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SCHS MedTerm
SCHS MedTerm Lesson 8
Element | Meaning |
pneum | the lungs; air |
phage | to eat; eating, swallowing |
phren | mind/also the diaphragm; also the phrenic nerve, a nerve with branches spreading mostly over the lower part of the diaphragm |
corne | horny, hornlike; the cornea of the eye, the transparent part of the covering of the eyeball that covers the iris and pupil and admits light to the interior |
plak | a plate/also plaque; a patch of eruption |
iris | rainbow (eye membrane)/specifically, the colored membrane of the eye |
kerat- | horny; horny tissue/also the cornea of the eye |
pulmon- | lung |
ptyal | saliva; spit |
alveol- | cavity; socket/small cavity, pit or hollow |
oophor- | ovary/literally "egg carrier" (oo-, egg or ovum + phor-, carrier); either of the pair of female reproductive glands producing eggs and sex hormones |
oment- | covering (of internal abdominal organs)/the membrane in the front part of the abdomen that folds over and supports the stomach, liver and parts of the intestine |
sedat- | quiet; calm |
furca- | fork shaped/ frequently used to designate the area between the roots of the teeth |
radic- | root/origin |
radi- | ray; beam; spoke |
fistul- | pipe; a narrow passage / an abnormal passage leading from an abscess (a collection of pus in a cavity) or hollow organ to the body surface, or from one hollow organ to another and permitting passage of fluids (as pus) or secretions (as saliva) |
edema | swelling by fluid / an abnormal accumulation of fluid in cells, tissues or cavities of the body, resulting in swelling |
dactyl- | finger; toe / digit (Note: a digit is a finger or a toe; a finger is a "digit of the hand" and a toe is a "digit of the foot" |
metabol(e) | change |
pariet- | wall / wall of an organ or cavity |
ependym- | wrapping; a covering / specifically the membrane lining the cavities of the brain and the canal enclosing the spinal cord |
gravid | pregnant |
aer- | air; gas |
glyco- | sweet; sugary / sugar |
pneum | the lungs; air |
phage | to eat; eating, swallowing |
phren | mind/also the diaphragm; also the phrenic nerve, a nerve with branches spreading mostly over the lower part of the diaphragm |
corne | horny, hornlike; the cornea of the eye, the transparent part of the covering of the eyeball that covers the iris and pupil and admits light to the interior |
plak | a plate/also plaque; a patch of eruption |
iris | rainbow (eye membrane)/specifically, the colored membrane of the eye |
kerat- | horny; horny tissue/also the cornea of the eye |
pulmon- | lung |
ptyal | saliva; spit |
alveol- | cavity; socket/small cavity, pit or hollow |
oophor- | ovary/literally "egg carrier" (oo-, egg or ovum + phor-, carrier); either of the pair of female reproductive glands producing eggs and sex hormones |
oment- | covering (of internal abdominal organs)/the membrane in the front part of the abdomen that folds over and supports the stomach, liver and parts of the intestine |
sedat- | quiet; calm |
furca- | fork shaped/ frequently used to designate the area between the roots of the teeth |
radic- | root/origin |
radi- | ray; beam; spoke |
fistul- | pipe; a narrow passage / an abnormal passage leading from an abscess (a collection of pus in a cavity) or hollow organ to the body surface, or from one hollow organ to another and permitting passage of fluids (as pus) or secretions (as saliva) |
edema | swelling by fluid / an abnormal accumulation of fluid in cells, tissues or cavities of the body, resulting in swelling |
dactyl- | finger; toe / digit (Note: a digit is a finger or a toe; a finger is a "digit of the hand" and a toe is a "digit of the foot" |
metabol(e) | change |
pariet- | wall / wall of an organ or cavity |
ependym- | wrapping; a covering / specifically the membrane lining the cavities of the brain and the canal enclosing the spinal cord |
gravid | pregnant |
aer- | air; gas |
glyco- | sweet; sugary / sugar |