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Vocab Test 1

Bio 201

chrom- colored
cili- small hair
anastomos- come together
aneurysm a widening
azyg- unpaired
baro- pressure
basal base
bi- two
aden-, adeno- gland
adren- toward the kidney
angi- vessel
angin- choked
ant-, anti- opposed to, preventing, inhibiting
ante- preceding, before
aort- great artery
aero- air
af- toward
agon- contest
alb- white
bio- life
blast- bud, germ
brachi- arm
brady- slow
brev- short
broncho- bronchus
bucco- cheek
calor- heat
capill- hair
ap-, api- tip, extremity
caput- OR cephal- head
append- hang to
aqua-, aque- water
circum- around
clavic- key
co-, con- together
carcin- cancer
cardi-, cardio- heart
coccy- cuckoo
arbor tree
areola- open space
carneo- flesh
carot- 1) carrot 2)stupor
cata- down
caud- tail
cec- blind
aliment- nourish
arrect- upright
arthr-, arthro-, artic- joint
atri- vestibule
cochlea snail shell
coel- hollow
commis- united
concha shell
allel- of one another
amphi- on both sides, of both kinds
ana- apart, up, again
cele- abdominal
cerebro- brain, especially the c erebrum
cervic-, cervix neck
chiasm crossing
chole- OR bili- bile
chondr- cartilage
contra- against, opposite
acou- hearing
ab- departing from, away
a-, an- absence, lack
ac-, acro- extreme or extremity/ peak
ad- to, toward
auscult- listen
ax, axi, axo axis, axle
aut-, auto- self
Created by: md_grimes
Popular Biology sets




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