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Geography vocab
Beginning of year sims
Question | Answer |
Geography | The study of the lands surface |
Compass Rose | A drawing that shows directions on a map |
Symbols | A drawing of a real thing on a map or a globe. |
Continents | The largest pieces of land on earth. |
Latitude Lines | The imaginary lines that run from east to west and help show north or south locations |
Hemisphere | Half of a sphere. |
Physical Map | A map that shows mountains, wet lands or dry lands. |
Equator | The imaginary line around the center of the world. |
Globe | A model of the Earth. |
Longitude | The imaginary lines running north and south that show east and west locations. |
Ocean | The largest bodies of water on earth. |
Key/legend | The part of the map that shows what the symbols mean. |
Map | Drawings that show part of the Earth |
Political Map | Shows states, countries, cities or manmade boundaries |
Atlas | A book of flat maps. |
Sphere | The world, an orange, a ball are examples of this shape |
Poles | Points on a globe that are farthest north and south. |