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Application of Standards-Based Curriculum and Instruction
Question | Answer |
Recommended sequence for phonics skills instruction (p.49) | 1-name letters, uppercase and lowercase 2-sounds of letters (short vowels) 3-three-letter words 4-digraphs 5-consonant blends 6-long vowels 7-multisyllabic words |
three-letter words (p.49) | simplest words for young students to understand (CVC); use short vowel sounds |
basic digraphs (p.49) | two consonants that produce a sound unlike either of the component letters; ex: sh, ch, th |
consonant blends (p.49) | combining sounds into a slightly new form; bl, sl, st |
long vowel sounds (p.49) | 1-one-syllable words like row and mate 2-diphthongs, other irregular verb formations 3-vowels with r or l; car, walk, bird |
multisyllabic words (p.49) | read just like combinations of one-syllable words; give guided practice before sounding out on own |
synthetic phonics instruction (p.49) | build words out of sounds; activities that require students to make words out of disparate sounds; ex: write initial letter on board and have students pronounce it |
analytic phonics instruction (p.49) | break words down into component sounds; break words apart into discrete sounds |
initial consonant, digraph, and blend cards (p.50) | synthetic phonics; T gives cards to students and writes number of common rimes on board, students tape cards where they combine with a rime to form a complete word |
digraph, letter, and blend cards (p.50) | synthetic phonics; T gives cards to students to create short words, each S has several cards, many vowels included; then make multisyllabic words |
underlining (p.50) | analytic phonics; give short text, S underline all appearances of a given letter or digraph; read out loud to show how letter is used in each different case |
repeated consonant sound (p.50) | analytic phonics; T writes several sentences on board, each contains same consonant sound; underline words that contain consonant sound; read underlined words and; identify sound words have in common; write sound next to sentence |
word sort (p.51) | analytic phonics; S given cards on which short words are printed; organize cards according to some criterion |
decoding (p.51) | converting written words into sounds |
encoding (p.51) | putting sounds together to make a written word |
encoding assessments (p.51) | spelling test; transcribe spoken sentences; notice t not d is being used |
decoding assessments (p.51) | pronounce words they read; more difficult to administer to large class, use nonsense words |
reading aloud (p.52) | read sentences, short passages, stories; Informal Reading Inventory is one on one |
reliability (p.52) | consistency between scores from different administrations of assessment |
validity (p.52) | degree to which test measures what it was intended to measure |
formal assessment (p.52) | objective results norm-referenced: score compared with peers; percentile grade-equivalent score: score is of a grade level |
informal assessment (p.53) | teacher's understanding of S strengths and weaknesses observations, collecting info of ability, gauge S progress |
theoretical orientation (p.53) | set of assumptions and beliefs that prescribe goals and expectations for students |
phonics approach (p.53) | relationship btwn sound and comprehension; basic units to more complex; language units smaller than word level |
skills/balanced approach (p.53) | set of tools to make sense of simple texts; large vocabulary of sight words; less priority on phonics; recognize root, prefix, suffix, configuration, or context |
whole language approach (p.54) | specific functions of language; quality children's literature; communication skills, dialogues and role-plays; create own stories; teaching older children and adults |
graphophonemic cueing systems (p.54) | T concentrates on explicating grapho-phoneme-morpheme relationships to speed word recognition; similarities btwn written and spoken forms of a sound |
semantic/syntactic cueing (p.54) | ask student to predict meaning of word based on syntax and grammar clues |
Yopp-Singer Test of Phonemic Segmentation (p.54) | oral test; T reads 22 words aloud and S states component sounds in order; familiar one-syllable words |
testing sound blending (p.55) | read words slowly, one phoneme at a time, and ask student to say word at regular speed |
testing sound deletion, isolation, matching, and substitution (p.55) | separate exams for beginning, medial, and end phonemes ex: sound matching must include 20 cases in which phonemes are at the beginning of the words 20 in the middle, and 20 at the end |
emergent literacy model (p.55) | children have a natural tendency towards language learning; constantly exposed to concepts of print, reading, and oral language, and therefore do not need a great deal of explicit instruction |
language acquisition model (p.55) | students have a predisposition to become literate, but disagree about influence of direct explicit instruction; solidify S natural understanding of language and literacy; metacognition |
reading readiness model (p.55) | opposite to emergent literacy model; direct instruction of reading skills; S will remain illiterate unless given explicit instruction |
basic concepts of print (p.56) | Marie M. Clay; 1-meaning of print 2-direction of text 3-letter, word, and sentence representation 4-book orientation (features of a book) |
letter recognition (p.57) | identification of the letter in both uppercase and lowercase forms |
alphabetic principle (p.57) | specific sounds are consistently associated with specific letters; terrible for English |
reading aloud (p.58) | easiest way to solidify printo concepts |
sound matching skills (p.58) | identification of identical phonemes; which two words contain same sound |
sound isolation skills (p.58) | identification of component sounds in a word |
sound blending skills (p.59) | combination of disparate phonemes to create a word |
sound substitution skills (p.59) | transfer of different phonemes into a given position in a word |
sound deletion skills (p.59) | identification of what results when a phoneme is removed from a given word |
sound segmentation skills (p.60) | identification of all the component phonemes in a word; most difficult task in phonemic awareness |
promoting phonemic awareness (p.60) | rhyme, songs, alliteration, assonance |
Literal comprehension (p.60) | ability to understand explicit elements of the text; comprehension of author's direct message |
Four components skills in literal comprehension (p.60) | 1-identify main idea 2-identify important details in text 3-identify sequence of events 4-identify causal relationships |
Inferential comprehension (p.60) | ability to understand implicit elements of the text; same skills as literal comprehension but rely on perception of implied ideas and events |
Evaluating comprehension (p.61) | ability to consider text as a whole and to make judgments about it |
Three component skills in evaluating comprehension (p.61) | 1-recognize author's bias 2-detect propaganda (info helping or harming a particular group) 3-distinguish btwn fact and opinion |
Syntax (p.61) | order of words in a sentence |
Uninflected language (p.61) | grammatical use of words is not denoted by ending; must be in a particular order to make senseex: English |
Independent reading (p.62) | self-reliant; always be at grade level |
self-monitoring (p.62) | check for understanding: paraphrase main ideas in own words |
taking notes (p.63) | key ideas and questions |
class discussion (p.63) | articulate ideas of text and listen to reactions of classmates solidify understanding |
using graphics (p.63) | pictures, semantic maps, and Venn diagrams |
SQ3R (p.63) | survey, question, read, recite, and review |
KWL charts (p.64) | Know, Want, Learned |
QAR systems (p.64) | question-answer relationships |
CLOZE tests (p.64) | "closure" tests to determine whether students will be able to understand a given text; 40% correct can be used successfully |
Read-alouds (p.64) | guided oral presentaion of a story, with pauses at key points for questioning and discussion; listening comprehension is foundation of reading comprehension development |
Methods of text-based discussion (p.64) | enhance reading comprehension; ex: instructional conversations, questions for author, think-pair-share exercises; Socratic dialogue: probes S knowledge and tries to make S evaluate assumptions and judgements |
Letter recognition (p.65) | lead S slowly through alphabet song while pointing to each letter as it is sung; use mnemonic or memory aid |
Alphabet books (p.65) | Letters and pictures; "A is for apple" |
Concepts About Print (p.65) | CAP; Marie M. Clay; test book with 10 pages, some upside down, oriented incorrectly, or jumbled print; student identifies cover, title, author's name, starting word of book, count letters in word and words in sentence; asked how to resolve incorrectness |
Problems with print concepts (p.66) | not all languages adhere to alphabetic principle |
Fluency and reading (p.66) | fluency, word analysis skills, vocab, academic language, background knowledge, and comprehension are all related; fluency -> comprehension; automaticity theory |
Automaticity theory (p.66) | fluency is directly responsible for reading comprehension improvement |
Three indicators of reading fluency (p.66) | accuracy, rate, and prosody |
Accuracy (p.66) | the correct decoding and recognition of words |
Rate (p.66) | the speed at which words are recognized correctly |
Automaticity (p.66) | combination of exceptional accuracy and a rapid rate of reading |
Prosody (p.66) | the dramatic and artful reading style that improves attention and understanding of the listener;applying appropriate stresses or emphases, varying pitch and intonation, and pausing at appropriate times |
Fluency disruption (p.67) | lack of familiarity with vocab, weak word analysis skills, lack of background knowledge or familiarity with complicated syntactic structures, encounter with text with seldom-used, multisyllabic content words |
Repeated reading (p.67) | teacher or students read same text aloud two or more times in a row; systematic and explicit instruction is very important |
Choral reading (p.67) | Class reads text aloud in unison; slowly and led by teacher |
Dramatic reading (p.67) | act out narrative described in text; be familiar with text first; class participation |
Reading with a recording (p.67) | individual activity; read silently with headphones |
Silent reading (p.67) | good for independent reading, but can skip over words they don't understand |
Reading aloud (p.67) | forces students to confront every word in the text and to try pronouncing it at least; leads to automaticity |
Informal reading inventory (p.67) | IRI; most common versions of informal assessment; vary by student ability |
Tests in IRI (p.68) | word recognition list, graded reading passage, reading interest survey, print concepts test, phonemic awareness test, phonics test, structural analysis test, CLOZE test for content-area reading, vocab test, spelling test |
Purpose of IRI (p.68) | establish student's independent, instructional, and frustration reading levels |
Independent reading level (p.68) | understands and can pronounce 95% of words in text and answers 90% of grade-level reading comprehension questions correctly; don't need help from teacher or classmates |
Instructional reading level (p.68) | understands and can pronounce 90% of words in text and answers at least 60% of grade-level reading comprehension questions; will need some help |
Protocol for performing IRI (p.68) | students may have comprehension skills that surpass their vocab; should be given opportunity to demonstrate understanding in ways other than language; ex: draw pictures |
Frustration reading level (p.68) | student cannot understand or pronounce at least 90% of words and answer at least 60% of grade-level reading comprehension questions; not made to read at this level without assistance; prolonged exposure is bad for self-esteem and development of literacy |
Assessing components of fluency (p.68) | Holistic; Read grade-level text aloud; Accuracy: calculate # of words read correctly as portion of total words read; Rate: per-minute basis by timing the student as he reads Prosody: read narrative with expression, intonation, phrasing, etc. |
Holistic methods (p.69) | dramatic or choral readings; familiar and unfamiliar grade-level texts |
Sight vocabulary (p.69) | assessed formally or informally; sight: read immediately without hesitation alone and in a sentence |
Teaching multisyllabic words (p.69) | begin with those formed with common prefix or suffix; teach common morphemes and affixes |
Root words (p.69) | bases from which complex words are developed |
Affixes (p.69) | prefixes and suffixes |
Prefix (p.69) | beginning attached to a root word |
Suffix (p.69) | ending attached to a root word |
Inflectional ending (p.69) | suffix that alters meaning of the word |
Contractions (p.69) | abbreviated combinations of two words |
Teaching affixes (p.70) | 1-correspondence btwn letters and sounds 2-introduce common affixes in isolation 3-examples in words 4-examples in sentences 5-word web |
Syllabic analysis (p.70) | compound words, break down into syllables |
Natural order hypothesis (p.70) | Krashen; typical order of linguistic acquisition |
Development of written communication (p.71) | one of the last elements of literacy to develop; be patient; listening and speaking helps develop rhythms and intonations of language |
Writing activities that improve reading comprehension (p.71) | summarizing, outlining, and responding |
Summarizing (p.71) | brief recapitulation of main points or events in a text; orally or written |
Outlining (p.71) | organization of main points or events in a text; main points distinguished from details |
Responding (p.71) | immediate description of how text made reader feel; questions from text or experiences from life |
Importance of writing (p.71) | strong relationship btwn orthographic knowledge and word analysis; students who practice writing out long words are more likely to learn basics of structural and syllabic analysis |
Dialogue journal (p.71) | student makes entry and receives written response from peer or teacher; conversation for questions, experiences, and trading information |
Double-entry journal (p.71) | divide page in half and write down different types of info on either side |
Reader response journal (p.71) | describe emotional and intellectual reactions to a text |
Personal journal (p.71) | record personal feelings and thoughts; only read by teacher |
Four stages of composition (p.72) | 1-Prewriting 2-Drafting 3-Revising/editing 4-Final draft |
Prewritng |