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Vocab Test 2
Bio 201
Term | Definition |
coccy- | cuckoo |
cochlea | snail shell |
coel- | hollow |
commis- | united |
concha | shell |
contra- | against, opposite |
corn-, cornu- | horn |
corona | crown |
corp- | body |
cort- | bark |
cost- | rib |
crani- | skull |
crypt- | hidden |
cusp- | pointed |
cutic- | skin |
cyan- | blue |
cyst- | sac, bladder |
cyt- | cell |
de- | undoing, reversal, loss, removal |
decid- | falling off |
delta | triangular |
den-, dent- | tooth |
dendr- | tree, branch |
derm- | skin |
desm- | bond |
di- | twice, double |
dia- | through, between |
dialys- | separate, break apart |
diastol- | stand apart |
diure- | urinate |
dors- | the back |
duc-, duct | lead, draw |
dura | hard |
dys- | difficult, faulty, painful |
ec-, ex-, ecto- | out, outside, away from |
ectop- | displaced |
edem- | swelling |
ef- | away |
ejac- | to shoot forth |
embol- | wedge |
en-, em- | in, inside |
enceph- | brain |
endo- | within, inner |
entero- | intestine |
epi- | over, above |
erythr- | red |
eso- | within |
eu- | well |
excret- | separate |
exo | outside, outer layer |
extra- | outside, beyond |
extrins- | from the outside |
fasci-, fascia- | bundle, band |
fenestr- | window |
ferr- | iron |
flagell | whip |
flat- | blow, blown |
folli- | bag, bellows |
fontan- | fountain |
foram- | opening |
foss- | ditch |
gam-, gamet- | married, spouse |
gangli- | swelling or knot |
gastr- | stomach |
gene | beginning, origin |
germin- | grow |
gero-, geront- | old man |
gest- | carried |
glauc- | gray |
glom- | ball |
glosso- | tongue |
gluco-, glyco- | gluconeogenesis, the production of glucose from non-carbohydrate molecules |
glute- | buttock |
gnost- | knowing |
gompho- | nail |
gon-, gono- | seed, offspring |