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Unit 1

MGCCC Level 2 Problems w/ labs

- level RBC cause anemia, renal insufficiency
s/s of severe anemia dyspnea, tachycardia, headache
Medical regimen for - RBC diet high in iron, iron supplement
These interfere w/ iron absorption milk and antacids
+ level RBC cause dehydration and shock
Purpose of testing Hgb diagnosing anemia, presence of body fluid deficit
- level of Hgb cause anemia, GI bleed, cirrhosis fo liver, leukemia
- level of Hgb cause (med) penicillin, tetracycline, aspirin, chemo
Nursin implication for imblanced Hgb adequate fluid intake
+ level of Hgb cause dehydration, high altitudes, congestive heart failure
- level Hgb -10.5 consider what? blood transfusion
- level of Hct cause hemmorhage, acute blood loss, anemias, leukemias,
- level of Hct cause (meds) antibiotics, radioactive agent
- level of Hct check for changes in vitals (-BP), s/s anemia
Hct taken immediately after blood loss and after transfusions may appear... normal, wait 6 hr
- level of platelet count cause cancer, anemia, liver disease (cirrhosis, hepatitis)
+ level of platelet count cause trauma(surgery,fractures), tuberculosis
- level of platelet observe what? s/s bleeding or gastrointestinal(rectal bleeding)or bruising
- level of WBC cause viral diseases (rheumathoid arthritis)
+ level of WBC cause Acute bacterial infections
WBC assess for s/s infection (elevated temp, + pulse, edema, redness, and exudate
Purpose for testing Sodium level detect sodium imbalance, compare sodium level w/ that of other electrolytes (potassium, chloride)
- level of Sodium cause low-sodium diet, burns
-level of Sodium cause (meds) potent diuretics
+ level of Sodium cause congestive heart failure, hepatic failure, high-sodium diet
- level of Sodium assess for... s/s of hyponatremia (muscular twitching, muscular weakness, tachycardia, hypotension)
Glucose is formed from... dietary carbohydrates
Glucose is stored as glycogen in the... liver and skeletal muscles
Purpose of monitoring glucose is to confirm diagnosis of prediabetic state, monitor bg levels for diabetic clients taking antidiabetic agent
- level of Glucose cause hypoglycemic reaction, malnutrition, alcoholism
+ level of Glucose cause diabetes mellitus, diabetes acidosis, infections, diseases of pancreas
-level of Glucose assess for... s/s of hypoglycemia (nervousness, confusion, cold and clammy skin) and inadequate food intake
+ level of Glucose assess for.... s/s of hyperglycemia (polydipsia, polyuria, polyphagia)
Glucose teach client to test bg... before meals
Created by: krawls2
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