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Unit 1

MGCCC Level 2 Time Management dw

What is time management? Technique disigned to assisnt in completing tasks w/in a definite time period
what are time wasters? any activity that has fewer benifits and generally less internal satisfaction than another activity
what are som external time wasters? Socializing, loack of team work, duplicating errors
Internal Time wasters Procrastination, inability to say "NO" shifting priorities w/out rationale
How is delegation important? It is a component of nursing time management. Appropriate delegation increases time efficiency.
What is appropriate to delegate to a tech? Bed bath, VS, I&O's, Feeding
When prioratizing Critical Care, what falls under High Level? ABC, life threatening, Require immediate attention
What is Intermediate critical care? Signifigant but not life threatenig,pain, Mental status change, s/s infection, other pt safety
What falls under low level priority? Needs to be addressed according to resourses. may not be related to a specific illness.
How to use Priority setting with Maslow's Hierarchy? understand that the bottom level has to be fullfilled befor higher levels can can energize or have energy devoted to them
What are some of the needs that fall under Physiological? O2,Fluids, Nutrition, Body Temperature,Elimination, Sex
Priority Setting using CURE? Critical-life threateningUrgent-SafetyRoutine-VS, CBGExtras-Pt. teaching,comfort measures
Prioritizing using the nursing process? A-analyzeD-diagnoseP-planI-implementE-evaluate
What is important to remember about priority setting? Be prepared, think critically, patient safety, quality outcomes, patient preference
Popular Nursing sets




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