrums. persistent failure to speak in situations where speaking is expected such as school
Separation anxiety disorder- often accompanied by nightmares and multiple physical complaints such as nausea, headaches, vomiting and dizziness. anxiety exceeding that expected for developmental level related to separation from the home or those to whom the child is attached
Encopresis repeated passage of feces into inappropriate places such as clothing or the floor by child at least 4 yrs old chronologically or developmentally
Enuresis repeated voiding of urine during the day or at night into clothing or bed by child at least 5 yrs old chronologically or developmentally.
med for enuresis Tofranil-imipramine
Transient tic disorder < or = 12 months single or multiple vocal or motor tics
Tourette's multiple motor tics and one or more vocal tics, many times a day, more than one year.
Tic sudden, rapid, recurrent, nonrhythmic, stereotyped motor movement or vocalization.
Simple motor tics blinking, jerking neck, shrugging, grimacing, coughing.
Simple vocal tics clearing the throat, grunting, sniffing, snorting, barking.
Complex vocal tics coprolalia, palilalia, echolalia, repeating words or phrases out of context.
Complex motor tics facial gestures, jumping, smelling an object.
Tic cause dopamine
Tic meds Risperdal, Zyprexa
coprolalia use of socially unacceptable words, frequently obscene
palilalia repeating one's own sounds or words
echolalia repeating the last-heard sound, word, or phrase.
Feeding disorder - infancy or early childhood persistent failure to eat adequately, which results in significant weight loss or failure to gain weight.
Rumination disorder - infancy early childhood repeated regurgitation and rechewing of food. Results in malnutrition, weight loss, even death.
Pica - in mental retardation, pregnancy. persistent ingestion of nonnutritive substances such as paint, hair, cloth, leaves, sand, clay, soil. Usually remits.
Oppositional defiant disorder - more frequent and intense than in unaffected peers, causes dysfunction in social, academic, or work situations. enduring pattern of uncooperative defiant, and hostile behavior toward authority figures without major antisocial violations.
Time-out retreat to neutral place so clients can regain self-control.
Limit setting 1. Inform clients of rule or limit. 2. Explain consequences if clients exceed limit. 3. State expected behavior.
Conduct disorder persistent antisocial behavior in children and adolescents that significantly impairs their ability to function in social, academic, or occupational areas.
conduct disorder symptoms 1. aggression to people and animals. 2. destruction of property. 3. deceitfulness and theft. 4. serious violation of rules.
Conduct disorder severity Mild:lying, truancy, staying out late. Moderate: vandalism, theft. Severe: forced sex, cruelty to animals, use of weapon, burglary, robbery.
Pervasive developmental disorders autistic disorder, Rett's disorder, childhood disintegrative disorder, Asperger's disorder.
Autistic disorder- more in boys, identified from 18 mo to 3 yesrs old. little eye contact, few facial expressions, limited gestures to communicate. lack spontaneous enjoyment, express no moods or emotional affect, cannot engage in play of make-believe. little intelligible speech. Stereotyped motor behaviors.
Stereotyped motor behaviors of autism hand flapping, body twisting, head banging.
meds for autism Haldol, Risperdal for temper tantrums, aggressiveness, self-injury, hyperactivity, stereotyped behaviors.
Rett's disorder- exclusively in girls, rare, life-long. Treat like autism. development of multiple deficits after a period of normal functioning. bet birth and five months, loses motor skills and shows stereotyped movements. Lost interest in social environment, severe impairment of expressive and receptive language.
Childhood disintegrative disorder - onset 3-4 years. similar to autism. marked regression in multiple areas of functioning after at least 2 years of apparently normal growth and development.
Asperger's disorder-boys, lifelong. Similar to autism but no language or cognitive delays.
Learning disorder reading, writing, mathematics below expected for age, formal education, intelligence.
Created by: rowaggerm
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