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Foldable/ magnetism

Magnetite Some magnets are found in nature. They are rocks that contain the mineral magnetite.
Magnet poles The parts of a magnetic object where the magnetic force is the strongest.
Magnetic force The attraction or repulsion between magnetic poles (exerts a force!)
Magnetite field The area of magnetic force around a magnet. *can interact w/o even touching
Magnet Any material that attracts iron or material that contains iron.
Magnetic domains All or most of the magnetic domains are facing the same way.
Ferromagnetic material A material that shows strong magnetic properties.
Temporary magnets A magnet made from material that easily loses it's magnetism.
Permanent magnet A magnet made of material that keeps its magnetism.
Breaking magnets If you break a magnet in half ... You just make a smaller magnet w/ a north and a South Pole.
Compass Device that has a magnetized needle that spins freely.
Magnetic declination The angle between geographic north and the north.
Van Allan Belts Two doughnut-shaped regions regions 1,000-25,000 kilometers above earth that contain electrons and protons traveling at high speed.
Solar wind Streams of electrically charged particles flowing at high speeds from the sun.
Magnetosphere and Aurora Magnetosphere- The region of earth's magnetic field shaped by the solar wind. Aurora- A glowing region produced by the interaction of charged particles from the sun and atoms in the atmosphere.
Like poles Repels
Opposite poles Attract
Magnetic field lines Spread out from one pole, curve around the magnet, and return to the other pole.
Properties of magnets 1. Attract iron or materials that contain iron. 2. Attract or repel other magnets. 3. One part will always point north.
Magnetic field lines Never cross
Rotation The spinning motion of a body on its axis.
Revolution The motion of a planet around the sun.
What causes the seasons on the Earth? The Earth is tilted 23.5 degrees.
Equinoxes Days in which day and night are of equal duration.
Vernal Equinox First day of spring.
Autumnal Equinox First day of FALL in September.
How do you make magnets? 1. Placing an unmagnetized ferromagnetic material in a strong magnetic field. 2. Rubbing the same material with one pole of a magnet.
How to destroy a magnet. 1. Dropping it or hitting it hard can cause the domains to be knocked out of alignment. 2. Heating a magnet causes the particles les of that material to vibrate faster and more random, making it difficult for the domains to stay aligned.
What does a spinning electron produce? A magnetic field that makes the electron behave like a tiny magnet Ina atom.
The earth is like a Giant bar magnet
Elements A substance that cannot be broken down into any other substances by chemical or physical means
Atom The smallest particle of an atom
Compound A pure substance made of two or more elements that are combination with other elements
Chemical formulas Compounds are represented by
Mixture Is two or more substance- elements, compounds, or both- that are in the same place but are not chemically combined
Heterogeneous mixtures Consists of visibly different substance or phrases
Homogenous mixture Has same uniform appearance and composition throughout
Solution A mixture in which the molecules of one substance, known as the solute, are dissolved in another substance, known as the solvent
Suspension A mixture in which particles can be seen and easily separated by settling or filtration
Colloid A mixture in which particles do not dissolve, but are too small to see and do not settle out
Filtration The act or process of filtering, especially the process of passing a liquid or gas, such as air, through a filter in order to remove solid particles
Magnetic attraction Passing a magnet over a mixture to remove the magnetic particles from within the mixture
Evaporation The conservation of a liquid into vapor in order to remove it wholly or partly from a liquid of a higher boiling point or from solids dissolved in or mixed with it. Boiling salt water will evaporate the water and leave the salt behind
Settling Allowing a suspension to sit still will cause the larger, heavier particles to settle, or sink to the bottom
Chromatography the separation of mixtures into their constituents by preferential absorption by a solid, as a column of silica or a strip of filter paper or by gel
Solvent The part of a solution present in the largest amount
Solute The substance that is present in the smallest amount
Concentration Refers to the amount of one substance in another
Dilute solution A mixture that has only a little solute dissolved in a certain amount of solvent
Concentrated solution A mixture that has a lot of solute dissolved in a certain amount of solvent
Solubility is a measure of how much solute can dissolve in a solvent at a given temperature
Saturated solution when you've added so much solute that no more dissolves, you have a
Unsaturated solution if you continue to dissolve more solute, you have an
Pressure increase it and you can dissolve more solute, like carbon dioxide in soda. Decrease it and the solute will come out, like when you open soda
Type of solvent certain things dissolve certain things better than others
Temperature for example a hot cup of tea will dissolve more sugar than a cold cup of tea..... but cold soda will dissolve more carbon dioxide gas than warm soda.
Energy the ability to do work.
Kinetic energy energy of motion
Potential energy energy of position, stored energy
Nonrenewable energy source when an energy source can not be replaced in your lifetime it is considered nonrenewable `
Nuclear fission splitting an atom's nucleus into two small nuclei
Nuclear fusion Combining two atomic nuclei to produce one larger nucleus
Renewable energy source Will never run out, it is sustainable
Solar energy generates heat and energy electricity from the sun directly or using photovoltaic cells
Wind energy converts kinetic energy into electricity using windmills with large blades that require 11-13 mile per hour winds on average to operate and generate electricity.
Hydroelectric power creating dams in running water capture the kinetic energy as it moves
Biomass is using waste products to produce energy
Geothermal energy the intense heat from the earth's interior that warms the magma beneath Earth's surface
Law of conservation of energy energy can not be created or destroyed it can only be converted from one form to another
How do you read a solubility chart? look at the lines
Towards the sun we experience summer
Away from the sun we experience winter
Solstices the winter solstice is the shortest day of sunlight of the year.
Result's of the Earth's magnetic field It is what enables a compass to work. Many animals seem to navigate using it.
Domain causing the material to be magnetized
Created by: Hobbsb1
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