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vocabulary for SSAT
Term | Definition |
abdicate | to give up a position, right, or power |
abduct | forcefully and wrongfully to carry, take, or lead away |
abhor | to hate, to view with repugnance, to detest |
abominable | horrible or unpleasant |
abridge | to shorten in length or duration |
absolved | freed from guilt or blame |
abstinence | act or practice or refraining from indulging, especially in alcohol |
absurd | ridiculously unreasonable, lacking logic |
abyss | deep hole; deep immeasurable space, gulf or cavity |
accelerate | to increase in speed, cause to move faster |
acclaim | n. praise, enthusiastic approval; v. to approve, to welcome with applause and praise |
accord | to be in agreement |
acute | sharp in some way (as in an acute angle) or sharp in intellect; crucial |
adage | old saying, proverb |
adamant | stubborn and persistent |
adept | very skilled |
adhere | to stick fast; to hold to |
adjourn | to postpone; to suspend (a meeting) for a period of time |
adjunct | an accessory, something added on; something or someone associated with another but in a defendant or secondary position |
admiring | regarding with approval or respect |
admonish | to scold; to urge to duty, remind; to advise against something |
adorn | to decorate or add beauty to, for instance with ornaments; to make pleasing, more attractive |
adversary | opponent or enemy |
adverse | unfavorable, opposed, going against |
aeronautic | relating to aircraft |
affable | pleasantly easy to get along with; friendly and warm |
affectation | attempt to appear to be what one is not for the purpose of impressing others |
aggravate | to make worse |
aghast | overcome by surprise, disgust, or amazement; seized with terror; shocked |
agility | condition of being able to move quickly and easily or being mentally alert |
agitate | to shake or grow excited; to move around a lot, to disturb or excite emotionally |
ail | to suffer from sickness |
aimless | lacking purpose or goals |
akin | related to or alike |
allege | to declare that something is true without proof |
alleviate | to make easier to bear, lessen |
allure | fascination, appeal |
aloof | distant in relations with other people |
altruistic | concerned for the welfare of others |
amateur | someone not paid to engage in a hobby, sport, art, etc. |
ambiguous | unclear |
ambivalent | having opposing or mixed feelings |
amend | to improve; to alter, to add to, or subtract from by formal procedure |
amiable | friendly, good natured |
amorous | having to do with love |
amorphous | lacking a specific shape |
amphibian | animal at home on both land and in the water |
analytical | intending to understand the nature of something |
angular | having clear angles or thin and bony facial structure |
animosity | feeling of ill will, intense dislike for someone or something |
annihilate | to destroy completely |
antidote | remedy to relieve the effects or poison |
aperture | opening |
aqueous | similar to, or composed of water |
ardent | characterized by passion or desire |
arid | very dry, lacking moisture; unproductive, unimaginative |
aroma | pleasing fragrance; any odor or smell |
articulate | well-spoken, lucidly presented |
artifice | 1. trickery, clever ruse; 2. ability to create or imagine |
ascertain | to find out or discover by examination |
aspirant | someone reaching for something |
assailable | able to be attacked or assaulted |
assert | to state a viewpoint |
assess | to evaluate or determine the worth of |
astound | to overwhelm with amazement |
astute | shrewd and perceptive; able to understand clearly and quickly |
astute | sharp, shrewd |
atrocity | horrible, usually brutal, act |
audacity | boldness or daring, especially with disregard for personal safety |
audible | able to be heard |
authentic | genuine and true, not fake |
authoritative | having great auhority |
banal | boringly predictable |
banish | to send away, condemn to exile; drive or put away |
barrage | a flood |
barrier | anything that makes progress harder or impossible; a limit or boundary |
beguile | to delude, deceive by trickery |
belligerence | aggressive hostility |
benefactor | someone giving financial or general assistance |
beneficial | advantageous, helpful, conferring benefit |
benevolence | inclination to do good deeds |
benign | harmless |
bewildered | completely confused or puzzled, perplexed |
bias | n. prejudice, particular tendency; v. to cause prejudice in; to influence unfairly |
bile | ill temper, irritability |
bliss | supreme happiness, utter joy or contentment; heaven, paradise |
boisterous | loud and unrestrained |
botanist | scientist specializing in study of plants |
bounty | generosity in giving; reward |
brash | bold |
bravado | showy and pretentious display of courage |
brevity | state of being brief, of not lasting a long time |
brig | ship's prison |
browbeat | to intimidate |
burly | very stocky and muscled |
burnish | n. to make shine by rubbing, as with a cloth; n. shininess produced by burnishing |
cache | hiding place for treasures, etc.; anything in such a hiding place |
cacophony | jarring and unpleasing sounds |
cajole | to wheedle, persuade with promises or flattery, coax |
camouflage | n. disguise worn in order to deceive an enemy; for instance, uniforms the color of trees and dirt; v. to deceive by means of camouflage |
candor | frankness and sincerity; fairness |
canine | relating to dogs |
cantankerous | quarrelsome and grouchy |
caprice | sudden, unpredictable change |
capricious | unpredictable and impulsive |
cascade | n. waterfall, as in a type of fireworks resembling a waterfall; v. to fall like a cascade |
catastrophe | disastrous event |
cautious | careful |
celestial | relating to the heavens |
censor | to remove material from books, plays, magazines, etc. for moral, political, or religious reasons |
chasm | gorge or deep canyon |
choleric | bad-tempered |
choreographer | person creating and arranging dances for stage performances |
chorus | group acting together |
chronic | continuing over a long period of time, long-standing |
circulate | to move around freely, to spread widely |
circumscribe | to encircle with a line; to limit in any way |
clandestine | secret |
coalesce | to come together |
collision | crash, clash, or conflict |
communicative | talkative and likely to communicate |
compassion | deep feeling of pity or sympathy for others |
compel | to force someone or something to act |
competent | having enough skill for some purpose; adequate but not exceptional |
concede | to give in or surrender |
concise | brief and compact |
condescend | to act as if you are better then someone |
condone | to pardon, to forgive, or overlook |
confidential | done secretly or in confidence |
confound | to puzzle or confuse |
congeal | to thicken, or change from liquid to solid |
congenial | agreeable |
consensus | an agreement |
constrict | to squeeze, make tighter |
contemplation | thoughtful observation |
contemptuous | expressing disdain or extreme dislike |
contend | to fight against; to debate |
contentious | eager to quarrel |
contiguous | lying side by side |
contradict | to disagree |
contrition | deep regret for doing something wrong |
convene | to assemble or meet |
conventional | established or approved by general usage |
copious | abundant, large in number or quantity, plentiful |
corpulent | excessively overweight |
correlation | connection between facts or events |
counsel | to advise |
countenance | n. face or facial expression, or the general appearance or behavior of something or someone; v. to approve or support |
couplet | unit of poetry with two rhyming lines |
courier | person who carries messages, news, or information |
crevice | a narrow crack |
cue | hint or guiding suggestion |
cumulative | increasing through successive addition |
curvature | state of being curved |
dawdle | to waste time with idle lingering |
deadlock | standoff caused by opposition of two conflicting forces |
dearth | scarcity, lack |
debilitating | weakening, harmful |
debris | charred or spoiled remains of something that has been destroyed |
debunk | to prove false |
decade | period of ten years |
deceit | deception or tricky falseness |
deceive | to delude or mislead |
declamation | exercise in speech-giving; attack or protest |
decompose | to rot or decay |
decree | an order or command |
deficient | defective, insufficient, or inadequate |
deft | skillful |
dehydrate | to remove water from |
deject | to depress or make sad |
deleterious | harmful to one's health |
delude | to deceive, to mislead |
deluge | n. flood, large overflowing of water; or too much of anything; v. to overflow, to inundate, to flood |
demote | to reduce to a lower grade or class |
deplore | to regard as deeply regrettable and hateful |
desolation | condition of being deserted and destroyed |
despair | a feeling or absolute hopelessness, or to lose hope |
despicable | deservng contempt |
despondent | in a state of depression |
destitute | bereft, without or left without; poor |
deteriorate | to get worse |
devastate | to lay waste, make desolate; to overwhelm |
devotee | someone passionately devoted |
devout | deeply religious |
dexterity | skill in using the hands or body, agility; cleverness |
dilute | to weaken, especially by adding water to a solution |
diminish | to become or to make smaller in size, number, or degree |
din | loud, confused noise |
dingy | darky or drab in color; dirty, shabby, squalid |
diplomatic | tactful; skilled in the art of conducting negotiations and other relations between nations |
disclaim | to deny ownership of or association with |
discursive | covering a wide area or digressing from a topic |
dismal | causing gloom; cheerless |
disparage | to criticize or speak badly of |
dispute | n. argument or quarrel; v. to argue or quarrel |
disseminate | to scatter or spread widely |
distort | to bend or twist something out of its normal shape |
divert | 1. to change the course of; 2. to draw someone's attention |
doff | to remove or take off, as clothing |
dogged | persistent in effort; stubbornly tenacious |
dogmatic | asserting without proof; stating opinion as if it were fact in a definite and forceful manner |
dormant | temporarily inactive, asleep |
doze | to nap or sleep lightly |
dread | overwhelming fear, or to be very afraid |
dubious | doubtful |
dungeon | underground room in fortress often used to keep prisoners |
ebullient | overflowing with fervor, enthusiasm, or excitement; high-spirited |
eccentric | n. person who differs from the accepted norms in an odd way; adj. deviating from accepted conduct |
ecstatic | deliriously overjoyed |
eddy | small whirlpool or any similar current |
effect | n. result, impression; v. to produce, make or bring about |
egotist | a self-centered or conceited person |
egress | exit |
elaborate | very detailed or to explain something in greater detail |
elongate | to lengthen |
elusive | hard to find or express |
embellish | to add detail, make more complicated |
embroider | to decorate an object with needlework |
eminent | distinguished, high in rank or station |
emulate | to imitate or copy |
enact | to make into law |
encompass | to form a circle or a ring around |
endorse | to approve, sustain, support |
enigma | mystery or riddle |
enigmatic | unexplainable, mysterious |
ensnare | to capture in, or involve, as in a snare |
entice | to lure or attract by feeding desires |
entourage | group of followers, attendants, or assistants |
epoch | a period of time |
era | period of time |
eradicate | to erase or get rid of |
err | to make a mistake (as in error) |
erudite | knowledgeable and learned |
essential | or the innermost nature of something; basic, fundamental; of great importance |
etiquette | code of social behavior |
evacuate | to empty out, remove, or withdraw |
evanescence | lasting a short time, fading away gradually |
exasperate | to make very angry or impatient |
excavate | to dig up |
exclusion | not being allowed to enter or join |
exile | to banish someone from their native country |
exotic | of foreign origin or character: strange, exciting |
expand | to make greater, broader, larger, or more detailed |
expunge | to delete or omit completely |
exquisite | beautifully made or designed |
extinct | no longer existing |
extol | to praise |
extraction | process or removal or something removed |
extricate | to release form difficulty or an entanglement |
extroverted | outgoing or interested in people |
exuberant | overflowing with joy or happiness |
facet | aspect of something |
fanatic | someone with excessive enthusiasm, especially in politics or religion |
fatal | causing, or capable of causing, death or ruin |
fathom | to understand |
fatigue | v. to exhaust the strength of; n. weariness, tiredness from exertion |
fauna | animals of a given area |
felicity | happiness, bliss |
feral | wild and untamed |
ferocious | savage and fierce |
fervent | showing great warmth, intensity, feeling, enthusiasm; hot, burning, glowing |
fickle | easily changeable, especially in emotions |
fidelity | faithfulness to duties; truthfulness |
finale | the final part of some entertainment, often music |
fission | splitting apart |
flag | to decrease, or diminish |
flagrant | outrageously glaring, noticeable or evident; notorious, scandalous |
flippant | not serious, playful, irreverent |
fluctuate | to shift back and forth without regularity |
foretell | to predict the future |
formidable | able to inspire awe or wonder because of outstanding power, size, etc. |
foundation | basis or groundwork of anything: whether a building or idea |
fragile | easily broken, or damaged |
frank | honest and open |
frequent | adj. happening or occurring at short intervals; v. to visit often |
fringe | the edge or outer portion |
frugal | not wasteful or extravagant |
fundamental | an essential part, basic |
fusion | a joining together |
futile | ineffective, useless: unimportant |
garrulous | talkative and likely to chatter |
gaunt | very thin and bony |
genre | a specific style of art or literature |
germinate | to bud or sprout |
glee | joy, pleasure, happiness |
glib | able to speak profusely; having a ready flow of words (often implies lying or deceit) |
glutton | one who eats and drinks too much, greedy |
gregarious | fond of company |
grotesque | odd or unnatural in some way |
grovel | to humble oneself, to beg |
gruesome | grisly, horrible |
hackneyed | over-used and old-fashioned |
hallowed | regarded as holy, sacred |
harbinger | omen, precursor, forerunner |
harsh | stern or cruel; physically uncomfortable; unpleasant to the ear |
hasty | done quickly; rushed, sloppy |
heed | n. careful attention, notice, observation; v. to listen and obey |
herbivorous | feeding on plants |
heterogeneous | not uniform; made up of different parts that remain separate |
hexagon | polygon having six sides |
hibernate | to spend the winter in a sleep-like, dormant state |
hive | structure where bees live |
hoary | very old, or gray from age |
horrid | something that causes horror, or is at least pretty bad |
hovel | small, miserable shack |
hue | the color or shade of an object |
humid | moist or damp |
idiosyncratic | a characteristic peculiar to an individual, a quirk |
ignite | (literally) to set on fire; (figuratively) to stir emotionally |
illiteracy | inability to read and write |
illuminate | to light up or make clear |
immaculate | spotless; free from error |
imminent | about to happen, on the verge of occurring |
immortal | never-dying |
impasse | road having no exit or a dilemma with no solution |
impediment | an obstacle, something in the way |
imperious | arrogant, behaving like royalty |
impervious | incapable of being penetrated; unable to be influenced |
impious | lacking piety or respect for religion |
implore | to beg or ask earnestly |
imply | to suggest without stating directly |
inadvertent | unintentional |
incentive | motivation or drive to do a particular task or to go in a given direction |
incredulous | not believing |
incumbent | someone who is currently holding a political position |
indicate | to point out or make known with a good degree of certainty |
indictment | the situation of having been charged with a crime |
indifferent | having no feelings or not caring one way or another |
indignant | feeling or expressing remorse for a wrongdoing |
inert | having no power to move or act; resisting motion or action |
infectious | able to be passed from one person to another; contagious |
ingenious | possessing or displaying great creativity and resourcefulness |
ingenuity | inventive skill or cleverness |
inhabit | to reside or live in |
innate | possessed at birth, not learned |
innocent | pure, not guilty |
inquiry | a request for information |
inscribe | to write or etch words on or into a surface |
insinuation | devious hint or sly suggestion made to cause suspicion or doubts |
insipid | lacking interest, dull, boring |
insolent | disrespectful, rude |
insomnia | inability to fall asleep |
insurgent | adj. rebel; adj. rising in revolt, starting a revolution |
integrate | to bring together and make whole |
integrity | a person's moral character, honesty and truthfulness |
irate | full of anger, wrathful, incensed |
ironic | the use of words to express an unintended or contradictory meaning |
itinerant | nomadic, constantly moving |
jeer | to mock in an abusive way; taunting remark |
jest | to joke |
jubilant | feeling joy or happiness |
judicious | having wise judgment |
juxtapose | to place side by side |
keen | sharp-witted and intelligent |
kinetic | relating to motion |
laden | weighed down with a heavy load, burdened |
lagoon | shallow body of water connected to a much larger one, as a lake or sea |
lament | to express grief for, mourn |
languid | slow-moving |
lenient | merciful, not strict |
lethargy | drowsiness, tiredness, inability to do anything much |
limber | bending and moving easily |
linger | to delay or be slow in leaving |
livid | discolored, bruised, or very angry |
lunge | n. sudden forward movement, plunge; v. to thrust something forward |
lush | juicy and tender or covered with plant life |
magnanimous | having a great or noble spirit, acting generously, patiently, or kindly |
malfunction | to fail to function; an instance of failing to function |
malleable | can be molded or shaped |
mar | to damage something and make it imperfect |
marvel | n. amazing thing; something astonishing or marvelous; v. to be surprised or full of wonder |
meager | very small or insufficient |
meek | humble and submissive |
melancholy | very sad or depressing |
mercurial | characterized by rapid and unpredictable changes, fickle |
merge | to blend together |
meteorologist | scientist dealing with weather and weather conditions |
mimic | imitate, copy not always in a complimentary way |
minuscule | tiny, miniature |
mirth | happiness and good cheer |
misbegotten | poorly conceived, poorly planned, based on false assumptions or false reasoning |
mourn | feel sad for, regret |
murky | dark, dim |
nauseous | sickening, makes you feel sick, or turns your stomach |
nebulous | hazy, not well-defined |
nimble | quick and agile in movement or thought |
nomad | someone who has no permanent home and wanders |
nonchalant | without concern, calm and cool |
notify | to tell, let know, give notice |
notorious | known widely and unfavorably |
novice | a beginner |
null | zero value |
obdurate | stubborn |
obese | very fat |
objective | not influenced by personal opinion, just the facts |
obnoxious | offensive and very disagreeable |
obscure | v. to hide or make difficult to find; adj. hard to see; unknown, uncertain |
observation | 1. examination, 2. remark, comment |
obsolete | no longer in use; discarded or outmoded |
obstinate | stubborn |
obstruct | to get in the way of; to block; to hamper |
obtuse | not acute; someone who is not smart; thick, dull |
olfactory | relating to the sense of smell |
ominous | threatening, menacing, having the character of an evil omen |
opportune | appropriate to time or circumstances: timely, lucky |
option | choice selection, preference |
opulent | rich, characterized by wealth |
oration | a formal speech |
orbit | to move around some object, as a planet; to circle; n. the actual route the thing takes when it goes around the other thing (orbit of moon around earth) |
orchid | purple (as in the flower) |
ostentatious | pretentious and flashy |
pact | a formal agreement between two countries; a bargain |
palatable | good tasting |
paradox | contradiction, something that doesn't fit; something that shouldn't be true because it seems to offend common sense, yet is true anyway |
paramount | having superior power and influence |
parch | to make very thirsty |
pardoned | forgiven |
passive | not active; someone who lets things happen rather than himself taking action |
pedantic | overly scholarly, boring |
peddle | sell |
pedestrian | adj. common, everyday, usual; n. one who does not ride but walks |
penitent | feeling or expressing remorse for a wrongdoing |
penurious | extremely stingy or miserly |
perjury | making deliberately false statements under oath |
persevere | to continue in some course of action despite setbacks and opposition |
petrify | literally, to turn to stone; figuratively, to paralyze with fear or with surprise |
pious | religiously devout or moral |
placate | to quiet down, appease; to please |
plagiarism | copying of someone else's work and claiming it as your own |
plausible | seeming to be true |
plight | a bad situation, a predicament |
plumage | the feathers on a bird |
plunder | to steal |
polymorphous | having many shapes |
pompous | characterized by stiff, unnatural formality |
posterity | all of a person's descendents |
preamble | an introduction to a formal document |
premise | an essential fact that others are based on |
presume | to take for granted or to assume something to be true |
procrastinate | to postpone; to put something off to a later time |
procure | to obtain |
profane | to abuse or put to ill use |
profound | deep, wise, serious |
prolific | producing great amounts; fertile |
propel | to move, make something go forward |
prophesy | to predict the future using divine guidance |
prosperous | wealthy or fortunate |
prudent | sensible and wise |
pugnacious | hostile |
pungent | sharp, flavorful |
pursue | to chase, go after |
quandary | a state of uncertainty |
quell | to quiet something raucous (often rebellion); crush, defeat, conquer |
quench | to satisfy a need or desire |
quibble | to complain about little things |
quiver | a portable container for arrows |
rabble | large, disorderly, and easily excited mob |
rabid | (literally) afflicted with rabies; (figuratively) acting fantastically or madly, as if afflicted by rabies |
ramble | to move or speak without direction |
rancid | having a nasty smell or taste, rotting |
rancor | bad feeling, bitterness |
rancorous | showing hatred or ill-will |
random | lacking order, free from order or bias |
ransack | to search thoroughly and messily |
ratify | to approve formally |
ravenous | (literally) wildly eager to eat; (figuratively) hungry for anything |
raze | to destroy utterly |
recalcitrant | disobedient, stubborn |
recede | to move away or become smaller |
recluse | someone who lives far away from other people |
recreation | something done for fun, a hobby or game |
recuperate | to heal or return to good health |
recur | to return; to occur again |
reek | (literally) giving off a strong, offensive odor, strong smell; (figuratively) to be pervaded by something unpleasant |
refrain | to stop or avoid going something, quit |
regal | royal, splendid |
reign | rule over, govern, dominate |
reimburse | to repay someone for their expenses |
reinforce | strengthen, add to |
reminiscence | memory or act of recalling the past |
remote | far away, distant |
rendezvous | a meeting, usually secret |
renowned | well-known, famous, celebrated |
repartee | witty conversation, retort |
repudiate | to reject what one was once associated with |
repugnant | something gross, repulsive, or revolting |
residue | something that remains after a part is taken |
retrospect | the review of past events; hindsight |
reveal | show, divulge, expose |
revel | celebrate noisily, have a party |
revere | to deeply respect or admire |
revile | to criticize with abusive language |
rift | a narrow break |
robust | healthy |
rout | conquer, defeat, and chase off |
rout | an overwhelming defeat or to defeat |
rue | to regret |
ruse | a clever trick |
sage | wise |
salve | something used to heal or soothe |
sanctimonious | acting morally superior, holier-than-thou |
sarcastic | the use of witty language used to insult or show displeasure |
satellite | moon, a small thing going around a bigger thing |
saturate | to fill something to the point where it can hold no more |
saucy | impudent, impertinent, flippant |
savor | to enjoy something with relish or delight |
scald | burn with hot liquid or steam |
scarce | rare, uncommon |
scathing | overly critical |
schism | division or separation between groups of members within an organization |
scorn | to abuse or treat with no respect, or a strong feeling of dislike |
scrupulous | acting in accordance with a strict moral code; thorough in the performance of a task |
scull | a small rowboat or an oar for a rowboat |
secure | v. to fasten, make secure; adj. well-fastened, not likely to fall or come loose |
sedate | to calm, especially by use of a drug |
seethe | to heave or bubble from great inner turmoil, as a volcano; to boil |
sentry | guard, sentinel, watchman |
sequel | addition or result; story that continues a previous one |
shrewd | clever, keen-witted, cunning, sharp in practical affairs |
shun | shy |
significant | meaningful, important, relevant |
sinister | threatening, evil, menacing |
skeptical | doubtful |
skit | a short comic scene |
slack | n. lack of tautness or tension; a time of little activity or dullness; adj. sluggish, idle, barely moving loose, relaxed |
slander | a false and mean-spirited statement meant to injure someone |
sociable | friendly, companionable |
solicit | to seek (something) from another; to make a request of someone |
somber | overly serious, dark, or gloomy |
specify | to mention, name or require specifically or exactly |
splice | to join, bind, attach; in film editing, to join two pieces of film |
sporadic | having no pattern or order |
spurn | reject with scorn, turn away |
squalid | very dirty or foul; wretched |
squander | to waste (often money) on some worthless purchase or practice |
staid | straight-laced and serious |
stark | bare, without decoration |
staunch | steady, loyal |
stealthy | sneaky, secret |
stifle | to hold back or smother |
stress | emphasize, point out |
suave | smooth, graceful, and confident in speech and behavior |
subdue | to bring under control; to decrease the intensity of |
subjective | influenced by personal opinion, biased |
sublime | without equal, awe-inspiring |
succeed | 1. to follow, come after; 2. to prosper, do well |
succumb | to give in, to submit |
suffice | to be adequate or enough |
summit | highest level or point |
superb | wonderful, superior, excellent |
superfluous | more than what is required or needed |
suppress | crush, hold in, hide |
surfeit | overly abundant supply, an excess |
surmise | v. to guess, to infer; n. instance of surmising |
surrogate | person or thing substituted for another |
susceptible | vulnerable, liable to be affected by something |
suspense | fear or anticipation of waiting for something |
sustain | to support |
synopsis | short summary, outline |
taciturn | quiet, tending not to speak |
tactful | acting with sensitivity to others' feelings |
taint | to poison, as a drink; to corrupt, as a person |
tamper | bother, interfere, meddle |
tangible | can be felt by touching; having actual substance |
taut | stretched tightly; tense |
temperament | your usual mood or behavior |
temperate | denying oneself too much pleasure; avoiding extreme positions; moderate, sensible; a mild climate |
tenacious | steadily pursuing a goal, unwilling to give up; stubborn |
tepid | neither hot nor cold, lukewarm; lacking character or spirit, bland |
terminate | to stop, end |
terse | concise, brief, using few words |
tether | n. chain or rope tied to an animal to keep it within specific bounds; v. to fasten or confine |
thrifty | able to handle money wisely, not extravagant |
timid | shy |
toil | hard work, or to work hard |
token | n. sign or symbol; adj. existing in name or appearance only, without depth, or significance |
tome | a book, especially a large and scholarly one |
torrid | extremely hot, scorching |
translucent | almost transparent, able to be seen through clearly |
trepidation | fear, apprehension |
trite | lacking originality, inspiration, and interest |
tryst | a secret meeting |
tumult | noise and confusion |
tyranny | harsh exercise of absolute power |
ultimate | marking the highest point; cannot be improved upon; final |
unanimous | approved by everyone concerned |
uniform | all the same, common |
unkempt | messy, sloppily maintained |
usurp | to seize, take by force (most often used of abstract nouns like "power") |
vacate | leave as in vacation |
vacous | silly, empty-headed, not serious |
vague | not clear or certain |
variegated | having many parts or colors |
vehement | with deep feeling |
vend | to sell goods |
venerate | to regard with deep respect |
vex | to irritate to a great degree, to annoy |
vigor | strength, energy |
virtuoso | a person with great skill, especially a musician |
vitalize | make something come alive |
vivacious | lively, full of spirit |
vivid | very distinct and sharp, realistic |
volatile | easily changeable, quick to explode |
wan | unnaturally pale, lacking color |
wane | to decrease in size or strength |
wantonly | without a reason |
whimsical | impulsive |
wily | cunning and crafty |
wrath | extreme anger |
wretched | miserable, pathetic |
writhe | to squirm or twist as if in pain |
zealous | enthusiastic, eager |